13 August 2015

My favourite place #6

This is a weekly feature for readers to show us their favourite place at home. Our first photos this week are from African Aussie in Australia, the second are from Jeannine in the United States.  Thanks for sharing, ladies.

I live in the tropical north of queensland, almost in the Daintree rainforest, so the weather is hot and humid for much of the year. Having a bit of shade is important.  My favourite spot is sitting under the gazebo in our side garden. Early on Saturday morning you will find me with my first cup of tea and later breakfast, mulling over the work I need to do in the garden that weekend. The swing is against the fence and the grandchildren love to sit on the swing with us, we look out towards the bird bath and when the little honey eaters come and have a bath they turn very quiet and still. Sometimes they play on the table with play dough or paint - it is so much easier to clean up the mess here than inside! 

I have hosted afternoon tea at this table quite a few times. The barbeque is out there, and we have shared many happy barbeques with friends and family. Sitting late into the night with some citronella candles burning to keep away the mozzies. There is often rustling in the bushes, but that would be the cane toads.  Just around the far corner is my veggie patch - it is small but fresh lettuces, tomatoes and cucumbers often grace the salads that I serve for dinner. As I sit at this table I often feel a deep feeling of peace and contentment settle over me.  My blog is www.africanaussie.blogspot.com

= = = ♥︎ = = =

Here is my favorite corner in our vast world. My name is Jeannine and this is Florissant, Missouri, U.S. Our community is next to Ferguson where all the recent unrest happened. But here at home, my husband and I spend as many mornings as possible right here drinking coffee, talking about memories, and dreaming of quiet adventures (the best kind) yet to come. : )



  1. I am enjoying these 'favorite' places of your readers.

    Love the picture of you in the side bar.


  2. I just noticed your new picture.....love it!

  3. When I see peoples spaces, a paragraph from "Les Miserables" by Victor Hugo comes to mind. "What more do you need? A little garden to walk in, and immensity to reflect on. At his feet, something to cultivate and gather; above his head something to study and meditate on; a few flowers on earth, and all the stars in the heavens". (page 55).

  4. I'm really enjoying this part of your blog every week! So wonderful to get a little view into ordinary peoples homes and lives from around the world! Very special. :)


  5. I love looking at every bodies favorite places. What a great idea. xx

  6. Really enjoying all of these. Such diverse 'favourite' places. I'd love to sit in them all!

  7. Love seeing the different places your readers live in. I'm actually a follower of Gill at Africanaussie, but I had never seen this part of the garden. Thanks

  8. beautiful and inspiring too, thank you for sharing, ladies


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