30 August 2012

Hanno - update

There is no easy way to tell you this. Hanno had an accident with the chain saw yesterday and is in hospital. He'll have surgery today. I'll update you when I can. I'll be back to the blog when I can.

Hanno has severed some tendons that attach his thumb to his arm. He's got a gaping cut down to the bone from the base of his thumb to about a quarter the way up his arm, and a few gouges out of his fingers. No bones broken. They've replaced the ambulance dressing with a sterile dressing but haven't done anything else. He's waiting to go to surgery. The doctor said he'll have two procedures - one to wash out the wound (it's got bits of dirt and junk in it) and the other to do the repair work.

Phew. That was a close one. When I heard him screaming out to me, I knew something terrible had happened and when I ran out, he was standing on the verandah holding his arm, blood was gushing out and his jeans were soaked. I thought he'd cut off his hand because I couldn't see it. I sat him down, raced in and grabbed some clean tea towels and wrapped them tightly around the wound. Then I saw his hand was still there and elevated his arm. Ran inside again and rang 000, two ambulances came, one with a doctor on board.

When I left the hospital last night he was sitting up eating a sandwich!!!  I'm just about to go back to the hospital, I'll take the ipad with me and he may be able to read all your comments. Thanks so much for them. Thanks also to Rose who just rang.  I'll update again later. But don't worry, apart from being sore and sorry, and not being able to use his arm for 6-8 weeks, I think he will be okay. Although he doesn't have a chain saw anymore.


  1. Sending warm thoughts and prayers your way.

  2. Oh that's terrible news! My prayers are with you and Hanno.

  3. Oh no, I hope he will be all right and I hope surgery goes well. I will keep you both in my thoughts and prayers.

  4. Sending prayers ((hugs))

    Mary Ellen
    The Working Home Keeper

  5. I am praying for Hanno and you. Hugs, Angela

  6. Oh no! My thoughts are with you and Hanno...

  7. Will be praying for strength and peace for you both and that the recovery is very quick and complete.
    love & hugs,
    Rural Writings

  8. Miss Rhonda, I"ll be praying for you both, Espy

  9. Sending healing thoughts your way!

  10. :-0
    I'm sorry to hear that Rhonda, I hope he is ok, and wish him a speedy recovery.

    I love reading your blog of an evening, though I don't often write a comment.

    Take care of yourselves.
    Sussex, England

  11. I hope all goes well - thinking of you both. ((hugs))

  12. Oh no Rhonda. Hope Hanno is alright. Speedy recovery. xxx

  13. I am so sorry to hear that, my thoughts are with you both. Let us know how things go when you feel like it. I don't write on line very often, but am an aviid reader of your blog and feel that I know you both.

  14. Praying for you both! :(
    Linda in California

  15. Oh Rhonda, I'm so sorry to hear that! I'll be praying for you both.

  16. I am so sorry to hear this. Take good care of both of you as best you can, and we will be thinking of you and praying for Hanno. love, Juds

  17. Best wishes to Hanno, My thoughts are with you both. Wishing him a safe, healthy and speedy recovery

  18. O'h Rhonda,hope Hanno is ok,this is the worst nightmare of us all with chainsaw bearing fellows,prayers and thoughts with you.

  19. Get well soon Hanno

  20. Sending all best wishes your way for a speedy recovery for Hanno. Blessings.

  21. Sorry to hear about Hanno's accident,hope everything turns out ok.My thoughts and prayers are with you at this time,good luck with his surgery :( Barb.

  22. Oh Rhonda, that is awful. My thoughts are with you at this terrible (and scary) time. Good luck!

  23. Rhonda, I am so sorry to hear this. I do hope that the surgery goes well and that Hanno makes a full recovery. In the meantime you take care of yourself.

  24. Rhonda my thoughts are with Hanno and you today.

  25. Hi Rhonda,
    I hope Hanno is okay. I also hope you are okay and coping.We are thinking of you and your family today and send our good wishes.

  26. Really sorry to read this, thinking of you both xx

  27. Thinking of Hanno, thinking of you xxxxxxxxxxxx love Froogs xxxx

  28. Oh no! Oh my dear rhonda, I hope he is okay. I hope you are okay. My thoughts and love and light are with you both across the miles.

    Much much love from me to you both and your family.

  29. He (and you) will be in my prayers!

  30. Oh no, I'm so sorry to hear that. You both will be in my thoughts and I hope surgery goes well!

  31. Goodness me Rhonda, I'm so very sorry to hear this. I wish him a very speedy recovery indeed, and hope you have many friends and family around you at this worrying time. Lots of love to both of you. I'm sure we'd all love to hear how he's getting on, but you take as much time as you need. We'll be thinking of you. Jenni xx

  32. I'm so sorry Rhonda. Hope the operation will go well and he will recover quickly. We will keep you guys in our prayers! Melanie.

  33. So sorry to hear that Hano has had an accident. I will be lifting him up in my prayers for a speedy recovery.

  34. Our prayers and love to you both. Judie J

  35. Thinking of you both.
    Much love
    Gail aka Lovelovinghorses x x x x

  36. I am so sorry to hear Hanno has had an accident. My thoughts are with you and your family. Take care.

  37. Hope he is OK and the surgery is a success, best wishes

  38. Oh dear! Hope he is ok. All the best, Liz near Wollongong

  39. My thoughts and prayers are with both of you!

  40. Oh my goodness! Rhonda, I'm so sorry! Take care. I will pray for you and Hanno.

  41. Sending Hanno our warmest wishes for a speedy and safe recovery, and blessings for you both.

  42. I'll pray for you. Blessings from Dresden, Germany. Diana

  43. I hope he is ok and you too.

  44. My prayers go out to your family.

  45. Oh gosh Rhonda. My thoughts are with Hanno, you and your whole family.

  46. Praying for Hanno and for you! Also that the doctors and surgeons will have the mind, eyes, ears hands, heart, knowledge, wisdom & understanding of God Himself as they take care of him!

  47. Oh my, I will keep you and yours in my thoughts.

  48. I'm so sorry. I'll be keeping both of you in my prayers. Lori

  49. Healing thoughts and prayers for you both!
    So sorry Rhonda!

  50. Sending all positive vibes I can muster your way Rhonda - I sincerely hope he's OK, and you're not too shaken either. Much love.

  51. Sorry to hear of Hanno's accident. Am thinking of you both. Ree, xxx

  52. Oh my goodness Rhonda, I am so sorry. I am keeping you and Hanno in my thoughts. I wish him well in his surgery and a speedy recovery.Lots of Love to you both. Lors x

  53. praying fast healing for hanno and comfort for you xox

  54. Oh, Rhonda, so sorry to hear about Hanno's accident. I pray he'll be okay soon and that the surgery goes well.

    You and he will be on my mind until you're able to give more news.

    Love from Diane in North Carolina

  55. Oh Rhonda, sending prayers and love to Hanno and yourself for a speedy recovery.

  56. I'm so sorry to hear this. We'll keep both you and Hanno in our thoughts and prayers. Best wishes for the surgery and his recovery!

  57. Sending prayers and much love, Madeleine

  58. I am so sorry to hear this. I will try to hold you both in my thoughts and will pray for a swift recovery. Most of all I send you love.

  59. NO! Am thinking of you dear Rhonda, and praying too. Love Julia in Bowen

  60. Crickey Rhonda, I hope he is ok, we have good surgeons here on the coast xx

  61. So sorry to hear about Hanno. I hope all will be well. Thinking of you both. Hugs,

  62. My thoughts and prayers are with you both.

  63. Best wishes for a swift recovery!

  64. Oh Rhonda. Thoughts and prayers are with you both.

  65. I do hope Hanno is ok Rhonda and that the surgery goes well. God bless.


  66. We will say a prayer for him for healing. And, you for strength.

  67. My thoughts are with you both. I hope its not too serious and he recovers quickly.XX

  68. Oh no! I am so sorry to hear that - my prayers are with you and all the family. I pray that God is holding you all in His loving arms through this difficult time.

  69. my best wishes to you and Hanno for his speedy recovery.... a worrying time for you all...


  70. prayers for Hanno and you....hugs...so sorry

  71. Oh Rhonda, my friend, I am so sorry to read of Hanno's accident. Prayers are coming your way for successful surgery to repair his injury and for you in support at this difficult time.

  72. Our prayers are with you. I hope everything will be ok.

  73. Oh no. That doesn't sound very good at all. I wish Hanno all the best with his surgery. I hope you are ok as well. Take care x

  74. I am so sorry to hear this. Much love to you and Hanno, I will be thinking of you both xx

  75. I have been a long time reader but have never commented...until today. My thought and prayers with be with you, Hanno and your family today!

  76. Saying prayers for Hanno and you. Hope all will turn out well.

  77. Oh my goodness, no! I am sorry to hear this bit of news. Healing thoughts and prayers to your sweet husband, and comforting ones for you!

  78. Rhonda that is my worst fear when my husband uses tools and machines. I will be thinking of you.

  79. OH my goodness! How terrible. Sending you much love and prayers. xxxxx

  80. We will be praying for you folk

  81. Oh how awful, I do hope the doctors can fix him up good as new,how worrying for you all.

  82. I am so sorry. Never commented before but followed you for over 3 years. My thoughts are with you.

  83. My thoughts are with you both today. xx

  84. Oh no Rhonda and Hanno. I wish you both my luck in the surgery today. I hope you are surrounded with love and support during this time.

  85. my thoughts are with you and Hanno and wish him well, chainsaws are a way of life for us in rural areas and I know I always worry when any of my family are using them, they are very unforgiving.

  86. oh dear no. Keeping you both in my prayers.

  87. Our thoughts and prayers are with you both.

  88. so very sorry to hear Hanno's been hurt, I hope his injury is not too severe & wish him a speedy recovery, look after yourself too Rhonda its easy to forget oneself when a loved one is ill or injured, our thoughts & best wishes are for you both, take care, Deb M

  89. Thinking of you both Rhonda.:(

  90. Praying that he is ok and sending you hugs.


  91. Sending prayers and love to you and Hanno. I hope the surgery goes well today and he is able to make a full recovery. Sam xox

  92. Oh Rhonda, my thoughts and prayers are with you and Hanno. ((Hugs))

  93. So sorry to hear. Best wishes for a full recovery.

  94. yikes, I hope he is alright. Will be in my thoughts and prayers

  95. Sending get well wishes to Hanno. Hope he iis home soon.

  96. Oh my gosh Rhonda. My thoughts and prayers are with you today. Hope a full recovery is made. Cassie

  97. Oh, Rhonda, I am so sorry! Iwill keep you both in my prayers. JoAnna in FL, USA

  98. So sorry to hear that Rhonda. I hope he has not injured himself too badly, and that he comes home soon.

  99. I am so sorry to learn about Hanno's accident.
    Hoping he will make a speedy recovery.
    God bless you both.
    Angela (South England) UK

  100. Oh! Positive thoughts for a speedy recovery with no complications. Blessings to you both.
    Sami Jae.

  101. Will keep Hanno in my prayers. Take care of yourself too Rhonda.

  102. oh im so sorry to hear this, hope the surgery goes well, will be thinking of you both today xxx

  103. Oh Rhonda! Poor Hanno! We'll be keeping you both in our thoughts and prayers.

  104. I am so sorry and send a prayer " up " for both you and Hanno.

  105. Oh dear ... keeping you both in prayer!

  106. Oh My Rhonda, my thoughts are with you both, I will be praying for you both and hope that Hanno is up and about again very soon. Love Kathy xxx

  107. I do hope everything is okay, they are very dangerous I always panic evertime I use mine..

  108. Keeping you both in my thoughts today. I hope everything goes well and you and Hanno are back soon!

  109. Noooo, Rhonda! Oh dear! Please give him our love and best wishes and know that prayers are going out on his behalf. -- Moey and family xo

  110. Hoping and praying and caring that all goes well with the surgery.

  111. I am really sorry to read this post this morning Rhonda. I hope the surgery goes well and that Hanno is on the mend soon.

  112. Dear Rhonda,
    My prayers are with you and Hanno.
    Liz (someone who has never commented before but reads your blog daily)

  113. Oh how awful. I pray he recovers fully. You are in my prayers.

  114. Rebecca (The Hills)August 30, 2012 8:50 am

    Ohhh, golly gosh, no!! My heart missed a beat when I read this. I hope he is ok. Our thoughts and prayers are with him to recover and get well soon, and with you and your family. give him a big hug from us.

  115. Oh my goodness Rhonda! I'll be thinking of you and Hanno, wishing him all the best xxx

  116. Dearest Rhonda

    I felt sick when I read this. My thoughts are with you and Hanno. I send every prayer for a speedy recovery and a good outcome.

    Much love

  117. Rhonda I am enormously sorry to hear this news. My constant prayers will be with you. I wish you peace as you walk through this storm.

    Dianne from Florida

  118. Oh no Rhonda!I'm sorry to read this and hope Hanno (and you!) are ok. Please know you are in my thoughts and I send my love x
    Lusi x

  119. Praying for a quick recovery and for strength for both of you. Karyn in North Carolina

  120. Oh no, Rhonda, I'm so sorry to hear this. Sending lots of positive vibes your way and thinking of you Hanno. xx

  121. Thinking of Hanno and you in Canada! I am so sorry to hear of his accident. Take care and know you are surrounded by love...


  122. Oh Rhonda my best wishes to you and Hanno hoe all goes well my thoughts are with you 2. Linda

  123. My stomach dropped when I read those first lines. Poor Hanno! So sorry to hear about the accident. Wishing you both all the best. xx

  124. Sending lots of warm wishes and healing to Hanno....must have been awfully scary for you too Rhonda....take care and i shall be thinking of you both as Hanno has his surgery!xx

  125. ((((HANNO AND RHONDA))))) you are in my thoughts and I hope all heals well.

  126. Oh no! Sending many warm wishes and prayers, I hope Hanno heals up quickly and well. You're one brave and calm lady!

  127. I'm so glad Hanno is okay!!! Chainsaws scare me to death at the best of times. My hubby has been on and on at me to let him have a chainsaw as it would make it so much easier to get rid of some trees that we don't need but Hanno's accident proves my point that chainsaws are just too dangerous! My hubby will be reading this tonight!!
    Take it easy and get better very soon Hanno!!!
    Rhonda, it must have given you such a fright, my heart goes out to you.
    I think you both deserve to sit and enjoy many cups of tea/coffee and your delicious home baked cakes and biscuits when Hanno comes home from hospital.

  128. Best wishes to you both and praying for a quick recovery for Hanno.
    Michelle from Brisbane xxx

  129. Wishing Hanno well, and sending you both lots of positive thoughts, from someone who's been enjoying your blog from afar in SW England. Sarah

  130. Best wishes to Hanno for a speedy recovery. x

  131. Oh my I am so glad to hear that the injury is not worse, men and their tools scare me to pieces. Take care to you both and I hope that all will be well again soon. x

  132. Thanks so much for the update Rhonda. You must be really tired and this would have been an effort. Such a shock for you all. I will be thinking of you and Hanno and instead of worrying will concentrate on sending positive get well vibes his way. (( )) xx

  133. Ooooh Rhonda - that made my stomach go all queasy! Doesn't it make you glad we live in a country where ambulances are prompt and reliable. Have had to use them a couple of times myself. My uncle had an accident with a chainsaw when we were kids and it went into his thigh. He still proudly shows us the scars. Hope Hanno is healing up well and not in any pain. Haven't had time to comment much lately, but still pop over to read and send lots of love to you both. Rachel from NZ

  134. Hi Rhonda,
    I've grown so fond of you and Hanno through reading this blog. I'm sorry to say I don't comment very often, but just wanted to wish you and Hanno swift healing for a quick recovery. You are a strong woman whom I admire.

  135. What a scary thing to happen, hope Hanno has a quick recovery xx Kaye

  136. Oh I am glad that worked out hope the recovery is speedy. This is something every wife whose husband uses a chainsaw worries about Take care. B

  137. Having been through a hand injury with my son recently my heart was in my throat after I read the first two sentences. So glad Hanno still has all his digits but, from experience with another son, it may take about 12 months for the tendon to repair completely and any issues with it to go away. I hope he has soft, warm gloves as hand injuries are susceptible to cold and it makes them ache. Sending my best wishes to Hanno for a good recovery and big hugs to both of you.
    Robyn XX

  138. Crikey!! That's a worry. Sending good thoughts and positive juju from across the Tasman. Hope the surgery goes well.

  139. Going through experiences like that leave you in a awful state of shock:(,may Hanno recover well:),thinking of you both:) Carleene x

  140. OMG that was a close call....yes, when you hear a particular scream you know something is seriously wrong. It must have been a scary situation for you and I'm so glad it is not worse. Take care and don't worry about us....look after Hanno and yourself. Regards Kathy A, Brisbane, Australia

  141. Oh my God.... dear Hanno please take care.... my thoughts and prayers go out to you... thank goodness it wasn't any worse.... you are lucky to have Rhonda to take care of you.... please get well quick... sending you both lots of love and best wishes

  142. Positive thoughts and a candle lit for a fast and complete recovery. I have followed you for quite a while, and don't usually comment... I will be watching for a positive update!

  143. so glad to hear that Hanno will be ok.

    cheers Kate

  144. Oh wow...scary , scary stuff.....wishing him a hassle free surgery today to repair and then some good healing time....
    Hope you got over your fright, I can imagine how your heart was racing..........Suzanne, xxx...Enchanted Moments...

  145. Rhonda, So sorry for your initial scare, fortunately you where there with him. Like many others I have prayed, & will continue to pray, for for a full uncomplicated recovery for Hanno as well as peace & rest for you both. Hopefully Hanno will be home soon to share morning tea cuppa out on the porch.

  146. So sorry to hear of your accident, Hanno. Best wishes for a quick recovery.

    Big hugs to you Rhonda - it's so difficult when those you love are hurting.

  147. Nothing I can add that has not already been said so Hanno just sit back and enjoy been waited on, you will be back at work in no time. Rhonda I know you are more than capable to step up and and take on Hanno's work load as well (even if he thinks you are going about it the wrong way!)
    Take care both of you. Carol

  148. oh my dears so sorry to read this...praying for a speedy recovery...love to you both Elsam

  149. Oh my goodness Rhonda! What a scare for you both. Sending well wishes yours and Hanno's way xo

  150. HOLY COW!!!! Poor Hanno, and poor RHONDA!!! It's always so hard for the 'safe' one to watch all that transpired to an injured/sick one.
    We live in a forest area of ARIZONA, where we almost burned up last summer-with the largest wildfire in Arizona history---over 586,000 acres! Anyway, we use strictly wood heat and my husband cuts our wood. I usually go with him, but, sometimes, he does got out into the forest alone.....and, I worry...THIS is why!!! Those saws are dangerous and have NO mercy!
    Hope Hanno is better in no time, and that he will listen to Nurse/Dr. Rhonda!
    ***ya hear that Hanno?***
    SherryBee in AZ, of USA

  151. Praying for strength, healing, and comfort for you both.

  152. I'm so sorry to hear the terrible news :( Hanno - we are sending you love and hugs across the miles! Thinking of you both... XO

  153. My thoughts and prayers are with you and Hanno. Sarah Windsor

  154. Thinking of you both today, may you both be well looked after. xxx

  155. Sending loving, healing thoughts your way Hanno! Much love to you both from Florida.

  156. The warm fireplaceAugust 30, 2012 11:07 am

    My best wishes for a speedy recovery Hanno, Must have been a huge shock for you both.Take it easy.

  157. dear Rhonda and Hanno,

    oh my goodness,
    wishing you a good recovery Hanno.

    Rhonda, take care of both of you.

    These accidents shake you up, i know.

  158. So glad to hear that Hanno will be OK. I think my heart stopped when I read your original posting. Please give my best to Hanno and know that I will pray for a speedy recovery. Rhonda, I can only imagine what you went through. Sounds like you did everything right but it must have been so frightening. Hope the two of you can get some much needed rest. Sending prayers and good wishes from New Hampshire.

  159. Dear Rhonda and Hanno,
    I rarely comment, but was so shocked to read this upsetting news just now. I will pray for Hanno's quick recovery - both physically and emotionally, and for your equilibrium and tranquility to be restored!
    With love and best wishes to you both,
    Heidi (Mt Barker, South Australia)

  160. Praying to God, that he will help him heal quickly, thanking God that he still has his hand, arm & fingers! Hopes for a speedy recovery!

  161. Hanno and Rhonda, I know only too well how you are felling, it was not that long ago that Mr Lashy had an accident with a chainsaw and had it not been for the fact that he had changed out of his thongs and into his workboots a few minutes earlier he would have lost his foot. Hanno rest up and heal well and Rhonda rest up as much as you can because the recovery takes a while and needs to be done well to prevent secondary infections. Love to you both dear friends x

  162. Thank goodness he's Ok!! Thanks for the update and best wishes for a speedy recovery hugs Judy xx

  163. Oh goodness what a shock. I do hope the surgery goes well. Love to you both X Lynn (linnieloo)

  164. oh, no rhonda, how awful! wishing hanno a speedy recovery: I'm glad he'll be ok in a few weeks time with no long term damage done.

  165. Rhonda, hope all goes well for Hanno's surgery and that he is feeling better soon.
    My husband has a chainsaw and I really, really wish he didn't.
    Best wishes to you both.

  166. Prayers for a rapid recovery! My husband did something similar almost 6 years ago and I know how heart stopping it can be! I wish you strength!!

  167. Sending well wishes and good thoughts from Nebraska, USA! Kristina

  168. Hi Rhonda, So glad Hanno is ok, sounds like you both had quite a scare. Thinking of you both today and wishing Hanno all the best for his surgery. Cheers from Fran.

  169. Oh my gosh Rhonda Jean! Thank God it wasn't worse. My prayers are with Hanno for as speedy and painless recovery as possible. And prayers for you, as you tend to his needs at hme and in the hospital.

  170. oh my,what bad luck,hope he is ok,and will be back home soon,xx Carol

  171. Dear Rhonda and Hanno, wishing you both love and peace, i hope hanno makes a great recovery all the best Julie

  172. Love from the other side of the planet. Although this is a terrible accident, it is a relief to know that he is going to recover. Wishing him a most speedy recovery.

  173. I didn't realise until I got to the end that I had been holding my breath! My heart still feels like it is in my mouth, I guess yours is still there skipping a beat or two. My husband uses a chainsaw sometimes and grinders and...and these things do happen even with the best care. I hope he will regain full use of his thumb and I am glad it wasn't more serious. Lots of love to you both x

  174. Reading that gives me chills. It reminds me of when my daughter came inside after having a tomahawk accident with her Dad, and a tree she was helping him de-branch. I normally faint at the smell of blood, but I managed to hold it together to clean and dress the wound.

    It was a very small cut, but it was deep and the blood, oh, the blood. I know you would have held it together to do what was needed, but there's something chilling about seeing a loved one, bleeding like that. I still think chainsaws are handy tools, like tomahawks, but they are potentially lethal.

    Glad Hanno is okay. :)

  175. OMG, what a shock for you, you did so well to stay calm, despite your initial fears that he'd lost his hand. I hope the surgery goes well & Hanno (& you) recover quickly. He won't know what to do with himself for 6-8 weeks but at least he's won't be wondering what to do without one hand. He's very lucky as those chainsaw can be very dangerous tools. Take care & love to you both, Ann x x

  176. Hanno, I wish you a very quick recovery and some much needed rest. I am keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

    Rhonda please know that I will be thinking of you and saying a prayer for you as well, I know how difficult it is emotionally and physically when our special loved ones are hurt or sick. Sending you both virtual Tea and Scones! (my favorite comfort food)

    Amy :)

  177. Bless you Hanno and Rhonda! My husband and I went through a similar experience a few years ago on Christmas day( He was "playing" with his new saw and cut 1 finger almost off.The plastic surgeon did a great job on reattaching and after a few weeks my Don was back to normal and still using the saw. Praying for you! Don and Carolyn Gilbert (Florida in USA

  178. Wishing hanno a speedy recovering and hugs for both of you!

  179. Hanno, I'm glad you're okay and that nothing more serious happened. I wish you a very speedy recovery....I know your care is in very good hands! Rhonda, I know that must've been the scare of a lifetime....so proud of you for acting so calmly and getting your thoughts together like that. I'm sure I would've panicked in that situation. Hope your heart has recovered from the shock of that!! XOXOXO from Audrey in Charlotte, NC, USA!

  180. Praying for hanno and you as well. I know that had to be scary. So glad it was better than expected. Keep us posted.
    Christina from texas

  181. Get well soon Hanno, so relieved you are okay, warmest wishes to you and Rhonda. x

  182. Have just read your terrible news, I hope all goes well with the surgery our prayers are with you. Janine and Roger - Bathurst.

  183. Thinking of you and wishing Hanno a safe recovery! xo m.

  184. Sending many good thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery!!

  185. Sorry to hear of the accident Rhonda, all the best for Hanno, hope the operation goes well and he will have a speedy recovery.

  186. Oh Rhonda I am so, so sorry to hear it. It's strange because yesterday I was thinking about him and worrying about him. When I read he had vertigo the other day I was worried for him. I really hope he has a speedy recovery and his surgery goes well. Take care, Eliza

  187. Rhonda,
    Praying for you both. I hope that he recovers quickly. What a blessing that you were at home with him when it happened.

  188. Best of luck with his recovery.

  189. Wishing Hanno a quick recovery. We will keep him in our prayers.

  190. Will be thinking of and praying for you both as Hanno begins his recovery process. Take good care of yourselves. Lots of love and blessings to you,

  191. Thinking of you both at this difficult time. Hoping for a speedy recovery for Hanno and not too much stress for you, Rhonda.

  192. What an awful thing to have happen! - but so terribly grateful it wasn't worse! Wishing Hanno a speedy recovery. Rhonda, l think you deserve a cup of tea & sit down - you did great!!! I work in the emergency services & having people who can keep their cool in situations like this makes our job much easier.

  193. Wishing Hanno a speedy recovery!


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