3 December 2021

Weekend Reading

Another good fall of rain this week with over 220mm in the gauge. I say "over" because the rain gauge was overflowing again when I emptied it. It feels wonderful having an abundance of fresh water.

We finally got a neurologist appointment for Hanno. Our GP pushed for him to be seen urgently, the next appointment was in March! We still have over a week to wait and in the meantime he's moving around with the help of a walker and only goes from the bedroom to the living room, and back again at night. 

The Sustain issue of Taproot arrived today with the article on four of us simple living folk - Heather, Alyson, Farai and myself. 

We made the decision to give the chickens away. We've kept chickens for nearly 40 years and it will seem strange not having them clucking in the backyard and having the opportunity to go out and collect fresh eggs.  For everything there is a season.

Another change will be that this will be my last blog post of the year because I'm having trouble keeping up with the work I have to do now. I'm sure you understand. I'll keep in touch with you on Instagram.

I'm getting ready to bake our Christmas cake.  Dried fruit wallowing in French brandy - it should be a good one.

Donna and I had another great online catchup today. I love talking to her face-to-face. We really get each other so the conversation flows and we have a laugh.

Thanks for your visits this year. I hope you enjoy the holidays and have a chance to relax and unwind.  Don't forget, I'll make sporadic posts on Instagram to keep in touch over the holidays.

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