29 August 2015

Down to Earth hardcover on US Amazon now

Ellymae bought my hardcover Down To Earth book from Amazon US so I've just checked out my Amazon page.  It's available for sale there now but there are only 13 copies left. If you've been wanting to buy one for a while, the opportunity is there for you now. Click here to go to the page.



  1. I pre-ordered my copy months ago, and it just arrived on Wednesday! After so many years reading your blog, having your (lovely, beautiful) book in hand is a wonderful feeling of having your wisdom tangible in my own home here in Oregon!

  2. Thanks for the heads up! There are less than 13 available now. :-)

  3. I wish it would be sould by bol.com in the netherlands!

  4. I have been waiting for this for YEARS!!! Yay!!!!

  5. Ordered my copy -- can't wait to read it. Thanks.

  6. 6 Left! At 10:12 on Saturday August, 29...

  7. I have just ordered my hardback copy. Yahoo. I have your book on my Kindle but desperately wanted a hardback copy. I love your blog and always look forward to hearing what you have to say. Keep on writing you are inspirational. Thank you.

  8. Tried to register for the forum, but when captcha came up, it said, " invalid site key." Suggestions? I am looking forward to the book :)

    1. I don't know what's going on with that, Marie. Try emptying your cookies and try again.

  9. I really enjoyed the look inside, but the price of $36 is alittle steep for me. Not too frugal.
    I can relate to your story though ours is more of a circle. Back in the early '70's my husband I were hippy back to the landers. Made our own bread,butter, clothes whatever. Then in the mid '80's had a child and still did a lot of that but was running a healing practice and bookstore. In the 90's a son. Then we sort wanted to do things easier . I still made bread and we raised our children in Waldorf education so we were involved with the rhythms of the week season month. It was a great childhood for them and the best years of my life. Now I'm in my sixties. Both my children live at home although they're not always home a lot. My daughter is a librarian and finishing her library degree my son is in junior college . My husband works full time since we have very little retirement saved. I do wish we had been more financially responsible in our younger years. Now we still have a mortgage and I have serious health issues and cannot work. Ah, but those were the days of youth.
    I will save. To order your book as I think it will be a valuable read and reminder.

  10. A day late and now out of stock!


    1. There are more on the way, Zane. I hope they arrive soon.

  11. Yes, I received my copy last week as it had been on backorder since the initial copies were released by Amazon. I am enjoying it so very much! Well.worth the wait!!


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