Yesterday we discussed menu plans, stockpiling and how to get the best value for money when shopping. I hope you read the comments too beca...
I'm guessing that most of us try to live well without spending too much money. Some of us are forced via our circumstances to do it, so...
I finished the frugal living book on Friday, mainly because I dragged it out by doing bits and pieces that had nothing to do with the book,...
An email arrived last week from a reader in Canberra. For those of you who don't live here, Canberra is situated half-way between Sydne...
When I was growing up, my mother, like most other women, did her grocery shopping at what was often called the corner shop. This was a litt...
Permaculture is a design system started in Australia, originally for permanent agriculture and homesteads, but now the principles have spre...
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