29 October 2007

Apron swap - sign up here

This is the call for swappers in the third Down to Earth swap. Our first swap was for knitted dishcloths, then we swapped napkins. I am aware that there are a small number of late arrivals but we’ll go on to our next swap while we keep an eye on the napkins to make sure they all arrive.

This swap is for an apron, which I believe is a fitting symbol for this simple life we are all trying our best to live. I have two volunteers to help me with this, Sharon in the USA and Lorraine (chookasmum) in Australia.

Aprons are quite easy to make, even for beginners. You can make a very fancy apron or a plain one – remember the function of an apron is to protect your clothes while you work, so function is the key here. If you have an apron at home, it’s quite an easy thing to make a pattern from it. You could also google for a pattern or look at the links below for inspiration.

If you would like to take part in this swap all you have to do is to make a comment here with this post. Make sure you’re free to work on your apron before you commit because late parcels will hold up the next swap. This swap will start on Wednesday, October 31, the completed aprons must be posted by Wednesday, November 28. Four weeks. If you truly believe you can do this project and have it posted in four weeks, go ahead and join the swap. If you’re busy with other things or have to go away, please join the next swap. Men are welcome to enter too. If you are partnered with a man, you might like to make a gardener’s apron, baker’s apron or a BBQ apron.

This is important: when you make your comment to join the swap, please include your email address in this format: rhondahetzel at gmail dot com. That will give your swap partner the ability to email you for your postal address and will make the swap MUCH easier for us to organise. If you do not wish to include your email address in the comments box, I’ll have to make other arrangements for you. You might also like to discuss colour preference. One of the good things about these swaps is that they're a surprise, so talk about colour but let your swap partner surprise you with what they make.

You have until Wednesday afternoon, my time, to sign up. I'll remind you on Wednesday morning that the swap is about to close. I'll make up the list and post it on Wednesday afternoon, so you will know who you are swapping with.

Beginner’s apron tutorial
Vintage apron patterns
Scalloped apron
Types of aprons
Plain apron
Apron patterns
Vintage apron photos
Apron story
Crossover apron
The Alice apron
Old fashioned aprons, these are lovely
A variety of aprons

Swappers, sign up in the comments box.


  1. Hi Rhonda,I would love a new apron so I'm in too. My email address is littlejennywren at dodo dot com dot au
    Oh and thanks for those luscious links. I bet you had fun finding all those. I couldn't get the Paisley Pincushion one to work.

  2. Count me in, new to this. Love aprons.


    annlynaghbland at tiscali dot co dot uk

  3. I made last apron about 35 years ago so I would love to make another one. :) Please sign me up. My email address is: quiltingpenguin at mariacherry dot com

  4. thanks ladies! MRS MK, don't forget your email address. please add it here like the other ladies have.

  5. jenny, yes, I had great fun finding them. I just clicked on all the links and they worked for me. It might have just been a glitch. Here is the link:

    I hope it works.

  6. Hi Rhonda Jean,
    I would like to join in. I have my apron ready all I need to do is stitch the design on it. I am so excited.
    Elizabeth Quigley

  7. How fun! You did not mention if US ships to US or not. I am not sure of being able to afford shipping overseas, so I will wait to officially sign up until I know. :) ALSO, I am usually a lurker (LOVE your blog) and have been reading RSS feed reader. Just recently, you switched from being able to read the WHOLE post to only being able to read a few lines (having to click on the link to read the rest). I have learned SO MUCH from your blog, but as a mother of four do not have time to click to read from the blog. Is there a way to change it back so that I (and I am sure others - the benefit of an RSS feed reader is to be able to read the blog without having to click on each blog) can read the posts through our reader?? Thanks. :)

  8. Count me in! accrisanti at yahoo dot com


  9. I love making aprons. Count me in.
    email is han_ysic@hotmail.com

  10. I would love to join. I made my first apron recently and it turned out wonderful!
    healingsense at insightbb dot com

  11. An Apron is a definite step up in sewing skills from napkins...but I am read to give it a try...
    So count me in, Rhonda!

    My email address is mrsmom497atgmaildotcom

  12. I was just directed to your blog by a reader of mine when I posted about cooking on my cook stove.
    I'm very sorry I missed the knitted dishcloth swap because I went on a dishcloth knitting binge a couple of years ago and knit more than 36 dishcloths. I have been giving them away ever since. I don't really wear aprons so I will skip this swap, but I will keep an eye out for something else.

  13. I'd love to join - skc240 at aol dot com

  14. I would love to be a part of this swap. It will be my first one, though not my first apron! My name is Emily and I am in California. My e-mail is eswanson19 at yahoo dot com

  15. Thank you so much for the links to the sites, that have to do with vintage aprons and fabrics. I adore anything that has to do with yesteryear.

  16. Hi Rhonda,
    I would love to join the swap.
    My email address is
    libertystarfarm at yahoo dot com

    Have a wonderful week,


  17. Hi Rhonda,

    I would love to join the swap. My email address is rc at skymesh.net.au.

    thank you for everything you do - you are a real inspiration.

    Kind regards,

  18. I'd love to join in, but, like Paula said, I'd like to know about the possibility of overseas shipping before I make it official. :)

  19. Count me in! This will be more than I have ever attempted to sew!!! Please join me up with a U.S. gal if possible. Thanks, Dee
    homesteadprimitives at juno dot com

  20. Hi Rhonda, would love to join the swap, my email address is
    jjgill at optusnet dot com dot au

    Thanks, really looking forward to it.

  21. Ok... I would love to sign up.
    My email is SunnyNole at gmail dot com.
    I LOVE PINK! :)

  22. I would like to join the fun too! I am new to sewing, but I have sewn an apron, so I am excited.

    penofjen (at) yahoo (dot) com

  23. I missed the napkin swap, and really want to do this one. Thanks!
    unlessthelord at gmail dot com

  24. I would love to join the swap. I've never done one before but it sounds like fun. My e-mail is dkhamby at msn dot com. I live in the U.S.


  25. I'm in too. Oh goody!

    kachadwick6 at hotmail dot com

  26. I would love to be in on this!!!
    I loved all the links :) they are too cute!
    I love the vintage looking ones also the ones with the funky colors/patterns :)
    My name is Kristi and I'm in New Jersey. My email is kdirkin at yahoo dot com.

  27. Hi Rhonda

    I havn't made an apron before,but in for a penny in for a pound.My email is helenthomas02@hotmail.com

  28. I enjoyed the napkin swap and would love to be in this one too.
    Email: sunnycorner2340 at yahoo dot com dot au

  29. I would love to join. I love aprons!! My email address is:
    scarlett1031 at earthlink dot net

  30. Hi Rhonda, I'd like to try another one!


    amcleonard at yahoo dot com

  31. Hi Rhonda, I would love to join in, please.
    I have looked at envy with the last two swaps, all the items were so beautiful!
    My email is dais_y81 at hotmail dot com.
    Can't wait!!!

  32. Oh I am in Australia too sorry...

  33. Hi everyone. I just came home from work and will get back to this tomorrow.

  34. Hello, I'm Jacky, Ive been reading your blog for about 4 weeks now, in that time i've made 10 dishcloths, and will probably do napkins soon, and will give these as Conscious Christmas Gifts. Rhonda, i would like to thank you for your blog, i found it when i went looking for cordial recipes, It has opened to me, a whole new world of women who are just so fantastic. It would be a pleasure to be in on this swap, and i would love to connect with sombody from the United States. Peace be with you. JM

    jarm at iprimus dot com dot au

  35. Hi Rhonda....ok I'm in :-)
    I enjoyed the last swap even though I haven't received my napkins yet! If you could partner me with someone in Aust that would be great... Thanks

  36. I'd like to join the swap (my first)... My email is rebekkahartmann at gmail dot com. I live in Denmark.

  37. Hi Rhonda,
    I would love to be in on this one.
    My email is wildwils at iprimus dot com dot au.


  38. Hi,

    I would love to join in. My email is davejode at ncable dot net dot au. And I am in Australia.


  39. Hello Rhonda,
    I'd like to make an apron.
    An email address is Athomestill at gmail dot com .
    Ann in Melbourne.

  40. RJ, I'm so looking forward to this one!
    my email address is

    fitzgeraldsmt at bigpond dot com

  41. Hi Rhonda, I'd love to join this swap. I always wear an apron in the kitchen cos I'm a messy cook!I'm in Scotland and don't mind posting overseas.

    beattiealison AT hotmail DOT co DOT uk

    Those links are fabulous especially the 1920s one!

  42. Oops, I forgot to leave my email
    tlb81003 (at)normalonline (dot) com

  43. hi

    i'd like to join in again. my email is
    tlemos at noho dot com
    i live in the us and would prefer to mail to the us also

    Oh i've ben waiting for this. I hope that eventhough I live in Europe I am allowed to join. I will ship either to The States or Australia. . MY EMAIL ADDRESS IS :
    Hugs from an autumny (is that a correct English word???) Holland,

  45. I would love to be in this swap! I am in the US but am willing to ship anywhere. My email address is kimmmtt at yahoo dot com
    Thanks for all the links!!


  46. Count me in as well, I love aprons! I am in the US, if it matters.

    joannahuckabay at comcast dot net

    Mrs. H.

  47. Hi I'm Karen from St. Louis, Missouri, USA and I would love to make an apron for someone. Iamnoimnt at Yahoo dot com My kitchen is red, green and yellow and I love chickens Can't wait

  48. Rhonda, I just got my package from you. Thank you so much for the stitched sampler. I love it! Going to frame it and hang it right a way!! Thanks again, Peggy

  49. Hello everyone. Wow, what a nice group we have here for this swap. Jen, rest assured we are keeping an eye on the late napkins.

    All the ladies who want to post to their own countries, that will be arranged. It is fine for our European ladies (and men) to join. I'd like to see more of our Scandanavian ladies sign up too. I know you're there. LOL

    I'm working again today and will get on to the list tomorrow. You can continue to join this swap until tomorrow. I'll post the list in the afternoon. By my crude calculations, that's around 1am Wednesday - London time and around 9pm Tuesday - New York time.

  50. Ok, count me in. :) It's not exactly that I mind shipping out of the country, but I have no idea how much those costs are, or if I could afford them.

    My email is warrior_queen_04 at yahoo dot com. (No, it's not a reference to Xena, lol) I am very much looking forward to this... I have never participated in a swap before!

  51. Please sign me up with a US partner (sorry about not being able to ship overseas - hopefully next time).
    paula aatt paurian doott com

  52. I am new to your blog. Please count me in for the apron swap.
    My e-mail address is:

  53. oh can I join? I've never made an apron so pair me with someone who doesn't mind a beginner's attempt. :-) I'm just learning to sew.

    veganruthie AT yahoo DOT com

    I live in Montana, USA.

  54. I should mention I love anything vintage. :0)

  55. Rhonda-

    Have you heard from Jewels? When I saw that you were having an apron swap she was the first person I thought of.


  56. Hi Rhonda, I missed the last two swaps, but would love to be in your apron swap. The links are great...even saw some aprons in the pics that my mom, grandma, and aunts wore years ago!lol. I live in the U.S. and my email address is schmeiserfamily@msn.com
    Thanks for such a great blog!


  57. peggy, thanks for letting me know the parcel arrived. I'm really pleased you like it.

    ruthie, the more the merrier!

    Christine, I had an email from jewels last week. I'll make sure she knows about the swap but I think she looks in here every day.

  58. Count me in! I've been waiting for this.

    aloveablepreciousworld AT yahoo DOT com

    I was also told to sign up my sister: Ingvild

    ingvild_skj AT hotmail DOT com

    Blessings, åslaug

  59. Hello Rhonda

    Late starter here - could I be put on the list please

    Mailing in Australia is preferred (watching pennies at the moment)

    Eamil: cranethie at yahoo dot com


  60. not a problem, cathy.

    I'm also adding Leah to the swap, she emailed her request as blogger is not letting her comment at the moment.
    reformedfarmerswife at christianagrarian dotcom

  61. Hello, Great Idea I'm in
    djonas at cox dot net
    Please match me in Country thank you.
    I love summer colors.
    How fun!

  62. Hi Rhonda
    I already signed up, but just wanted to say even tho I am in the US, I would love to be paired up with anyone out of the US.
    e-mail address:
    midlifebliss at hotmail dot com

  63. Okay Rhonda Jean, I'm gonna take a leap of faith here and sign up. After I had signed up for the napkin swap, my life went crazy for about 4 weeks, but things seem to be slowing down again.
    My email is heart2home at tampabay dot rr dot com.
    BTW-I would be happy to partner with Ruthie because even though I have experience, the napkins were the first thing I've sewn in a long time, so I am more on the beginner end too. :-)

  64. Sign me up!

    Catmccall at yahoo dot com

  65. I'd love to be in this swap thanks Rhonda. I don't mind which country and I'm at grevilleagirl2004 at yahoo dot com dot au

  66. If you need any more helpers I'll put my hand up Rhonda. I wasn't sure until now if I would have the time.

  67. Please add me to the list. I just finished my first apron swap and loved it.

  68. Hi,

    I would love to be in on the swap. My email is margaretc39 at aol dot com. Thanks.


  69. Oh Rhonda, I would really enjoy a new apron. My old ones are looking pretty used :). My email is riverhouse at gmail dot com.


  70. Better late than never...perhaps.

    Count me in:

    omelet1 at shentel dot net

  71. I'd love to join the apron swap...I'm new to the blog and really enjoying it. I've made a few vintage aprons in the last year and have some patterns I'd really like to try out. My email is grepef at hotmail dot com. Thanks!


  72. Rhonda-Looks like your swap is even bigger than the last one!! This is going to be a lot of fun. Take care, Sharon cdetroyes at yahoo dot com

  73. I am signing my daughter up. She wishes to do this to. She is 12 and can sew well. This will be a fun school project, and the added bonus is that she will have a new penpal somewhere in the world!


    penofjen(at) yahoo (dot) com

  74. Forgot to say, I am in the US and I would like a swap partner in the US please. Thank you!

  75. May I be included or am I too late? Would love to join you all! And if possible would prefer a partner out of the US.

    Rebecca in IL, USA

    myownpemberley at gmail dot com

  76. you're in rebecca. : )

    mama k, I need your email address please. : )

  77. I would love to join in, but am afraid I'm very much lacking in the sewing department. If you have another swap requiring knitting skills I'll definately join up. Thanks for all the links, though, I may try to make myself an apron some day.

  78. Hi, Rhonda, I am really looking forward to helping with this swap. especially with Sharon, I was so thrilled that she liked her napkin swap. My email is ma_pabarneyathotmaildotcom
    Cheers Lorraine

  79. I would love to join the apron swap please (my first swap). My email address is ecotrace at yahoo dot co dot uk.

  80. I forgot to put in my email address.
    I'm so excited!!!!

    mamaknj at msn dot com

  81. Rhonda, hope this is Ok but my friend Jennie would love to be in this swap but has computer problems, hopefully being fixed today, and I said I would put her name in the comments so she doesn't miss out. She's in Australia too and her email address is:

    jennietanovic at hotmail dot com

  82. I stumbled across your blog tonight and I am so glad that I did - I love it there is so much to read and absorb - I love the links to the apron sites, aprons are my favourite and I wear one every day. Thank you for sharing all your hints, tips and wisdom.


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