19 April 2014

What are your food goals?

Baked eggs in spicy tomato sauce.

I've been reading a few threads at the forum this morning and came across an older thread I hadn't seen before. It's by one of our mods, Tessa, and she's asking about food goals for the year. So whether you want to read a list of month-by-month goals or read about many specific things our members are going to concentrate on, it's all there. I found it very interesting, and quite motivating, to read what other's have in mind. 

It's a beautiful day here, Hanno is out in the garden and I'm just about to join him with a cup of tea. I hope you're enjoying your weekend. xxx



  1. happy easter rhonda and hanno enjoy your weekend :-)

  2. Hmmm, I like the look of those eggs in spicy tomato sauce, Rhonda. Beats having All Bran for breakfast. LOL! Have a relaxing Easter and enjoy the beautiful weather.

  3. Those eggs look great Rhonda, and... I love the homemade gumption.....

    A cup of tea on your nice cane lounge sounds lovely... I am having a cuppa whilst on the computer, checking out what's going on today in the forum. Every now and then you surprise us with a weekend Post!

    I have just finished cleaning out the goat shed with the pressure washer.... lovely day here too..( that is after I finished cursing Chris cause I couldn't find an extension lead..grrrr) The lady who sold Lulu and Heidi to me is visiting on Monday to check if they are grown up enough to put in kid this June... so I thought I should make their home nice and tidy.....

    Have a nice day, you and Hanno.... just beautiful here, dad is sitting in the garden too.

  4. A very happy Easter weekend to you and Hanno, tea in the garden sounds perfect. A lovely sunny day here, with snow high up on the mountain tops and a crackeling fire in the wood burner along with freshly brewed coffee. Blessings Pam

    1. That sounds perfect, Pam, especially the bit about the fire. Enjoy!

  5. I would really appreciate your assistance. I began reading your blog when it had barely begun and joined the forums when they began, but have not been part of them for a long time....Recently I sent you a comment about this but had no reply.

    Today I tried to rejoin since at first it seemed you had lost all the information. But apparently not, so I had them send me the email to change my password. But since the website I was directed to (http://simplelivingforums.com/core/settings/account) is invalid, this seems to be impossible. Will someone please kindly help here. Thank you...(It is not possible to contact the administrator because that link takes you to a place where nothing is possible.)

    1. Hi Kirstie, I responded to your last comment about this on 13 April. We haven't lost the information, I checked your account and it seems everything is in order so it must be a password problem. I'll send you a new password and see if that works.

  6. Hi Rhonda, I have been reading your blog for several years now and a month ago took the leap and resigned. I finish work on May 14. I will be living on exactly 1/6th of my current income. I intend setting up a poetry/ writing blog, working on house keeping and reading, yoga and meditation may fill my days. I am known as a lively character and several have commented that it will be too lonely for me at home every day.

    1. I hope it all goes well for you and you enjoy every day. Keep in touch.

  7. I hope you had a wonderful Easter weekend Rhonda. Here in The Netherlands it's Easter today ; )
    Have a great beginning of the new week.


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