2 March 2008

Parade of Cosies round 5

to denise from leah
to leah from denise

These are all the pictures we have received so far...we will add more as we get them. We would still love to get photos of the cosies, so we can show off your hard work and creativity!!!

Sharon and Lorraine


  1. What lovely cosies! Well done everyone who swapped. I wanted to join this one, as I love my tea made in a pot, but I was too busy for it. It does my heart good though to see what you all worked on.

  2. I noticed Cate hasn't sent in a photo of what I sent her. I have a photo of it if you would like.

  3. Thanks Lightening. Send it to Sharon please: cdetroyes at yahoo dot com and she'll post it for all of us to see.

  4. Wow! There are some talented ladies out there! They're all so beautiful that's it's hard to say which I love most. And they're so beautifully photographed too.

  5. So many creative cosies! I hope to be able to participate in swaps once we move in mid-May.

  6. Lightening-I have received your cosy photo and one other and will get these up this evening! I am still short a couple of cosy photos so send them in ya'll!!


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