30 January 2013

I'm back! We're all safe and settling in

We finally got our phone and internet back this morning. What an incredible couple of days. Kerry, Sunny and Jamie arrived, not mid-afternoon as they expected, but at 9pm. I was starting to get worried. The roast chicken and vegies I had cooked for them was transferred to the fridge early in the evening and I sat in the lounge room knitting, listening to the wind and rain. They couldn't call me because the phones and internet were down but when I saw that first flash of light when the truck drove down the driveway, everything was fine again. I was so relieved to see them.

This is our little one lane, dead-end street. All that debris on the road surface was shaken from the trees during the fierce winds we had the other night. The larger branches had been removed.

Hanno had driven up with them and they were all exhausted. Even though they had a couple of friends to help pack the truck, it was up and down two stories with no lift, so they didn't finish until the evening. Then they had a 200km trip north in the rain. Poor little Jamie was asleep and Kerry carried him in, took off his shorts and let him sleep under a gently moving fan. They got their frozen foods into our freezer, packed their cold food in the Esky, had drinks and showers and everyone was in bed. We all were up at 5am the next morning because the truck had to be unpacked over at the new house and back at the depot at 9am. Hanno went with Sunny and Kerry to help unpack, Jamie was still asleep so it was just him and me. :- ) When he woke up, he came out to the kitchen, smiled when he saw me, put his arms out to be picked up, then decided to run through the house looking for Sunny and Kerry. When he didn't find them, he wanted to see the chooks, so we got some bread and went outside to feed them. He had a quick play outside with the sun shining, then we went inside for breakfast - blueberries, a piece of toast with Vegemite and a cup of milk. 

After breakfast, I changed and dressed him, and we read some books. He has a favourite book about cats and this time, he realised the ball of wool the cats are playing with in the book is the same wool that I use. So after saying "wool" about 20 times, we went on to the next book. It's wonderful to be with him at this stage of his life when he's learning so much. His dad came to pick him up after he returned the truck, Jamie gave me a big kiss and cuddle when he left and off he went to his new home. Kerry had some good news too. His work called to ask if he could come back to work early. He was supposed to go back tomorrow. He apologised and said he couldn't, that he'd just moved his family from the Gold Coast to the Sunshine Coast and they hadn't organised the house yet. The woman then asked if he needed extra time at home to do that and offered him an extra week off to help get his family settled. Sunny was very pleased. It will be such a help to have him there for an extra week and for him to have the time to show Sunny the shops, beaches, libraries and church.

Thank you all for your comments and messages of love and support for us. We all appreciate it - every one of us. It's like living in a kind and caring neighbourhood were neighbours look out for each other. I wish all our real neighbourhoods where more like this but hopefully we can help change that in the future. I'll be back tomorrow to write about the importance of homemakers during disasters.



  1. So glad to know you're safe and that life is getting back to normal. How nice to have time to read with Jamie; he will remember these times alone with you.

  2. Whew!! Glad you're all ok. Homemaking during disasters? I think that is where we shine. Preparation is everything.

  3. So glad to hear that it all went well in the end, moving allways takes longer than you think.
    Kerry being home for an extra week will make settling in that much easier and will give him some time to relax with everyone, how nice.

  4. Phew, what a busy few days! You have a lovely family Rhonda and I am glad the move went well considering the terrible weather. Little Jamie must be so happy to have his grandparents so close now. All the very best to you and your family, Ann

  5. Oh Rhonda I am so pleased that you are all safe and well...and what a Blessing to have Family near you...how wonderful is that xoi

  6. Glad you are all fine! Not much fun moving in that dreadful weather.
    We have two young step-grandchildren who have been in our lives for the last few years. They are very affectionate boys, particularly the little one who is now 6. So lovely to have those little arms wrap around me (try to at least!), especially as they are most likely the only grandchildren we'll have
    Judy xx

  7. Children rarely care about how they became part of a family, they just respond to the love. I have no doubt they'd think of you as their grandma, no step attached. It's a lovely position to be in, isn't it Judy. We're a couple of lucky women.

  8. I was thinking of you last night, I'm so glad everything worked out well, hat a wonderful time you spent with your grandchild, thats a lovely loaf, oh my gosh it looks good,

  9. so much happening for you all Rhonda,so glad you are all safe,big hugs to you all.xx

  10. Rhonda I am glad that all is well and your family are ok. It is lovely that you had that special time with Jamie on your own and also wonderful that Kerry has some extra time off. It is so important to have time to settle and to get organised. It will be lovely for you and Hanno to have them closer.

  11. I am so happy for you to have your family so close by. Is there anything sweeter than having a grandbaby wake up in the morning and you be the first thing they see? I know what you mean about the 'wool' book. Our favourite is 'The Big Bug Book' and let me tell you, that thing is falling apart at the seams (literally!!). Best $5 I ever spent. I am picking my little one up this afternoon after his first day at prep. As you say, we are lucky women.

    So glad that all is well up that way. It has been a nasty few days for some people. I hope everyone is well and power restored eventually.

  12. We are still cut off from town, but with plenty in the garden, a pantry and freezer full, it is no problem! We even have fresh milk from the neighbour (arrived by boat across the creek) because the tanker can't get through they were told to dump the milk!

  13. I'm really thrilled for you all! I'm beyond excited for you to have some of your family close at hand XO

    PS - I recognize that potholder :)

  14. Glad you and your family are safe and well

  15. How wonderful to hear that the family are moved in and all is well.

  16. I am so happy that all has gone well for the move! I was very worried about you all after our news here shoed us what was going on down there. I said to myself as I watched that you had just told us you were fine, but I still said some prayers! I'm sure they bumped up the drama just a tad, as that is what sells the news, but I still wanted you and your family safe and sound at home.
    How wonderful that Kerry can stay a little longer with his family in the new home. That will be a big comfort for Sunny!

    1. Thank you for your prayers, Claudia. Sunny is very grateful for that extra week.

  17. Wonderful!!!! Listening to the reports on the news with all
    The floods was depressing seeing all the family's heartbroken , this is a happy ending :)

  18. I'm so glad your family is now safely settled in. You must love having them living so closely.

  19. What wonderful news that everyone was safe and that the move worked out ok. And what an extra bonus to be able to look after the little man, knowing that he's not going to be too far away from his grandma & grandpa now. :-) Kirsten x

  20. It sounds so stressful, but once your family arrived, so much better. Hope the worst is over now

  21. Great news. Such a wonderful thing for you all that they are now so close.

  22. So good to hear that everything is alright again. There is nothing like the sunny smile of a grandchild with arms held high asking to be picked up. I know you are so happy to have him close by!

  23. Last night, for the first time, they showed images of the flooding in Australia on the news and I immediately thought of you and yours. Glad you are all safe and together.
    Trinidad & Tobago

  24. Glad everyone is okay and that you are all closer to one another now. :)

  25. This post gave me warm fuzzies. I'm not sure why, maybe it's the family gathering in the warm and dry after a long, hard day. I'm glad you're all ok and hope Kerry, Sunny and Jamie love their new home.

  26. So pleased to know that you are safe and that your family has successfully moved, despite the awful weather! You will love having Jamie so much nearer.

  27. Oh Rhonda,
    Sometimes when I read your blog, I feel like I'm coming home and then I cry...today was one of those days again. There's just this feeling I get when you talk about your family and your home that touches me deep inside. Our life has changed dramatically in the last couple of weeks. We've had to close our business down and possibly will have to sell our home. You, your blog and your wonderful book are helping me to see the light at the end of the tunnel. We have been blessed with an amazing opportunity to change our lives, to reinvent ourselves, to live the simple life that the very depth of my being seems to crave. So, through the tears, the overwhelming sense of despair that sometimes threatens to overtake me, I hop online and read your blog and I cry. So dear, sweet Rhonda...thank you...you give me hope for a better future for me and my family. Gaye

  28. Gaye, that sounds intriguing. I hope these changes are welcomed, even though they might be frightening and difficult. So don't despair, it sounds as though this will be good for your family. Take care and stay in touch.

  29. What is Vegemite? Can I get this in the US?



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