17 October 2007

Late napkins

Mrs mk from Polly

Chookasmum from Sharon

Emme from Kathleene

It is now 2½ weeks since the posting deadline for the napkin swap. All the napkins should have been received by now. If you have not received your napkins, please comment on this post. Carla has not received from Hannah yet. Is there anyone else? Hannah, would you let me know when you posted your napkins, thanks.



  1. Rhonda - I have a message/reply from Hannah today - she has received them but has been busy with sick kitties where she has been housesitting. I can certainly understand how that could throw one's world into a turmoil! (having 4 of my own)
    Do you still have the photos I sent of the napkins I received from her?

  2. I'm so pleased Hannah contacted you, carla. Of course, the kittens must have her on the hop. I just looked for the photo of your napkins and can't find it so can you resend? I'll add it to the others when I get it.

  3. On the way!

  4. Rhonda, mine still haven't arrived from Pura and I'm pretty sure she hasn't received mine to her yet either. As she's in Spain, maybe the post takes longer between Australia and Europe than it does with the UK or USA. I posted mine to her on the 1st of Oct, so hopefully she will get them soon.

  5. Rhonda, I sent mine to Bobbi Jo and she received them ok, but I'm still waiting on mine from her.... she did say she was moving though, so perhaps things are a little hectic at her end. Just thought I'd update you.

  6. Rhonda- I just received my wonderful package from Lorraine today! She has taken the pictures since my camera broke and my youngest took the other one to live with her in Ventura. I am one lucky camper-my swap buddy sent me amazing napkins and a couple of wonderful stitchery and quilting patterns-what a neat treat!! This was my first time swapping and it will certainly not be the last!! Sharon

  7. Mine still have not arrived. Fortunately Linda got the ones I sent her.

  8. rhonda! i recieved my lovely napkins from tracy and a yummy bar of soap too! haven't sent photos as my camera is on the blink but did want to let you know i am happily using my wonderful new napkins!

  9. Rhonda Jean,
    I'm ashamed to admit it, but I still have not posted my napkins either. :-( However, I have been in contact with Mystele and she is aware and has been very understanding. :-)
    We had a flu bug and various other family crises that prevented my getting them done but I promise to have them posted by Saturday or Monday and will try to photograph them before shipping.
    Thanks so much,
    Michelle (Heartathome)

  10. I guess I should have ended that first sentence with YET instead of either. At any rate, I wanted to mention that ours will probably ship pretty quickly because we're both in the USA. :-)

  11. Rhonda, as you know,I did receive mine but do not have a digital camera. (Although it is at the top of my "wish list" right now.) I can take one with my regular camera but then I'd have to wait to finish the roll of film :(


  12. Hi Rhionda, I heard from "busywoman" on the 5th but the box hasn't arrived yet -hopefully soon! Dee

  13. Thanks everyone. I'll try and get my head around this later today. I thn most of the parcels have arrived and there are just a few straglers left to come in.

    Michelle (Heartathome), thank you for letting us know what's happening there. I hope you're all well now. And thank you also for contacting Mystele. It's a big help to me when you have contact with your partners and let each other know what's happening.

  14. IH Rhonda, I just received my beautiful package from "busywoman" and it is lovely! She also included padded hangers made by her 100 year old grandma!Thank you so much for organizing this fun swap! dee

  15. Hi, Rhonda! I'm posting here because I'm afraid you won't get my email. I've posted a pic of my goodies from Michelle on my Flickr site
    http://www.flickr.com/photos/8855975@N03/sets/72157602671075586/ Thanks for hosting a fun and practical swap.

  16. http://www.flickr.com/photos/8855975@N03/sets/72157602671075586/
    Sorry! Part of the link was cut off.


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