In the next few posts about food security I'd like to write about what we grow for our own fresh food needs, and how we grow food for s...
Google "home-based economy' and you get a lot of links about setting up a business at home, earning money from home and a lot of f...
Hanno and Kerry drove to Toowoomba at 2am this morning so Kerry could board the plane to take him out west to work. Sunny needs the car dur...
You start thinking about making changes to your life, you decide that now is the time, you get all fired up to do something new, like recyc...
I've had a number of emails from readers who want to start preserving food in jars but don't know where to start or what equipment ...
Hanno and I had a lovely day out last Thursday, visiting friends just north of here. Our good friends Beverly and Michael have just moved i...
I had an email from seagreen last week asking: I am getting more and more interested in preserving. I've always done a bit, jams an...
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