30 January 2010

You, me and the kitchen sink

Good morning everyone.  Today we are visiting Daphne whose kitchen is in Boston, USA.

Daphne writes:
"Yes those are dirty dishes in the sink. I figure I usually have some in the afternoon so I ought to be honest about it. My husband does some of the dishes at night, but often not all of them fit into the dishwasher. I make sure it is totally clean and the dishes are put away every morning. If I'm quick, I can get it done while my eggs are cooking.
My kitchen doesn't have a lot of counter space. It is a one woman kitchen. But with a pantry (whose door is always kept open) I have plenty of storage space. The short dark shelf is for all my home canned goods. When I bought the house they called it a country kitchen. I grew up in the western US where country kitchens are huge with lots of counter space. This kitchen is pretty small by comparison, but for where I live now, Boston, it is a good sized  kitchen. I always find it interesting what the different expectations are in different parts of the country. It will be fun to watch what the kitchens are like in Australia.
Oh and the strangest thing people comment on is the container of egg shells by the stove. I keep them separate from the compost pile because I powder them in spring and feed them to my tomato plants."

You can visit Daphne's blog here.

Please don't forget to comment.  A comment is like payment for the time taken to post, and in this case in sending in the photos.  Many of us were enthusiastic about this series, so make sure all the photos get a good number of comments.  I don't want any of the ladies sending in photos to regret joining in.  Thank you friends. 


  1. Nice kitchen! And I agree with you. Expectations are different in different parts of the country. And what you find in kitchens built in different eras is different too. I like your egg shell idea. And your honesty!

  2. Another lovely kitchen- spacious and inviting. I love this series. I'm fascinated by the eggshells for the roses - you learn something every day from this wonderful blog. Blessings from Canberra. Jen x

  3. Hello Daphne - thank you sharing your kitchen with us! I think you have a pretty good sized one. And I love your pantry - mine is so small, and I have a problem stocking up. That's a great idea to save your eggshells for the tomatoes. I think I'll start doing that! Nice kitchen (and mine always has a few dishes in the sink, too!)

  4. I like your kitchen, looked very tidy even with the dishes in the sink!

  5. A huge kitchen by my comparison (can't bearly walk into mine) and I loooove the pantry!!

  6. Vickie, I adore my pantry, but even with it I have trouble stocking up sometimes so I put up a set of shelves in the unfinished part of my basement. It is nice because it stays cool down there in the summer and things keep better. Though I've found since my kids have gone off to college that I don't need to stock up nearly as much and I almost fit into the pantry now.

  7. Your kitchen is large compared to mine- but I believe there is no such thing as too much counter space! Lovely, neat kitchen.

  8. LOL thanks for your honesty. I always seem to have dishes in the sick. Your kitchen looks lovely and homely.

  9. I like the idea of a pantry - I live in a rented house so it is not possible for me, but I'm storing up all of these great ideas for later.

    And another great idea - to save eggshells - it shows what you can do if you are thoughtful about your waste.

    Best Wishes from Edinburgh

  10. Hi Daphne,

    Thanks for sharing your kitchen. Thanks too for your honesty - I feel better about my dirty dishes now.

    BTW, your kitchen is huge compared to mine - you have about three times as much bench space and storage as I do! I manage by using an old wooden ironing board for extra bench space when I need it.

  11. It was fun to see a kitchen from where I grew up! Thank you for sharing!

  12. That looks like a great kitchen to work in, I love your big pantry!

  13. what a great kitchen! and, like others before have said - so cool about the egg shells - I think I'll start doing that!

  14. Daphne, wait till you see my kitchen if Rhonda puts it up...it is absolutley TINY compared to yours...lol...if you think you have no bench space you will have a giggle at mine! Mind you my house was built in 1925. I think you have a lovely kitchen, lucky to have a pantry ....happy cooking.x Suzanne.

  15. I think you have a nice sized kitchen also. I love the warmth of your cabinets, and your open pantry. I think you have quite a bit of counter space too. That's an interesting tip about powdering the eggshells for the tomatoes too.


  16. HI Daphne, What's the little machine underneath the cupboards to the left of the sink? Nice kitchen - mine's smaller and I wish I had a pantry as big as yours! Viv

  17. Nice kitchen Daphne, you have far more counter space than I. It's nice to see a kitchen with a few dishes in the sink.

  18. You have a nice efficient kitchen! Our dishes seem to be non stop as well. I always have a little shallow pan of eggshells as well. I sprinkle them around the carrots & lettuce to keep the slugs away .. and the tomatoes get any extra. It's amazing how much eggshell powder you can accumulate in a short time. Having a large pantry can make a small kitchen larger for sure. Thanks for sharing.

  19. You might think all kitchens are big in the West, but you should see mine. Not more than one person can fit in it at one time; and NO counter space! I suppose I should come up with a snap of it; just to join the crowd.

    Great blog, Rhonda. I always enjoy checking in each week to see what's on here.

  20. I think your kitchen is quite sizeable, actually! Most kitchens I've had in my lifetime are short on counter space. :) It's a nice comfy place though.

  21. Hi Daphne~
    I love finding someone else who serves eggshells to her tomatoes too! You are so disciplined about your dishes.......that's terrific.
    All the Best!

  22. Our kitchen sink is too small :( I wish I had a huge farmhouse sink!

  23. Nice kitchen! I also love the idea of the egg shells.

  24. I really like the contrast between the white countertop and the wood cabinets...pretty!!

  25. Lovely kitchen. And it definitely fits the bill for a country kitchen in my book. I love that you were real about it - dishes in the sink, eggshells by the stove. I felt right at home. :) Melissa

  26. Yay, some dishes in the sink, now I finally FEEL at home. Lovely kitchen and homely dishes. Wood panelling is warm and inviting. Jen.

  27. Nice kitchen. It does look rather a good size. I also like the idea of egg shells being kept. Mine also has one or two things on the sink too.

  28. Thank you for sharing your kitchen... I save my eggshells too! You have a wonderful pantry - I am a little jealous ;)

  29. Your kitchen looks big enough to me, and I would love a pantry!

  30. You have more counter space than I have and OH insists on putting a row of containers for soft fruit, nuts etc at the back so I have even less room. Ah well, I have a big kitchen table . . .

    Good tip on the eggshells. The only use I know for them (once cooked) is for breaking up and putting around precious plants to keep slugs at bay.

  31. Compared to most of the french kitchens, yours is a pretty good size. You powder the eggshels and feed them to the plants? How do you do that? you mix it with their soil?

    lovely kitchen!!

  32. Vivienne, it is my dishwasher. When I moved in the kitchen even had a trash compactor. I removed that and put the regular trash there, but the dishwasher stays. The number crunchers say I use less water and energy with one so I'll stick with it.

    hopflower, I do. I used to live out west and I saw a lot of just huge kitchens. My kitchen is huge for my area, but not for the western part of the country.

  33. Another nice kitchen. Guess I'll be saving my eggshells now too. Thanks for sharing.----Krystal from Nova Scotia(looking forward to spring here)

  34. What a very nice kitchen. I usually have some dishes in the sink, too. I didn't know about egg shells for tomatoe plants. Thank you for the tip. I'll give that a try.

  35. shandora, I powder the shells in my food processor (warning it will cloud the hopper of the processor since the shells are harder than the plastic) then I put about a cup of it into each planting hole and mix it into the dirt well. I also make eggshell tea if the plants are still having blossom end rot, then water the plants with it.

  36. Love seeing your kitchen! Never seen cabinet doors like those...I really like them!

  37. You have A LOT of counter space! It's all relative right :)


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