30 July 2015

My favourite place #4

This is a weekly feature for readers to show us their favourite place at home. This week we have Sue and Ale. Thanks for sharing your homes with us, ladies.

Our first place this week is in Wales, it's Sue's place.  She says:

I have attached two photos of My Favourite Place.

It's the polytunnel !! We waited a long time to be able to erect it after our move to North Wales (UK) as being so close to a busy A road and living in an 'area of outstanding beauty' and being near the edge of the Snowdonia National Park it was considered to be an eyesore. With bushes and trees planted alongside the road that will one day shield it from view slightly, it was finally allowed.

Now it is where I grow our own food, veggies and fruit, and where tiny seedlings are nurtured before facing the perils of the outdoor veggie patch.

In here with my radio on and usually a snoozing dog or two in the corner I can garden no matter what the weather. When it rains the pattering of raindrops on the taut polythene makes for a soothing sound and it's happy place to be.

I blog over at Our New Life in the Country, the blog I started when we did indeed start our new life in the country just over six years ago. http://ournewlifeinthecountry.blogspot.co.uk/

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And now we travel over to Argentina to visit Ale.

Hi, my name is Ale from Buenos Aires, Argentina (http://ale-ligeradeequipaje.blogspot.com.ar/).
Here we have four seasons, although for some years to now the climate is changing and our winters are not too cold and our summers are very hot!

I live in a little house, in a nice neighbourhood in the city. It´s called "Flores".
We have transformed our garage in a family room, next to the kitchen. Here I have my cooking books, my knitting books, my notebook, toys for my grandchild and a comfortable sofa for rest or reading. From the door you can see in the picture, you go into the kitchen so I can keep an eye on whatever I'm cooking.
It has light and in the afternoons it's sunny and cosy. Specially in winter. There is a big window looking on to my little patio (not in the pics) and at the back, the laundry.
This is my favourite place.
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  1. Sue, your poly-tunnel looks wonderful, lots of good growing goodness in there. I can just imagine how it feels to work away happily even if it's raining.

    And Ale....your sitting room off the kitchen looks like a cosy space, handy to have somewhere to retreat to, but close enough to keep an eye on whatever's cooking. I'd love to have seen the view to outside and your little patio.

    Thanks to both of you for sharing for lovely spaces, and it's great to have a couple of new blogs to go and browse through. thanks to Rhonda too, for taking the time to do this.

  2. I love both of these places! I am fascinated by the "poly" house (we call them greenhouses). Do you collect water and do the tiles help keep the house warmer??

    The family room is comfortable and so convenient! I can see why you love it! What a nice space to create in!

    1. Over here (in the UK) 'green houses' are made of glass and polytunnels are made of thick polythene.

      We are just about to have a rainwater harvesting system in place, there's been lots of building work going on recently that will incorporate this. The paving slabs on the floor do help retain warmth and mean that I can hose them down to create a moist atmosphere on a very hot day. It reaches temperatures of around 38 degrees on a sunny day insidie the tunnel when it's only 20 or so outside, and also manages to keep the plants above freezing on a Winters night when temperatures outside drop way below that.

  3. These are both lovely 'favourite' places. I'm looking up the countries too and learning about new areas all over the world.

  4. How fun! The tunnel is something we would love to do, our climate has a lot of cold weather. Argentina is a country that has fascinated me since I read about the Argentine "cowboys" when I was a kid! Your room looks lovely, thanks to both of you for sharing!!

  5. Ah, the poly tunnel, how I would love one of those!

  6. How lovely to see my favourite place on one of my favourite blogs.
    Thank you for including it Rhonda. xx

  7. That sure is an amazing poly tunnel! And a lovely and cosy study/crafts room from Argentina too.

  8. Sue, how nice to finally get government approval for your greenhouse. Rules and regulations often don't allow for really useful things. All your plants look happy and healthy and I'm sure that you are as well with this green and growing place so close at hand. The raindrops on the roof must make for a cozy and comfy experience.

    Ale this is such a nice transformation from garage to family room. The location must make it very convenient for you to keep an eye on dinner and enjoy the patio view at the same time. Having all your things at hand, a comfortable couch, TV, computer, and books on the bookshelves certainly offers lots of options for relaxing.

  9. Love, Love Love, Sue's poly Tunnel, something we will strive to have one day, would be wonderful to give everything a head start and also to grow over winter. :-) :-)

  10. The tunnel looks amazing! well done! I had a small one years ago when I lived in Ireland. I was working at the time so did not have enough time to make the most of it but I remember we grew great tomatoes in it.


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