I had an email from a reader last week asking two questions: If you were to start over again, what activities would you start with first...
I received this email from a reader last week and I have to admit I'd not really given the topic much thought until then. "I wa...
Newcomers to the blog have sent a few emails recently asking how to start living more simply. I wish there was a clear answer to that but t...
I think a lot about role models - about being one and about learning from them. Nothing inspires me more than seeing a woman working true t...
I've been cooking from scratch since I started cooking nearly fifty years ago. It makes sense to me because it's tastier, I know wh...
How do you blog? What makes your blog so popular? What's your blogging secret? These are three questions I'm often asked. The simpl...
I read a report the other day that said the babies born for 15 years after 2010 (our grand babies!) will be known as Gen A, the Alpha Genera...
As many of you know, our family is going through a renewal at the moment.  Both my parents and Hanno's have died, we are getting older a...
If you were wondering where we were yesterday, Hanno and I were out volunteering.  After an early breakfast of tea and toast, we travelled u...
I read a very interesting article in the New York Times last week -  Susan Jacoby's   Real  Life Among the Old Old .   It confirmed a th...
I received an email during the week from a young woman in Tasmania.  With her permission I'm replying to her here because I know more go...
If you're making ginger beer with me, today you'll need to feed the beast, and you'll feed it every day for about a week, or for...
I had two emails recently from women who are new to all this and they're hesitating to dive in because one is not a good cook and the o...
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