4 April 2014

Weekend reading

I'm very pleased to tell you that my book The Simple Life has been reprinted and should be available very soon - either online or at your local book store. Thank you for your patience.

I have two outdoor photos for you today, taken here at home in the past couple of days.

This little fellow, a common tree snake, was passing by when I saw him outside the window, from my computer. He noticed me too and looked at the camera while I took the photo. He had such beautiful colouring - green top and yellow belly. These snakes eat those ghastly Asian house geckos so it was good to see him out looking for food. There are plenty of Asian geckos on our verandahs.  Hanno found a blind snake the other day too, when he was shovelling pine bark mulch in the garden. It was eating its way through the ants' nest there.

This is my bat flower in full bloom. It only has a couple of flowers a year but each one is spectacular. Those whiskers extend about a metre. The green leaves below are part of the plant.

"We are now in an era where climate change isn't some kind of future hypothetical.” - read about the latest UN report on climate change released last Monday
Queen Elizabeth's childhood toys on display at Buckingham Palace  Thanks Tricia!
Home decorating from plain to pretty
Grow your ethics workshops coming up in early May

I hope you enjoy the weekend. There is so much to do at this time of year now the seasons are changing. See you next week, friends. xx



  1. Morning Rhonda, I do like the pretty visitor to your garden, I don't see snakes in my garden despite having the chooks....not to say they're not there, but I think my dog would alert me.....but my neighbour has a couple that live under his compost bins, they're just left alone to go about their business. Your bat plant is spectacular, I have one too that's just starting to flower, I love their long whiskers. Thanks for the reading list, and have a lovely weekend.

  2. Good news on the book, I ordered it and got an email last night saying it was out of print. Hopefully I get a copy soon, at least when I do get it I will get a nice surprise in the mail :)

    1. Lisa the reprints are due back in the Penguin warehouse today and will be shipped out to the shops straight away. I hope you enjoy it when it arrives.

  3. Great news on the book Rhonda. There aren't any benign snakes around here so I always jump when I see one and reach for the shovel. I like the UK article on "now it's 7 a day", lol. That has always been our recommendation here and I asked a public health physician friend in the UK why their recommendation was different. He said that the average british diet now had so little veg in it (if you can't count chips) that the community would have been overwhelmed by advice to eat FIVE veg and two fruit, so they were introducing the idea in stages. Interesting and heartening to see the next stage might have come as it means they must have seen some change already

  4. Good morning Rhonda. I ordered my book last Saturday and got an email from Booktopia to say that they would have more books in stock soon and then mine would be sent out but I can't remember the date now but it looks like it will arrive soon. How exciting for you to have so many people buying your book as soon as it is published!

    I am not fond of snakes but that snake is very pretty. I guess you could always send out a coeee to Bindi Irwin if you had a query about any wildlife in your garden as Australia Zoo is so close. :-)

    Have a relaxing weekend.

  5. Rhonda, last weekend while flying to Brisbane I read your new book, I love the size and the idea that the book is a quick read. this tiny little book actually had a big impact on me. Many changes have been happening at this stage of my life and a had a few areas of my life that I felt a bit lost. However, your words and your courage to share experiences of your own life gave me a remarkable clarity of where I was at and what I need to be doing. Your words allowed me to take stock of my life. I left Brisbane with a solid understanding of knowing what I needed to do. I'm happy to report that one week after this AHA! moment, I've had the most productive week and many things have just fallen into place. Looking forward to the next book.

    1. Miirih, when I'm sitting here writing but I'd much rather be outside gardening or reading, it is comments like yours that keep me at it. I really do believe this way of living has benefits for everyone. How wonderful would it be for all of us if many more of our neighbours and colleagues shifted their focus from the shops to home and lived this gentle and more generous life. I hope it all remains productive for you. xx

  6. I am looking forward to reading it! I will be getting a kindle edition which is set to be released on April 8.


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