15 April 2014

Another milestone day

If you'd asked me when I was fifty, when I would start to feel old, I would have told you 80ish. I turn 66 today and I'm starting to feel old. Feeling old to me means I'm starting to slow down, I'm less inclined to take on new things and while I feel I've seen it all, I also have an optimistic view of what is coming and my ability to meet whatever it is with confidence. BTW, I don't think growing old is a bad thing, it's what we're all doing every day. I think life often gets better as you age. When I was 50, I wanted to live till I was 110. I'm not that selfish now and whenever my time is up, I'll be grateful that I had an interesting life and for the great majority of it, I was happy.

And just to prove I'm not a glamorous 25 year old masquerading behind these words, here is my birthday photo - the Queen and I do them every year - taken yesterday afternoon when I was 65. ;- )

Living to a really old age is not part of my plan now. I don't want to die tomorrow or in the next few years, but I don't want to live passed 90 either. I am happy knowing that my family is settled and that grandchildren have been born. I have had a few successes in my life, but having the family I have has been the greatest of them.

Today Hanno and I might go out for a seafood lunch. It depends on Kerry though because he flies back in from his job today and Hanno has to pick him up. If we're too late for lunch, we might have afternoon tea up the mountain at the French cafe. It will be good to have a day off too, I'll do some knitting, wander around and no doubt I'll talk on the phone to various family members and friends. It's a day for pottering, not working.

I want to thank you all for being here today and for reading what I write. It's not often a woman my age gets to have an audience and that's something that I think about almost every day. So thanks for giving that to me, for reading, for commenting and for walking this path alongside me.

- - - ♥-♥-♥- - -



  1. Hope you have a lovely relaxing day and a good meal/afternoon tea out.


  2. Happy birthday to you, Rhonda. You look lovely and I hope you have a wonderful day.

  3. Happy Birthday Rhonda!!!! I so feel your words. I just turned 73 in March and I do feel oldish and yet very happy and content with my life. My mother-in -law told me when she turned 98 that living to reach 90 was real good, but after that it got a lot tougher! God bless you my friend. Carolyn in Florida

  4. Happy Birthday, your lifestyle must suit you as you are looking great. Enjoy your day.

  5. Happy Birthday! Mine was last week (54). You're wearing well!

  6. Dear Rhonda, have a wonderful day whatever you choose to do. It is an achievement to have such a large number of dedicated followers....you have had more than fifteen minutes of fame ..and for such good reasons...your contribution is to be applauded. Thank you and fond regards, Vikki. Xx

  7. Happy Birthday from France Rhonda :-)

  8. Happy birthday, Rhonda & many more!
    It is my son's too but as he is in WA I have to wait a while before sending him greetings.

  9. Happy Birthday!!!! I love your photo and your comment about you and the Queen! LOL You look wonderful and I understand about being grateful. Seems we don't really get that until we start getting older, by older I mean over 40 and realizing life's little bumps are nothing to get in a snit about. I have been reading your blog for years and I have always appreciated you sharing so much with "strangers' from around the world. Enjoy your day, you deserve it!! XO

  10. Happy Birthday Rhonda. xx

  11. Happy birthday! How beautiful you are, such lovely skin. I wish you many blessings for your day and the years ahead.

  12. Happy birthday Rhonda! I look forward to your posts each day, they are my inspiration. Hope you have a wonderful day with your family.

  13. Dear Rhonda, Wishing you the happiest birthday ever! You are such an inspiration to so many, thank you for all your gentle encouragement and wise advice. Best wishes for a wonderful birthday today, and many more to come. Love from Dee.

  14. Happy Birthday! I love your photo from yesterday. Have a lovely day.

  15. Happy birthday Rhonda! You are an inspiration. I hope you have a wonderful day!

  16. Have a very Happy Birthday Rhonda, you are such an inspiration to us.

  17. "Happy Birthday Rhonda". I hope you have a wonderful day and no matter what you do, have yourself a piece of scrumptious cake. Wishing you a wonderful year. Deb

  18. Happy birthday Rhonda, I hope you have a wonderful day

  19. Happy Birthday Rhonda Jean...you ARE just so Down to Earth...about everything.
    Thanks for being you!! xox

  20. Happy Birthday. I am soon to be 65, and want to live to be 100. Like your blog, thanks for writing it.

  21. Happy Birthday Rhonda, enjoy your pottering day, my favourite kind!
    Love from Julia in Bowen xx

  22. Thank you all for your warm wishes. :- )

  23. Happy Birthday, Rhonda. For some reason I thought it was tomorrow but it is easier to remember now that I know it is the 15th as it is our wedding anniversary....36 years today! I think that photo is just lovely. Only being a couple of months younger than yourself I know what you mean about feeling older as our bodies certainly do remind us at times, especially after spending some time bending and lifting in the garden. Have a wonderfully relaxing day with Hanno and I hope you have many healthy and fulfilling days in the future with him and your family.

    1. Hi Chel, thank you and happy anniversary to your and your husband. I hope you have a joy filled day. xx

  24. Happy Birthday Rhonda, may this year be the best yet!

  25. Happy birthday! Enjoy it all, including the changing of your own season!

  26. You are looking very radiant...if that is what the simple life does, there should be more of it. (I mean more people should life a simple life instead of plying tons of creams etc to look however they want to look). Happy birthday, enjoy your day and just pottering...a lovely thing to do :)

  27. Happy Birthday Rhonda, have a wonderful pottering day.

  28. Happy Birthday Rhonda. Such a beautiful birthday photo of you, and as usual some very wise words.

  29. A very Happy Birthday to you Rhonda, from here in London, England. What a lovely photograph, you have beautiful eyes.

  30. Happy Birthday! You are beautiful inside and out. I am glad to know your age, as I am also 66. I was wondering HOW to keep up with all you do! I am just starting out to simplify--just retired 12/31/13. I do all the yard and house work. My 70 yr old hubby is still working, and he is exhausted most of the time!! I have spent the last 3 days in the heat doing yard projects, and I am beat!! It was high-80's today. I have bought your books on my kindle, and I am loving what you have to say. Please keep writing---even if you do "slow down" a bit. That''s OK !!

  31. Happy Birthday Rhonda, from Issaquah,Washington State,USA

  32. Happy Birthday! May your coming year be filled with joy and love. ♥

  33. Good morning birthday girl, have a good one.

  34. Happy birthday, have a lovely day.

  35. Happy Birthday...Hope your day has been filled with many Blessings!

  36. Happy Birthday! You look beautiful!!

  37. Happy Birthday Rhonda! I hope you have a lovely day and a wonderful year.

  38. A very, very happy birthday, Rhonda! You say not many people your age have an audience, but I think that may be because not many people are as generous as you in sharing their wisdom - you have made a tremendous difference in my life, and I'm sure I'm not the only one so effected. Thank you, and many many happy returns!

  39. Happy Birthday Rhonda & lovely photo, have a great day

  40. Have a lovely birthday Rhonda.
    Traditions are a wonderful thing - I love your comment about you and the queen having a birthday photo taken each year! I intend to join you in that tradition.

  41. Happy birthday Rhonda, I have been reading your blog for months now and have bought your books. I feel that I have another friend in you, strange that I can feel this way without meeting you :). God bless you and your family, enjoy your day Rhonda you deserve a special day.

  42. Just found you. I think I like you! Clearly so do many. Happy birthday!

  43. Happy Birthday Rhonda! Hoping you have a lovely day.

  44. Now that I am almost 61, I feel I have never been happier. Like wine and cheese, we get better with age! Happy belated birthday Rhonda Jean.

  45. Happy Birthday Rhonda, have a lovely day :-)

  46. Happy,Happy Birthday Rhonda!

  47. Happy Birthday, Rhonda!!
    :)Erin from RI, USA

  48. Happy birthday Rhonda. Hope you have a wonderful day. Beautiful photo..

  49. Rhonda-
    What a wonderfully clear perspective on aging. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it.
    Happiest of Birthdays to you-- I hope it is everything you wished for!

  50. Happy Birthday Rhonda and I hope there are many more x

  51. All the best for a lovely, relaxing birthday!!!!

  52. Happy birthday Rhonda. What a wonderful post. I hope you had a wonderful afternoon tea or lunch, and wish you many more years - of blogging too! Even though I've had to step away from my little blog due to changes and a possible move to "the bush", I still love reading your blog. Thank you!! Monica

  53. Happy birthday Rhonda! Your picture is lovely, there is a serenity and inner light that shines through. Not many people have that. Congratulations on another wonderful year of being yourself, and encouraging all of us to do the same.

  54. happy birthday, rhonda! full pink moon here in the US to celebrate your trip around the sun .... been enjoying your blog since 2008. thanks for helping to jumpstart and change my life for the better ... you are an amazing inspiration. love, karen in virginia usa

  55. Happy Birthday Rhonda. You really aren't old yet! We have days when we do feel our gradual 'slowing down' but the occasional day when we feel younger and on top of the world is a blessing. Remember- last Christmas Petal was told he wouldn't see his 60th birthday in March. He defied all the odds and proved them wrong. Although his battle isn't over yet, there are days we also feel so very tired, mentally and physically. But isn't that all part of our journey? Take care of yourself and keep that sharp mind of yours young instead! I think you're doing very well indeed. Hugs Sue

  56. Happy Birthday, Rhonda. Thanks for your efforts that go into making a wonderful blog for all of us to read. xx Your blog is what started me on my my journey towards more simple living. I have not looked back!

  57. Happy birthday Rhonda,
    Thanks for sharing and i love your blog. Enjoy your best day and May God bless you!!

  58. Happy Birthday and you look great!!! Aging like a fine wine, just getting better and better. I think you do a wonderful job at all you do. You still work circles around a lot of people younger than you. I admire you and Hanno and the lifestyle you've chosen. You make it very appealing. And as the saying goes, "It's not the years in a life that count but the life in the years".

  59. Best Birthday Wishes from Colorado USA! The 15th is also our 42nd anniversary, and for most of those years we have led the simple life. Wouldn't trade it for a castle in England! Have a wonderful rest of your life!

    1. Happy anniversary Patty. I hope you had a wonderful celebration.

  60. A most wonderful and happy birthday to you! What a lovely photo of you - so peaceful and warm. xo

  61. Happy birthday Rhonda. It's mine on Thursday. xxoo

  62. Happy Birthday Rhonda! May you have a wonderful day.

  63. Happy birthday Rhonda. May u have good health and happy always. I'm Rosma from Malaysia. I like to read your blog. It's gives me inspiration to simplify my life. I'm 50 and plan to move back to my village after retirement in the 5 years times. God willing.

  64. Happy Birthday dear lady. I am 52(last month) and completely understand the not wanting to live to 100+. Another 20 or 30 years is OK with me.
    blessings, jill

  65. Happy Birthday Rhonda. You're not old. We don't get old, we just get wiser! Age is just a number, forget it and carry on as normal.

  66. Happy birthday! Your special day pottering is much deserved. Thank you for all you share with us readers. All the best, Jeannette

  67. The biggest and hapoiest birthday wishes to you Rhonda!

  68. Many happies Rhonda. You look great.
    Blessings Gail

  69. Happy birthday Rhonda! Hope you have a wonderful day. Xx

  70. A belated Happy Birthday to you, I hope you have had a wonderful day :)

  71. Happy Birthday! Enjoy your day whatever you end up doing.

    Age is a state of mind if you have taken good care of your body over the years, and with a little luck . My aunt flew a biplane for her 70th; and for the next few years camped in the desert, taught in Bangladesh for several months, continued to learn German and the Cello and loved and nurtured her nieces, nephews and random children (of which I was one) she collected. She lived the life that was important to her and she lived it kindly. Anyone who does that is a wonderful role model - please keep it up Rhonda :)

  72. Happy birthday, Rhonda, I hope your day is as wonderful as you are! :)

    May you have a wonderful and happy year ahead...

  74. Congratulations Rhonda and hopefully many happy, healthy returns. I hope you have a wonderful day and I'm sending you lots of Spring greetings from The Netherlands.

  75. Happy Birthday Rhonda, my mentor and other mother and you didn't even know it.
    Hope you've had a fantastic day.
    cheers kate

  76. Sorry if this appears twice!

    I hope you had a lovely day, is that the French café in Montville? I've been there and loved it!

    I received your new book today (my very own birthday present although not my birthday!) - love it!


  77. Best Wishes for you Birthday Rhonda. Funny, how each of us see things in life, I consider you to be young and active at 66 years.

    Best wishes for your Birthday Rhonda

  78. And you are a very pretty 66 years at that. Thanks for your very encouraging and uplifting blog.

  79. Rhonda - HAPPY BIRTHDAY from Alberta, Canada! I hope that your special day was relaxed and enjoyable. You certainly deserve it XO

    I'm so appreciative of your blog and the forum. Both have taught me so much and I can say without a single doubt, that if it weren't for me stumbling across your blog all those years ago, we wouldn't be leading the life we are leading today. That realization is quite something, isn't it? :)

    Another year of your common sense and kind wisdom is much to celebrate! Thank you from the bottom of my heart XO

  80. Best wishes for your birthday Rhonda! Beautiful photo btw. You've been a positive and encouraging mentor and I'd really like to thank you for that. Enjoy your family time and that special meal out.

  81. Happy Birthday Rhonda! And many happy years ahead for you. Cheers!

  82. Happy birthday Rhonda, hope you had a fantastic day! :)

  83. Wishing you a simply delightful restful birthday. Your blog has been a blessing to me. <3

  84. Happy Birthday, Rhonda! What a lovely birthday reflection. I hope you had a lovely day pottering about and doing whatever took your fancy. Love those days. :)

  85. Happy Birthday to a beautiful woman.
    Many thanks Rhonda for sharing your experiences.
    Reading your blog starts my day off great.
    Cate in North Carolina

  86. Happy Birthday, Rhonda! If your bright, mischievous eyes are any indication of the life within you, I would say you are still 29 at heart! LOL Have a marvelously wonderful day with those you love and who love you!

  87. Birthday blessings to you Rhonda. I read your blog everyday and I will be turning 45 this June. Life has been a rollercoaster lately taking care of my 90 year old parents, and I agree with you I'm not wanting to live much past 90. I check in with you everyday because you are a constant inspiration to me and my escape. So thank YOU for walking this path along side me. Celebrate!

  88. What a surprise! I knew we were close in age, but I didn't realise we were twins! I am also 66 today, and experience similar feelings to you about getting older. I don't feel much different in myself apart from slowing down to what I used to be.
    Hope you had a lovely day, Birthday Twin!

    1. Happy birthday Gina. I hope you had a beautiful day too. Twins! Did you know we share our birthday with Leonardo da Vinci?

    2. Nooooo!! I wish I had inherited his artistic skills as well as his birth date!

  89. Happy, Happy Birthday to you, sweet Rhonda. I'm pleased to be celebrating my own birthday today along with yours. I feel that we are both kindred spirits and having the same birthday just reinforces that. Enjoy the day and "swan" around as long as you like. I looked up that word when you used it the other day and I like the idea!

    Love from Diane in North Carolina

    1. Happy birthday Diane, I hope you've swanning around today. xx

    2. Hey Diane - that's three of us! Happy birthday to you too - birthday triplets - ha!

    3. My dad's was the 16th, too, and I was just thinking how he's gotten better and better the longer he goes! :-)

  90. Happy Birthday, Rhonda. The picture is lovely; and I bet you will go on to ninety. Thank you for giving us such food for thought and a wonderful post to read everyday.

  91. Happy Birthday! You look lovely.

  92. Happy Birthday Rhonda from sunny Sussex - I hope you have/ had a very special day. BTW just ordered your latest book via Kindle from Amazon UK and am looking forward to reading it :)

  93. Happy birthday Rhonda! I pray you were blessed as you bless us all everyday!

  94. Happy Birthday, Rhonda. You have beautiful skin for being 66. You are aging well!

  95. Happy birthday Rhonda. You are an inspiration! I bought the kindle edition of your new book. Looks good so far......

  96. Happy birthday hope you had a lovely day best wishes

  97. Happy Birthday Rhonda..From one of your silent readers in Pennsylvania USA..I love reading about your simple lifestyle!! Have fun today!

  98. Happy Birthday! I just turned 64 in February and feel much as you do. I feel things changing but not in a bad way -- I am thankful for each day and take each as it comes. I am rather enjoying this time of my life. I wasn't sure I would but there is a peace and calmness that comes with it that I wasn't expecting. You have a very lovely complexion, by the way.

  99. Happy Birthday! As a 65 year-old myself, I am a bit slower than I used to be. But we get to appreciate things more that way, I think. You look lovely, you should make that your permanent photo.

  100. Happy birthday rhonda. I love that photo. Your face radiates happiness and joy. Enjoy your special day. Xx

  101. Happy birthday Rhonda,
    You look lovely. You could live to past 90 of course. I expect when you get to 89, if you are in reasonable health, you won't want to leave.
    Best wishes,
    Angela ( south England

  102. Happiest of birthdays to you - I wonder if you realize how far out into the world your wisdom has flown, and what a wonderful influence you are. I hope you do. You are a very special always-young-at-heart lady :)

  103. I hope you have a grand birthday dear beautiful Rhonda!
    Many blessings to you!

    Trinidad & Tobago

  104. Happy Birthday, dear Rhonda!

  105. Happy birthday Rhonda! I love how happy you look in that picture.

  106. Happy birthday Rhonda. You have aged very well (just like me haha). I agree about not needing to live forever, with my mother at 88 years and having dementia, I thibk quality and not quantity is what counts. Give our best to Hanno. Hope his aches and pains are lessening.

  107. ♥♪♫♬ Happy Birthday dear Rhonda~! I agree, you look very happy and at peace in your BD photo. You carry your years beautifully and the Wisdom you share with the wide world reaches far. XOXO

  108. Happy Birthday Rhonda, you do look amazing, happy, healthy and well. Must be all that good home grown goodness!
    Karen xo

  109. Happy Birthday and thanks for another thoughtful, well written post!


  110. Happiest wishes for a wonderful birthday! What a blessing you are to all of us! Thank you!! I hope you had a fabulous day:-)

  111. A big HAPPY BIRTHDAY from me too, Rhonda. I hope your day was filled with love and joy from those around you.

  112. Happy Birthday Rhonda, I hope you had a lovely day whatever you did. I know that little french cafe u[p the hill and I too like to go there for my bithday. Hope Hanno is feeling better now.
    Love Lors

  113. A belated Happy Birthday, Rhonda and hope you had a wonderful day.

  114. Happy Birthday Rhonda. I hope you have a lovely day surrounded by your family.

  115. Hi Rhonda! Hope you had a wonderful birthday! My grandson turned two on the 13th with also a few nieces and nephews to add to the April cake binge! Hope that whatever treat you had, you enjoyed it! I would have loved that French cafe, sounds so romantic!! I'll be turning 64 on the 19th September and just hope that I'll have as much energy as you have by the time I get to be 65.

  116. Happy birthday Rhonda...you are a quiet inspiration..I thank you. X

  117. You age beautifully! You look soft, motherly, happy and content - something we can all strive for. Happy birthday from South Africa. Rhoanda

  118. Happy Birthday, you are looking absolutely terrific :)

  119. Happy birthday Rhonda! Sorry I am a bit late. You look wonderful.

  120. Hi Rhonda, I've never commented before but I read your blog daily. Thanks so much for all of the information you feed us for simple living. By the way you look lovely. Just wanted to say also that I hope if you have not read the bible that you will consider it. I don't think anyone should leave planet earth without reading it at least once. Please keep up the good work that you do, it is appreciated. Thanks,Barbara

  121. Happy belated Birthday Rhonda,
    i have been reading through your archives as I told you before and last week I realized your birthday was coming up so I was carefully watching the days to make sure I didnt miss it and then bam, i was bed ridden for two days sick and I missed it any way. I am only up to 2008 in the archives and then I came across the simple green frugal co-op blog. Think i,m going to be reading for quite a few more weeks yet, but that's a good thing because I am learning even more from you that I had missed before. Hubby thinks i,m crazy cos every few minutes I rush into the lounge room to tell him something new i've learnt.

  122. Thank you for the lovely birthday photo, and I hope you enjoyed your day!

  123. I just found your blog, the day of your bday!! yay! Have a nice one!

  124. Wishing you a belated birthday Rhonda. I smiled with you mentioning how you felt at 50 - as I'm 50 this year which I can't believe it's gone soo fast. I've tucked away how you are feeling at 66 and I sure hope when I get to 66 I'll be keeping up with technology as much as you have - and who knows even published a book - your an inspiration! Lots of love leanne NZ

  125. Happy Belated birthday Rhonda,,,hope you had a wonderful day spent with family xxx

  126. Happy birthday!
    You look like such a nice person :)

  127. You encourage me, and apparently you encourage many other people, too! :-)

  128. A beautiful photo and sending belated birthday wishes. Hope you had a perfect day.
    Jak x

  129. I have been captured by your writing about owning your home at your profile, and as a 28 year old stay at home mom of 1 year old twins and a 3 year old, it just reminds and encourages me how blessed I am to create a home for my family and to keep on looking at the beautiful process of really being present and hands on in our home. I hope to read more articles from you.


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