3 March 2008

Shopping Tote Swap

Hello everyone. I hope all of you enjoyed all the rounds of the "Parade of Tea Cosies". I just wanted to remind everyone that the deadline to sign up for the shopping bag tote swap is Wed., March 5. If you have any friends who might be interested please pass on the blog address so they can sign up too. Have a great week and we will sort out the swap buddies on Thursday and Friday (it is a popular swap and there are nearly 90 already signed up). I hope to post the swap buddies on Saturday, March 8. Happy swapping!


  1. Please sign me up for the Tote bag swap, I love this site and even though I have never made anything, I feel inspired to have a try :-)
    Please pair me up with another novice so we can share our strange looking bags
    (steph dot martyn at btopenworld dot com)

  2. I would love to join the Tote bag swap. dbrown50 at bigpond dot net dot au.


    Jennifer B

  3. Please sign me up for the Tote bag swap. I love bugs and frogs...what fun to think about how I can incorporate them into the tote I make for a newfound friend! diane@sunbelthomes.com

    Thanks much,

    Diane P.

    PS I don't know much about blogging, so I just put myself in as Anonymous. Hope that works.

  4. Hello Jennifer, Steph, and Diane-I have you down for the swap. could you please let me know whether you want to swap inernationally or would like to stay in your country? Thank-you and welcome to the swap!!

  5. I would love to join in the Tote Bag Swap. Am I too late? My email address is konzeb@hartwick.edu

  6. Please sign me on for the tote bag swap. I have been experimenting with crocheting a market bag and would love to pass one on to another. A word of warning, I am a left-handed beginner who has been teaching herself. I would prefer to exchange in the US if possible simply to keep postage down but would exchange internationally if needed.

    Thank You,
    gtdunbar at insightbb dot com

  7. Barbara and Heather I have you down on the swap list-Barbara do you want to exchange in your country or internationally? Just let me know.

  8. I woulld like to be in this one.
    I would be happy to post internationally.

    catemerald at gmail dot com

  9. Hello, I would love to be part of your swap. Thanks Cherrie

  10. Count me in!

    Thanks, and looking forward to it,

    indigo52 at sbcglobal dot net

  11. Cherrie (willywagtail) please give us your e-mail address (spell it out to keep the spammers away) Thank-you!

  12. Hi there....please sign me up too!? I am a new blogger and have been lurking around your site a bit (love it) and have had my sewing machine out of hybernation lately. I am a little rusty too but have been wanting to join in with you guys, so will be brave and jump right in! I am on a friends computer today (broadband problems at home) so am not sure when I will be able to access the net again but wanted to quickly put my name down anyway....I'm not even sure how these swaps work? :0
    Happy to swap wherever in the world! Thanks!
    cridsea at hotmail dot com.

  13. Two of us would love to sign up for the tote swap. We would prefer to swap within the US if possible.
    My email is lemesurier at theshepherdshouse dot com

    The other email is annaleah dot riley at gmail dot com

    Thank you so much for the opportunity to do this!

  14. Sorry Sharon, International or within the UK is fine with me, whatever works the easiest for you

  15. Hi Sharon, I am ok posting internationally.

    Jennifer B

  16. I would love to join the tote bag swap...am happy to post internationally....rachelleblondel at btinternet dot com

  17. Hi again!
    My address is
    fritzcat2@yahoo.com.au . Thanks Cherrie

  18. Sharon
    Either home or abroad would be fine with me... thanks for letting me join.


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