28 March 2008

Shhhhh, I'm reading

Shhhhhhh, quiet please. I'm reading my favourite blog - it won't take long, there is only one I read every day; though I have a couple more I read when I have time.

I'm not sure where inspiration comes from, or how is it stirred within us, but I know that when I read Soulemama's blog I am urged to think more creatively and to find the joy in my ordinary everyday life. It reminds me that I can make this day anything I want it to be. It shows me the possibilities that are ever present, and that those possibilities could be as simple as knitting with soft wool or a significant reminder of the importance of family. That blog is the one I always read. It is well written, insightful, funny and wise. I really like that girl.

I would love to have the time to search for other challenging and engaging blogs and sometimes, when I have a spare 30 minutes, I do look, but I rarely find what I'm looking for. And, if truth be told, I don't know what I'm looking for. I found it in Jewel's blog, and in Amamda's, but most of the blogs I find, although many are interesting, there is that special element - let's call it inspiration - that eludes me. Maybe I'm too fussy, but I would love to find a handful of blogs that I could read every day and find affirmation, entertainment, truth and involvement.

I wonder if you would share your favourite blogs with me so I could see if I can build on my small list. If you'd like to share, just add the link to the comments and I'll transfer them to this post so we canall easily click through them.


I'm not adding any more links to this post. Thanks to everyone who contributed.


  1. I read yours every day, Rhonda. You always post your morning post just as I sign off for the night and I look forward to seeing if you are up yet and what your plans are for the day, before I end mine!

    I just wanted to let you know that you inspired me today. After dusting off my sewing machine for the tote swap, I have now agreed to barter with a friend I met through a social forum online. She gets cook books free as a benefit of her work - more than she can make use of, and so we have agreed to barter a couple of her books for a couple of home-made aprons I will make for her and her daughter from some pretty fabric I have never used.

    How's that for inspiration! Thank you for your help in my own life xx

    PS I've put off cleaning the fridge til the weekend though.... ;)

  2. Rhonda,

    I was just on Soulemama before I came to yours. Imagine my surprise when I saw Adelaide pop up on your screen on my screen. I too love Soulemama and read her every day, plus you.

    Another blog that speaks to me is Africankelli, she is in Arizona and often travels to Africa and South America for her job and does good work when she's there. I was lucky enough to be able to participate when she went to Africa last time and wanted to bring goodie bags for the orphans she was going to visit, it was truly something special and I always enjoy her recipes, stories, and admire the life she lives. I don't know if she's your "cup of tea" but you might want to pop on over and take a look.

    Again, thank you for your wonderful blog. You keep me mindful of the life I am living and trying to make it the one I want to live.


  3. Hi Rhonda Jean,
    I enjoyed my cup of tea. :) I cleaned my refridg today and posted pictures on my blog with a link back to yours. :)

  4. Hi, Rhonda. This is one that I read daily apart from yours.


    Not only is she an excellent quilter but she enjoys cooking too. But each to their own. What works for one will not work for another. Me, I am trying to learn to quilt. With blogs one takes out what interests you to build up yourself, your interests and your gaps in your life to add to your knowledge.


  5. These are some I like. The naturemoms one isn't just parenting stuff. I'm not a mom but I still find some useful stuff on there sometimes.


  6. Hi there Rhonda Jean
    I have to admit Down to Earth is my first port of call every day but I also visit these blogs a pretty regular basis. I like them because they are all a bit 'different'
    Best wishes

    http://houseworkstuff.blogspot.com/ Home comforts and domestic minutiae
    http://www.roboppy.net/food/ The girl who ate everything (this is much better than it sounds!)
    http://www.movetoportugal.blogspot.com/ Not a chatty blog but always good financial homework
    http://cranethie.blogspot.com/ Cathys capers

  7. Just realised that I dont know how to make links.

  8. Hello Rhonda, well, my top two blogs are yours and Soulemama - both inspiring, and both hit the spot for different reasons. My other, more recent find is http://zenhabits.net/ which is wonderful for tips and guidance on simplicity, focus, de-cluttering, setting goals etc. Worth a look! I don't think it's as easy as one thinks to write an informative and well-written blog, and keep it up over time without getting stale. I've not been going long with mine, but feel it's taking ages to find my feet, and see where I'm going with it. Diana x

  9. Here are some of my favorites who update frequently:




  10. I like this one.


  11. I too have always enjoyed Judys blog. So many wonderful quilting ideas. I also read

  12. I have several that I visit everyday, but two that go along with living simply would be:


  13. My goodness, I am so honored to be included! What a wonderful thing you have going here. I look forward to reading more and learning from your site and from this new and improved way of living.

  14. It's not been that long since I discovered the wonderful world of blogs, who knew there were so many people out there that liked the things I like.

    I read this blog most days, sometimes several times a day when I remember something I am sure I saw here. You are very inspirational, Rhonda, you make me want to get off my butt and do things. You are responsible for my family having homemade hot cross buns this easter, they loved them.

    One thing I also love doing is checking out the comments and clicking the names to visit other blogs. Have learnt and discovered so much that way. it's all great fun.

  15. I like bean sprouts


    Anna Marie

  16. I cheekily say, give me own blog a chance Rhonda Jean! ahahahha


    Sorry for the self-promotion but I just adore reading your blog everyday and I actually get my inspirations from you!


  17. I Too rhonda jean read you every morning its about 8am here now

    this is another blog i read daily more a cooking on a budget but inspirational all the same

    Sharron in the UK

  18. http://www.shirleygoode.com/


    here's the link

    Sharron in the UK

  19. My daily reads include

    http://www.lizzieshomeworld.blogspot.com and zen habits but someone already posted that.
    I also like http://unclutterer.com/


  20. Here's two I love that haven't been mentioned yet:


    I read yours every day. It's on my Short List. ;)

    Robin in Ca.

  21. Though I seldom comment, I read your blog every day and enjoy it very much. I found you through Jewels blog. I too have been searching for same kind of inspiration I used to find there, but it was so unique I fear I may never find so much in one place.I appreciate this post and I'm willing to share some of my favorites that haven't been mentioned:


  22. I read yours everyday and I just came upon a new one I like,


    I noticed she also has you listed as a favorite.

  23. I am a regular reader of your blog, too. At times I am envious of your ability to do things without little children running amok underfoot, lol. But I believe you have already raised children, and I know my time will come some day when I'll have more freedom and perhaps wish I could hear the patter of feet and the calling of small voices for assistance. Thanks for your inspiring words.

  24. I read your blog every chance I get-and my dh and I have found a great deal of inspiration from it!
    We had lots of dreams of becoming more self-sufficient (less dependent on electricity, water, and grocery stores)and although we live in the city we always had a big garden and even kept chickens for a few years. All the while, our dream was to move to a more rural setting but that wasn't meant to be and we kind of lost sight of why we were doing what we were doing and stopped. After finding your blog through Jewel's, I began reading many of your entries to my dh and we have begun preparations for a garden again this year and even looked into the aquaponics system. We would love to have chickens again as well but will have to get our neighbor's approval because our neighbors have changed since we had them last. All in all, we have been inspired to rethink our goals and be fruitful where we have been planted. We still hope to some day live somewhere more rural but realize that there's no reason to not do what we can to be self-sufficient where we are. Much of that is thanks to your blog!
    I do understand what you have written though-I miss Jewel's blog terribly and although I read a few others (besides your own)none are quite as inspiring to me as her's was.
    At any rate, I wanted to let you know that you touch lives through your blog too and that I am thankful for the inspiration received!
    Many blessings,

  25. I invite you to come and visit me. I enjoy your blog and read it often. I too will be sewing this weekend to get my shopping bag done and in the mail.

    I've never done a swap like this. It's fun. Thank you for hosting!

    Laura of Harvest Lane
    SW Missouri USA
    Happy at Home

  26. HI Rhonda Jean,

    I've recently found two new blogs that you may enjoy:


    I read several blogs each day, for different types of inspiration. These are more inspiration for the soul. Others are inspiration for the mind, inspiration for action, etc. Two other regular reads for my soul:


  27. Thanks for linking to me. I'm glad you like Bean Sprouts. I somehow never discovered Down To Earth before, but now I've found you I'm looking forward to reading through your archives, and checking out some of the other blogs on your list.

  28. I probably read far too many blogs ( I blame Bloglines for being easy to use!) But one of the first ones I read is still a favourite www.littlecottonrabbits.typepad.co.uk

    I enjoy your blog and have been reading your archives - yesterday I read the post about fridge cleaning and felt the need to clean mine for the first time in ages!

  29. http://cheeseslave.wordpress.com/about/

  30. I love your blog Rhonda. You have been the inspiration for me to start crafting again (just what a busy mother of 5 needs, more hobbies!).

    Another blogger who I love and you might be interested to read about is http://lafermedesourrou.blogspot.com/ (aka the hardworking hippy).

  31. Thanks for including me here; I've been inundated with visitors!

    Here are a few that aren't on your list yet:
    http://crockpot365.blogspot.com/ - this last one is truly wonderful; a new crockpot recipe every day.

  32. How fun to find my blog on the list! (Thank you, Melinda.) And here's one for the list that makes me smile. It can be as quick as a glance although I often linger. It's good inspiration in a different way than words. 3191

  33. Have just discovered morningramble.blogspot.com which I think you and your readers would also enjoy.

  34. Hi Rhonda, Im Lisa from michigan in the U.S. I so glad I found your blog. It has inspired me to comsume less and preserve more in this world God gave us. Thanks for sharing your wisdom. Here are 2 other blogs I couldnt do without.
    http://aholyexperience.com/ and
    Thanks again, Lisa

  35. This is my favourite blog next to yours.



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