3 July 2015

Weekend reading

We've done some work in the garden this week and it's looking beautiful out there. The weather has been cool but not cold, although the August winds seem to have started a month early. I'm slowly getting back into the rhythm of my home and the work I do here. I think I'll start baking bread again next week. Winter is the best time for baking because it gives that extra warmth, and the feeling of warmth, to the house.

I hope your week has been productive and rewarding. What have you been doing?

The most common cooking mistakes
Homemade organic spray to keep flies off animals
Ten BBQ foods dangerous to pets
Five daughters and a simple dad
Back porch swing how to
The best ways to store fabric
Recycled rug
What's the secret to happiness in life? The answer lies in the statistics
Oatmeal Walnut Bread with Poppy Seeds


  1. The photo of that meal looks so nourishing. What were you cooking?

    1. Hello Jinger. I started off with leftover roast vegetables, added some fresh vegetables and that was our meal. Simple but delicious. :- )

    2. Thanks! I think it will be supper for me tonight.

  2. Thanks for the reading links, Rhonda. Yes the lazy August wind picked up here yesterday too...the one that goes through you instead of around you. Have a relaxing weekend.

  3. oh....and the smell of freshly baking bread!!! heavenly!

  4. Hi Rhonda, I always read you blog but rarely comment. You are a calming inspiration to me.
    This week is school holidays with my 3 girls (13,10 & 8) so I've tackled sorting and decluttering toys. After a bit of resistence we seem to have broken the back of it. Just got to move the piles onto new homes now. Enjoy your weekend.

    1. Thank you for commenting, Rachel. I love it when regular readers say hello. Great news on the decluttering and such a good lesson to teach your daughters. I hope you all enjoy the rest of the school holidays. xx

  5. As I sit here in front of the fans feeling the heat, I think one of my favorite things about reading blogs from the southern hemisphere is that reminder that the seasons will change and I will be reading about your summer and cozying up to my fire soon enough - it may actually keep me sane if we don't get a break from the heat!! You are sort of like a long distance shrink!....or something! ;)

  6. It's the heart of summer here so we're waging the seemingly hopeless war against weeds, pests and wildlife, even while enjoying amazingly delicious produce. Tomorrow is market day, so we have a long busy day ahead of us today and I'm fine with that. :)

    Thanks for sharing the link about how to make fly spray. I think we'll try that! Have a great weekend Rhonda Jean!


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