10 October 2007

Catching up ... on work and sleep

I've just spent two very busy, but satisfying, days at work. I swear that when I drive home after a day's work, I feel elated and happy and able to move mountains. When I arrived home yesterday I talked to Hanno, there was mail to read - a thank you note from two little boys : ) - and lots of emails. I usually have a million things battling for space in my head when I get home, it's a mix of sorting through what I've done during the day, and being at ease with decisions made and the actions taken. Yesterday I was two hours late leaving work and I didn't have time to make notes and lists of follow ups, so when I got home, that is what I did. After that, I fell in a heap. I had a shower and went to bed.

I still feel tired this morning so I'll take it easy today and look after myself. I have a few things to catch up on, Hanno did the washing yesterday to beat the storms so washing isn't one of them. Good. But I do have to tidy up, write a couple of letters, answer a lot of emails and work in the garden for a short period. I have to finish picking the pigeon peas before the king parrots take them all and tie up some tomatoes.

I hope to have that all completed by 12 noon as I have plans to take Hanno out to lunch and a movie. I have been wanting to see Away from Her since I saw it reviewed on the SBS Movie Show. It finishes tomorrow so we have to go today. I think lunch and this movie is just what I need to relax for the day. We haven't been out for a long time so I know Hanno will enjoy it. He will choose where we have lunch so it will probably be one of the surf clubs overlooking the beach. : )

I have been thinking of what I could use as a giveaway to mark 50,000 visitors. We should pass that mark tomorrow. I've decided the prize will be the Give More, Expect Less stitchery that is featured on this blog under my photo. It is very precious to me as it is little dots of my philosophy of life bound up in stitches. It's no great work of art but it's a nice way to remind oneself of what has meaning in this life. It's important to me to sometimes give away something I really want to keep. It keeps me on my toes. So when we pass the milestone number, I'll make a special post where you can enter your name if you'd like to be in the draw for the prize.

I hope everyone is well and happy. Thank you for stopping by today.

Graphic: Still Life with Sleeping Woman, Henri Matisse, from art.com


  1. Rhonda,

    Thank you for an honest post. Sometimes I wonder how you do it all and before noon? What time do you wake up?

    I struggle with how to get everything done during the day. I homeschool both of our girls and then have housework.

    Thank you for a Wonderful Blog!


    From Ky

  2. Hello Renee dear. I usually get up at 4am. Have you read Bel's blog yet? She has six children and she homeschools and I think she has some of her routines on her blog. They may help you if you're struggling. : ) Take care.

  3. Rhonda,

    Thank You!


    From Ky

  4. Rhonda, I am inspired to be more organised each time I read your posts. Isn't it tempting to be down on yourself for not achieving the things you plan! I love the process of your posts, in that even the small things are mentioned. Of course washing and ironing and answering letters aren't particularly glamorous or earth shattering, but they take time to complete and do well, and that in itself is worth noting. Have a gorgeous day up there on the coast overlooking the sea and take the time to feel revived. Lisa J

  5. rest, just rest! Lunch and a movie are a great way to unwind.

  6. Hi Rhonda Jean :) I hope that you and Hanno had a lovely date. Your idea of a special way to celebrate a milestone visit is just wonderful! Love to you, Q

  7. I hope you & Hanno thoroughly enjoy lunch out and the movie!

  8. Volunteer work of the kind you undertake on Mondays and Tuesdays can be very stressful as I'm sure you know :-)so it's good to see that you are giving yourself and Hanno too of course, a nice treat today. Enjoy it.

  9. Enjoy the day! Let me know what you think of the movie, I too would like to see it. I think it is the one with Julie Christie?

  10. I am a firm believer in listening to your body and this morning since i didn't have to go to work today I slept nearly two hours longer. I love going on "dates" with my boyfriend as it is important to do things outside the house as a couple. Sometimes if finances are tight we just go for a walk or a ride along the beachfront, othertimes we go to see a movie together. Enjoy your day Rhonda :)

  11. Rhonda,

    I have been thinking. I hope it is'nt to personal but if you get up and 4:00. What time do you go to bed?

    Sorry if I have been asking to many questions.


    From Ky

  12. you sound like you have a very nice day planned...
    by the way what kind of work do you do when you work away from home...
    I find your blog very fascinating...
    telling of all your daily activities

  13. rhonda have a wonderful day, you deserve it, I am seeing on the tv just now storm warnings for Qld, hope it is nowhere near you! Enjoy lunch and the movie, looking forward to hearing all about it.

  14. Thank you all for your good wishes for both of us. I know we'll have a wonderful day out. When I sip my drink at lunchtime (ginger ale), I'll say a silent toast to you all. Or it may be not so silent and Hanno can join me in the toast and I might get the "you don't know these people" look. We are all living in strange times, friends, when we don't know our neighbours but we do know people who live, unseen, all round the world. I feel I do know a lot of you and therefore the lunch toast is appropriate. : )

    Lisa J, tell the boys I loved the note and drawings. I just checked out your blog and will go back later, when I have more time, to read properly.

    Polly, yes mum, I am looking after myself. ; )

    Yes Bella, it's the gorgeous Julie Christie.

    Lisa, I'm glad you had a sleep in.

    Renee, I usually go to bed when I've finished everything I have to do. Usually around 7ish. I read for an hour or so and usually go to sleep between 8 and 9, although some nights I fall asleep as soon as I go to bed. When we have visitors at night, I'm usually really to pass out around 9 o'clock. LOL

    Mimi, I'm the co-ordinator (mananger) of the Neighbourhood Centre in a town close by. We help disadvantaged folk and the homeless and we have a Flexischool running from the Centre. Flexischool is where kids who don't fit into regular school (teen mums, homeless kids, and those with behaviour problems) go to finish their schooling. It's the best job I've ever had and it's taught me a lot about the strengths and weaknesses of ordinary people. : )

  15. Hi Jill, thank you. A storm is just about to hit. http://mirror.bom.gov.au/products/IDR083.loop.shtml?looping=1&reloaded=0&topography=true&locations=true&range=true#skip

    we are at the bottom, near Beerwah. I'll turn off my computer for a while.

  16. Rhonda- Have a great lunch with your hubby and do take it easy!! Congrats on having such a popular and awesome blog!! Sharon

  17. Hope ya'll had afun relaxing date. I think it does a marriage good to have date time.
    Thanks again for all your wonderful post and all the time you put into it.

  18. Rhonda, you bless me beyond measure with your words. I wouldn't know where to start with what you are teaching me. I so enjoy each time I see a new posting and as well going through past ones. ((HUGS))

    I hope you and Hanno have a wonderful time out!

    Hugs, Heather

  19. Dear Rhonda- I was wondering if you will post everyones towels. I am so looking forward to seeing Jewel's. My daughters and I miss her posts so much. She gave us such joy for that breif time. I pray she is doing well. I love your post especially the simple living part-We all live very simply on this homestead. Rose Mason

  20. Sharon, Lib and Heather, thank you so much for your kindness. : )

    Rose, yes, I will be posting all the photos I get of the swapped napkins. I have a few photos now and will do another post about the swap either this afternoon or tomorrow. I believe Jewels still reads my blog every day and last I heard, she and the family were fine. My warm regards to you and your daughters. Maybe one of you will write me an email telling me more about your simple life on the homstead. I'd be very interested in reading it.

  21. hope you get the rest and relaxation you need. hope you have a good week. congrats on nearing the 50,000 visitor mark..wow!

  22. 50,000 visitors is such a milestone Rhonda! Your blog is so wonderful though, so it's hardly surprising.

    Enjoy every minute of that lunch with Hanno.

  23. Rest up and relax some for a bit, Rhonda Jean!

    When I read you are thinking of giving away your precious "Give More, Expect Less" stichery, I immediately felt the greed -- I'd like to have it! A good reminder of things that I aspire to, too and what drew me to this blog of yours. But the greed part worries me! So I'll let you pass the love along and be happy that someone else will have such an excellent gift and spread those wise words in their own little patch of the world...

    (I just woke up a short while back, 4:30 AM here. Full of words already, I guess! ;-) You & Hanno have a good day there!!! -- Wildside)

  24. I'm sure you'll have a lovely afternoon! What was the movie like? I'm not sure I want to watch it...is it toooo sad?

  25. Hi Rhonda,
    Hope you get that much needed sleep. You have been busy in the few days I have been away. We did use some of your frugal trips on our weekend road trip. I packed coffee for the journey down and took the cooler so we could buy food and not have to eat at restaurants. Wish we could have taken fruit etc but since we were going over to the United States we are limited on what we can take. We did eat lunch one day at a restaurant to celebrate our wedding anniversary. But again was frugal in deciding to have lunch instead of dinner as it was half price and the same meal.

    Your teachings are wonderful.

    Thanks, Paula

  26. Rhonda, that's a super cute stitchery. Some lucky one will win it! :)


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