11 October 2007

Lunch, a movie and the look

This is not where we went yesterday. I took this is a photo a bit further down the coast, closer to where we live. This is King's Beach, Caloundra where we had lunch earlier in the year.

I got through my chores yesterday and just as we were about to go out, there was an almighty storm with loud cracking thunder, lightning and a lot of rain. The dogs were terrified and we were almost convinced we should stay home when it cleared and settled back to normal, so off we went on our merry way.

We went to the library first, it was a library I don't usually go to - we have four libraries in our shire, and they didn't have many of the type of books I usually read. Hanno read the day's newspaper while I browsed the shelves, looking for something to borrow. I ended up taking the Reader's Digest book of Australian birds, the knitty.com knitting book and one called The Country Store which is about traditional Western food. I think I'll have them all read by Friday and go back to my regular library that caters to my more unconventional tastes.

Lunch was at the Maroochy surf club and it was there that I realised the battery in my camera was dead. I wanted to take a photo of the view because the surf club is right on the beach. Oh well, maybe next time. After lunch we went to the huge shopping complex at Maroochydore where the movie was showing. Luckily we could enter the cinema at the side and bypassed most of the shops.

The movie was very good and we both enjoyed it. I think almost everyone there was over 50, which was a shame because it's not just an oldies movie. If you get a chance to see it, please do. It is not suitable for children. In Australian it has an M rating - mature audience.

We laughed on the way home that it was the first time in a couple of years we'd been out while cars had their lights on. We used to always go out at night but now we're quite content to do our roaming during daylight hours and be home together at night.

Hanno took $50 from the change jar for our outing, so what did this afternoon out cost our frugal family? $48.50 I think that's a lot of money but I guess by today's standards it isn't. The breakdown is: 2 lunches @ $10.95 each = $21.90 + one ginger ale @ $2.10 so our lunch cost $24. Movie tickets cost $14 for me and $10.50 for Hanno, he got a pensioner discount. We paid for the outing with some of the money we had left over from our holiday. There is another $100 of holiday money still in the change jar to be used on whatever takes our fancy. Who knows what we'll get up to next. ; )

True to my word, I made this toast: "To all my blog readers spread far and wide all over the world. Thank you for making blogging so much fun for me." I took a sip of my drink and told Hanno he had to as well. It was then he gave me THE look. LOL! I knew I'd get it at some point. It's a wonderful thing to know someone so well.

I'll be back later with another post.


  1. lol at your "toast". Glad you & Hanno had a lovely afternoon out. The movies are so expensive aren't they?!

  2. You only just got THE look? Gosh, I get it at least once a day. LOL!

  3. I am glad you had such a great day, hopefully the rest will have done you the world of good, what a beautiful spot too. We are so lucky in in Oz to have so many lovely things around us.

  4. Ah, yes. The look. I know it well.
    Glad you had a good day.

  5. Wow, we thought movies were expensive in Canada at $10! But I'm so glad that you had a wonderful afternoon together and that the film was good! What a beautiful part of the world you live in Rhonda!

  6. What film did you see? I can't find where you mentioned it.

  7. Awwwwwwwww Thanks for such a sweet toast. I am sure William would give me that look too. LOL I haven't been to the movies in a couple of years. We really should go as there is a theatre here that has $2.00 tickets for all shows.

  8. Sounds like a nice afternoon out. Thanks for the toast. LOL at the 'look'.

    cheers Lenny

  9. It just shows you that we humans are the same all over the world. We all know what THE look is. LOL! I think that's wonderful.

    And yes, the movies are very expensive. The last time we went we had free coupons, the time before that it was $8.

    Kate, we saw "Away from her". Starring the fabulous Julie Christie.

  10. LOL - poor Hanno :) He's got quite the adopted family in all of us, hasn't he? So glad that you two had fun! Love, Q

  11. Glad you had a wonderful afternoon.I loved your toast. I'm sure my DH also thinks I'm nutty when I talk about my bloggy friends. So and so did this and it really works. etc etc.

    He loves the results from your recipes though LOL!!!!



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