14 October 2007

Napkin swap photos - 2

Here are some photos of the napkins received so far. If you have not yet sent or received your napkins, please let me know. Senders and receivers names are below the photos. If you have a photo of the swap you want to share with us, please email it to me and I'll include it in the next swap lot.

I'm sure you'll agree there are a lot of lovely items here. Well done to everyone who took part in the swap.

I also wanted to add that my package from Kimberly was opened by Australian customs. Nothing was taken out but it was picked up by one of the customs dogs as having a "herbal" smell. LOL Kimberly had included a little lavendar sachet.

Australian customs is the strictest in the world. We are an isolated country, the only island continent, and it is because of this isolation that we've been free of many of the diseases in other lands. Many things are banned from being sent to Australia so on the next wswap, I'll list these banned substances as listed in the literature the Customs Department sent in Kimberly's package. They're all innocent, but not allowed to be sent here.

Christi from Leah

Tami from Elizabeth

Tracy from Jayedee

Marianna from Morgan

Morgan from Marianna

Deb from Rhonda Jean

Rhonda Jean from Deb

Rhonda Jean from Kimberly

Kathleene from Emme

Lenny from Niki

Niki from Lenny

Linda from Aimee

Polly from Mrs Mk

Cheryl (cooper'swife) from Jenny (wren)
Jenny from Cheryle (cooperswife)

Heather from Lisa

Lisa from Heather You're a talented artist, Heather!



  1. How lovely! I wonder, are you planning on hosting another swap anytime soon?

    And Rhonda, thanks for all the great canning tips you posted before!

  2. How wonderful this is! I love swapping, Rhonda. It's a great way to reach around the world!
    Please do one again soon!

  3. wow, what a lovely collection!

  4. All gorgeous! This was such wonderful fun :)
    I emailed you my pic from Heather but if you can't find it let me know Rhonda :)

  5. Hi Anna. Most certainly we are having more swaps. The next one will be fairly soon.

    Hello Niki, I agree. It's a wonderful way to connect with other women around the world.

    Hi Ali.

    Lisa, I'm going to check for your photo. I'll let you know if it isn't there.

  6. It's so neat to see the variety! I had a lot of fun with this.

  7. I found it, Lisa. Sorry love. I also added Jenny's from Cheryl.

  8. How pretty,
    I can't wait for the next swap.

  9. What a lot of gorgeous napkins. Thanks for posting all those pictures Rhonda it was great to see what everyone swapped.

    cheers lenny

  10. Well done everyone - especially Rhonda and her helpers for organising it all! Glad you found my picture. Heather's watercolour is now proudly hanging in my dining room :)

  11. They are all wonderful!

    Thank you so much for organising the swap Rhonda - I really enjoyed it.

  12. Thank you, Rhonda! I do love to paint and wanted to send Lisa a little painting to make up for my crooked stitches :o) The purple napkins she sent me were perfect for my kitchen ~ and the little package was full of stamps for my kids who love Aussie things and were excited to receive a package all the way from the Southern Hemisphere (thank you again, Lisa!)
    Can't wait until the next swap!

  13. Gosh, your swaps are great!!!


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