1 March 2008

Shopping tote swappers

I am so glad that everyone is excited about the shopping tote swap. I hope that those who haven't yet signed up will go ahead and take the plunge-it is really a lot of fun!! I would also like to ask Deb of Homespun Living and Jayedee to please give us an e-mail address (don't forget to spell it out to keep the spam away). I am still receiving tea cosy photos and will start posting the "Partial Parade of Tea Cosies" (say that really fast five times) this week-end. There will probably be about 5 different posts of the photos so look for yours in the next few days. If anyone has any questions about the swap please feel free to e-mail me at cdetroyes at yahoo dot com Happy Swapping!! Sharon


  1. here's mine!
    ntiveheart at cfl dot rr dot com

  2. Thanks Jayedee-I have your info complete now!

  3. Sorry I left that out! My e-mail address is ~ dadesign[at]rochester[dot]rr[dot]com


  4. Thanks Deb-I have your info now!


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