21 August 2015

Weekend reading

Our new season vegetable garden is slowly taking shape. Work inside and outside is bubbly along nicely and I'm starting to think about end of year activities such as community talks (see below) and some blogging/writing workshops I'm doing before Christmas. I guess I should start getting some notes ready for those events. I hope you enjoy your weekend. I'll see you again next week.

:-: ♥︎:-:

Interesting stats, state by state, in Australia
A free magazine-style ebook with interesting articles, beautiful photos and lots of great recipes. Megan @ Odgers and McClelland Exchange Stores sent a link during the week. She said: I went away for a weekend recently with a bunch of photographers, stylists and writers and when we came back we compiled our memories in a free e-book. It can be accessed via Megan's site link above.
How to get children reading this summer



  1. Oh my, I have spent half the afternoon reading the blog from the link 1940s simplicity. What an awesome blog!

  2. Rhonda, thanks for the reading links. I have downloaded the eboo and love the photography and will check it out properly when I have time. Have a relaxing weekend and don't drink too much tea while you and Tricia chat ;-)

  3. I agree with Florence. I bookmarked the blog on 1940's simplicity. The posts were great! I loved the photos of elephants, especially since their numbers are fragile. We must protect all large African animals, along with protecting our own respective countries animals.

  4. Hi Rhonda, you always supply an interesting list of reading material,. I always have big intentions and usually get hardly any reading done. But today I did check out the 1940's simplicity, what a lovely blog..thankyou forcsteering me towardvit.
    Have a lovely day,
    Take care,

  5. Loved the 1940s simplicity blog; thanks for a new resource. It is well-written and interesting; even though some things are different in different parts of the world.

  6. Thanks for great reads and hope you have a lovely weekend. Pam x

  7. ....oops not sure what happened there...reading the 1940's Simplicity blog. I love it. It inspires me so much. It reminds me of your blog a lot too. You are both marvellous in my opinion. Thanks for the link.

  8. The scale of food waste is mind-boggling. These days the advocates of chemical industrial agriculture are insisting that with an increasing world population, chemical technology is necessary to "feed the world." Yet even now, nearly half the vegetables grown in the world are wasted. To me that is evidence that we need to decentralize and emphasize community-based food economies. Thanks for sharing the link.


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