31 August 2015

Another chapter closed. Another new beginning.

This photo was taken two years ago.

Hettie died on Friday afternoon. The vet said that in addition to the cancer, she had a few other serious problems. He gave us the option of coming back with her on another day, but as there was no hope of treatment or recovery, we decided to ease her pain straight away. She slipped away quietly while I held her. So after a lifetime of having dogs and cats around, we've decided that Hettie will be our last four-legged friend; it's too painful at the end. She was with us for a long time and it seems quite strange knowing she's not here now. RIP Hettie. Another chapter closed. Another new beginning.

Our sincere thanks to everyone who sent us a message for Hettie. Your kind support helped us get through the sad hours and makes us feel loved. Thank you for taking the time to reach out.

Kerry's Mambo feather cushion.

Tricia pinning her quilt before hand quilting.

The weekend here was subdued. Kerry and Jamie called in so Kerry could help Hanno with some heavy work. They loaded the trailer twice and drove off to the local dump and then we had lunch together. Even after so much decluttering, there is still "stuff" surrounding us. Although to be fair, this was mostly from the shed and yard. It feels good to be getting rid of all that excess and rubbish.  Tricia and I cleaned out the bush house and then she went inside to hand quilt while I stayed outside and did some repotting.  I'm still working in the garden, planting, tying up, propagating and fertilising but I'll be ready to show you a few photos later in the week. Yesterday the three of us had lunch with Kerry and Jamie (Sunny was working) at a local pub which has its dining area overlooking the water. It did us all good to sit in the sun and relax.

 Sewing for Moey. 

Receiving this pastel of Jamie was one of the highlights of my year. Moey is such a talented artist. She drew this from a photo on the blog, so it was a complete surprise to me.

I've really enjoyed my sewing lately. I took part in the Down to Earth Forum blue August swap, making a linen apron, a table runner and napkins for my partner Moey in Perth. She sent the pastel of Jamie above. Isn't it wonderful! And I found an old Mambo shirt hanging in the cupboard, it must be about 10 years old. I decided to repurpose it and made Kerry a big feather down cushion for his white leather lounge (photo above). He was away for his birthday so it became his birthday present. I think the distinctive artwork of Reg Mombassa needs to be on display, not hidden in a cupboard.

The start of the blue quilt collection.

Soon I'll be doing more work at the sewing machine. I'm planning (in my head) a blue patchwork quilt for our guest room. Now that I have more time to work in my home, I've decided to put some effort into a couple of areas so they reflect how we use those spaces. Homes change all the time and although I don't want to be constantly updating, it feels right to fluff up these spaces now, using fabric on hand, so we can all enjoy them and make guests feel at home here when they visit us.

My sister Tricia has been visiting these past couple of weeks and we've had a great time together chatting, knitting, sewing and gardening. She's going home tomorrow so after that I'll be back in the garden again to finish off a few things and then I'll take some photos to share with you. The weather is perfect for outdoor work at the moment and I'm mindful of the fact that tomorrow is the first day of Spring. There is always something to do here and although it's sometimes sad, it's never dull. I hope you've had a good weekend and that the week ahead is a productive one for all of us with many opportunities to enjoy time with our families.  xx



  1. Sorry to hear that. The smallest things sometimes leave the biggest scars. I'm sure she had a splendid life with you. Xxx

  2. So sorry to learn of the death of Hettie. We have had 3 cats over many years. It's always sad when they pass away.
    What a lovely pic of Jamie, very talented indeed.
    Best wishes,
    Angela (South England) UK

  3. Good night, Sweet Hettie. Our critters leaving is so difficult!

    I loved the photos of all the needlework in your world this week as well as the stunning portrait of your Jamie! She has captured his energy and spirit so well! Lovely!

    Thanks for the refreshing visit today! I needed some kindred spirit therapy!

  4. Moey's pastel of Jamie is wonderful, she is a very talented lady. What particularly strikes me is how alive the image is even though she was working from a photo. I love Kerry's cushion, what a great way to use up great fabric.

  5. I'm so sorry to hear about Hettie! It must be so hard to loose a good friend. My oldest dog is 11 and his hips are not to good anymore - I couldn't image a world without him!
    Enjoy your first day of spring tomorrow! I will enjoy my first day of fall here in Denmark.

  6. RIP Hettie, she was a beautiful friend to you both. Take care.

  7. I am so sorry to hear about your kitty. I understand what it is like to lose a beloved pet.
    Such faithful companions.

  8. Dear old Hettie...farewell. Lots of wonderful creativity around you Rhonda, a lovely gentle balm for your loss.

  9. Rhonda, I am sure you miss Hettie terribly. So sad to lose a beloved pet. Yes, Moey is certainly a talented artist. She is very gifted. Your new blue toned quilt is going to be lovely judging by by the look of all those fabrics.

  10. Rhonda, I'm so sorry to hear about your fur baby! Hugs to you....
    I love your patchwork table runner! I've just recently started sewing and I plan on making one like that :)

  11. I missed reading for a few days and so I am late to this post. I'm so sorry for your loss. Eighteen years is a long time to have a four-footed friend. We've lost several cats over the years and it's hard, I know. Hettie was a beautiful girl.

  12. So sad when a pet dies because they become a family member. Beautiful quilts.

  13. I, too, am so sorry you had to make that terrible choice to have Hettie put down. It is a severely hard thing to do; but you made the right decision. You cannot see your loved animals in pain. You have wonderful memories of your kitty friend, after all.

    I love the look of those new sewing projects you have going on now. The fabrics are lovely. Please keep us posted on the progress of the new quilt.

  14. My hubby and I have come to the same conclusion as you and Hanno. After our sweet cat passed two weeks ago, we decided we couldn't face burying another pet, either. Whenever we miss him, we try to remember all the great memories we made with him and our other furry family. Hoping for better days!

    1. I'm sorry you lost your cat too, Pam. It's such a sad thing. xx

  15. I'm so sorry about Hettie - it is so terribly painful to lose them, no matter what the circumstances. Sending big hugs your way...

  16. I am so sorry about Hettie. Bless you for holding her as she crossed over. I could not do that with my last kittie....I ran out the door crying and wailed for 30minutes. Hugs to you. What a wonderful gift that Tricia is there with you at this difficult time.

  17. What a hard thing to have to do, but lovely that you could hold Hettie as she left. I'm sad to hear you won't have any other 4 legged friends as they do offer so much joy, but understand how hard it is when they have to leave. That re-purposed Mambo shirt/cushion is just fabulous!! Have a lovely week x

  18. Indeed, losing a pet is so very hard. Once again, I'm so sorry that you've lost Hettie.
    Your pictures today were lovely, the charcoal drawing of Jaime is so perfect! I know you must treasure it.

  19. Hi Rhonda - I was so saddened to read that Hettie has passed away. I always enjoyed seeing her in some of your posts. She was a beautiful little cat and it is wonderful to know that she was dearly loved. I hope your memories of her will help to heal your heart. Sending a hug, Deb.

  20. So sorry about for the loss of your beautiful Hettie, I know how hard it is to lose a pet, within the last year I had to put 2 of my cats down, one of them with cancer too.
    I love your Mambo pillow so cute. The pastel of your grandson is beautiful, your friend is a very talented artist. A big hug to you.

  21. When a treasure becomes a memory, in this case Hettie, the memories become treasures. You have my sympathy. Two years ago we had to make the same decision for our Kaytee at 19+ years.

  22. Sorry to read about the passing of Hettie, Rhonda. It was good that Tricia was still here to offer some comfort to you and Hanno. Please say "goodbye and safe journey home" to her for me and I know that you will miss her company as well. Enjoy your gardening through the week - it will make you feel better i'm sure.

  23. I am so sorry to hear about the death of your special four footed friend, Hettie.....I have an old dog with many ailments and know it will be very hard when his days are over. .....The portrait of Jaimie looks like an excellent likeness, judging by the photos we see here. Just super!

  24. Sorry to hear about your cat it will seem strange without her. The sketch is just STUNNING>..amazing artist. Glad you are enjoying pottering around and time with your sister too. Regards Kathy A, Brisbane

  25. What a fantastic picture of Jamie! We were just as sad to have guinea pigs put down. What a magical spell animals weave on us so am very sorry for the loss of your beloved cat.

  26. The ebb and flow of life at your home is the most attractive thing that you write about. Hetti's passing intermingled with plans, visits, creativity, sadness and happiness - life is just like one of those patchwork quilts you and Tricia always seem to be working on. Perhaps that is why quilting is so popular as it has such deep symbolism

  27. RIP Hettie, how sad! Stunning picture of Jamie, such talent and kindheartedness. I'm sure things will seem a little low after your sister leaves, but at least springtime gives the promise of new beginnings and reinforces the circle of life.

  28. Sorry about Hettie, I know how you feel, it's like losing a person isn't it, horrendously painful. Glad you decided not to prolong her life though, that was the best move. And it's a good idea to make her your final long-term pet ... once we get to a certain age we have to worry about what happens to THEM when WE pass away! Have you thought about the possibility of short-term fostering from the local cat's home instead? Or even looking after somebody else's cat while theyr'e on holiday? Anyway, enjoy your sewing, I'm looking forward to getting back into it as winter approaches here in the UK xx

  29. sorry for your loss rhonda & hanno, we all enjoyed the occasional garden photo with Hettie in it, she will be missed by us all too. did you bury her at home? a lovely new fruit tree for her?
    those are beautiful sewing projects you have going there & yes, please keep us updated with your quilt
    what a striking portrait of jaime! very talented indeed!
    sending hugs your way
    thanx for sharing

  30. Hallo Rhonda, I'm just catching up after sometime away. Like others I am sorry to hear you had to put Hettie down but I feel you made the right decision not to let her hang on (and maybe suffer). I don't have pets (I am gone 12 hours a day with work/commute) but am seriously thinking of getting a dog when I retire (probably 4 years from now). BUT I am so terribly torn as I almost don't want to get my heart broken by some lovely four-legged friend. I think I may well do it though. Sometime ago, on a trip to Croatia, a lovely lady put it this way "if you can live without a dog, do so, but I can't". She loved her animals so much but I understand exactly where she was coming from. On that note, I probably missed it but you used to have dogs too didn't you. Did you lose them also? I remember all those pictures of them "helping" Hano in the garden.

    I have to comment on your sister's quilt - it is a beauty. Oh for the days when I have the time for that too. And as for Jamie's picture - beautiful! Anna (in France)

    1. Hello Anna, welcome back. We had two Airedale Terriers, Rosie and Alice, they both died at around 12 years of age a few years ago. Hettie was 18 so she had a long life that we're grateful for. xx

  31. I too have shed a tear for Hettie, animals hold such a huge place in our hearts don't they. XxBrenda

  32. WoW! That painting of Jamie is wonderful!

  33. Broke my heart to see Hettie's beautiful photo and know that you had to ease her suffering on Friday. I am so sorry. {{hugs}}

  34. So sorry to hear about Hettie, it is so hard when they go. They are real personalities and all so different and special. What a really beautiful painting of Jamie. Blessings, Pam

  35. May I add my sympathy to the others for your loss. There seems to be seasons in life that are most difficult. Hugs to you my dear lady.

  36. I am so sorry for your loss. It is very hard to loose a pet after such a long time.
    It is good that your sister is with you and Hanno and you have regular visitors. This will help with dealing with the loss of Hettie.

  37. I am so very sorry to hear of the loss of Hattie. Our pets really are our anchors and comfort. I'm glad she had you!!
    Your sewing projects are wonderful, and the quilt is just fabulous! Your pastel is exquisite, what a special and cherished gift!! XX! Lori

  38. I'm so sorry to hear about Hettie; it is so difficult to lose a pet and to make that decision even more heartbreaking. Thinking of you.

  39. I'm so sorry about Hettie. We lost one of our senior kitties in early August, so I know all too well how hard it is to make that humane, but sad decision. Sounds like she had a long life full of love, which in the end is what any creature, human or four-legged, hopes for.

  40. Oh Rhonda, now that we have a dog, I have an inkling of the pain you must feel at the loss of your furry companion. Much love to you both.

  41. I'm so sorry about your loss! I know how hard it is to lose a fur baby. I am thinking of you!!


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