12 April 2014

Paying off the mortgage

If you're struggling to pay off a mortgage and feeling a bit isolated because of it, read this wonderful thread at the forum. These are ordinary people, just like you and me, and they write about how they work towards being mortgage-free. I usually feel a bit glum when I think about mortgages but this thread made me smile.

If your interest is in the kitchen, have a look at this thread about making bacon at home.


  1. There must be something wrong with the link or site, it doesn't even allow me to log in with my password.

  2. I joined this when it first began, years ago, but cannot figure out how to log on or rejoin....This makes me feel rather bad and rejected, even if those feelings are illogical.

    1. It's just a glitch, Kristi, nothing personal. If you send me your email address, I'll be able to help you re-enter. :- ) rhondahetzel@gmail.com

  3. We have been scraping together every extra penny for months and we are now only 2 months from being totally debt free. Mortgage burning party to follow!

    1. Well done Lana. You've done a great job. :- )

  4. saw your book review in the smh YESTERDAY, Congratulations and well done. Hope it goes really gangbusters. Jenny

    1. Oh, that's good! I wonder what it says. I'll see if Tricia can find it for me. Thanks Jenny.

  5. Rhonda, I just downloaded your e-book from amazon on Friday. I just finished reading it. Well done...again! I love your writing style. I love the life you live and am so encouraged to make the changes I began several years ago and continue on. It really is true that it is more like the way our grand parents and their parents lived, but it is also nice to have some of the modern conveniences they never had. Good luck on the future books...hurry and write them soon ;> I am really looking forward to the cooking one.


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