27 January 2012

Weekend reading

This is my regular Friday feature in which I share a few things I've read or watched recently and some blogs that have inspired me in some way. We all know the internet is an amazing place, with many nooks and crannies to explore. I hope these links reveal interest and beauty you might not otherwise have found.

Thank you for your visits this week. I've enjoyed our discussions. We have had over 400mm (15 inches) of rain since Monday. The forecast for the coming days is for continued rain. I hope your weather is a bit better than ours and that you have a beautiful weekend.  



  1. Hi Rhonda,

    Wow, you have a lot of rain!!! WE had lots of rain over the past two days here, but nothing compared to what you have been experiencing. It's always a fine line between necessary and too much. Although the farmers here ar really grateful for the rain right now :) Love and hugs from the ocean shores of California, Heather :) :)

  2. Hi Rhonda, thanks so much for your blog today. I loved the link to the Peppers and Eggs. We make something called Shakshuka in which we also fry some crushed garlic, 2 x finely chopped onions first then fry finely chopped capsicum red or green and finely diced tomato (i cheat and used tinned tomatoes) they we poach the eggs in that. I also add chillies to mine. Can also scramble the eggs like Clara did on her video. Spices like cumin, tumeric and a little ground coriander are also nice too. Add water if its getting too dry so you have plenty of sauce for eating with bread. Im sure there are many versions of this on the internet too. Julia

  3. Hi

    Well we have had 47 cm of snow falling since 25th and snowstorm today. The mainroad out of town closed so seems like a similar weather just a tad colder here in the northern hemisphere. I do enjoy your blog all the more photos and all... :-)
    There is still Thursday here also ;-)

  4. I hope your rain lets up soon.

  5. Thanks for the mention! I've been lurking for some time now, fun to see when other folks are as well!

  6. Hi Rhonda

    there certainly are extremes we are in for low 40C's today and it has been close to or above few quite a few days now. at the fireworks last night we had a thunderstorm and a shower of rain so that cooled us all down a bit. hope there is not too much rain in the coming days



  7. Thank you for these links, Rhonda. It is always interesting to peruse your recommendations. There is always something new to be learned in this simple lifestyle!

    Our weather is windy-windy-windy! Not unusual for winter where we live.

    Have a lovely weekend.

  8. I've enjoyed your reading list. You find some good stuff.

    brenda from ar

  9. We'd love to take some of your rain from you here in California!
    These look like some interesting links. I know what I will be doing thiis weekend!Thank you!

  10. Oh. Well...I...um, thank you. Thank you for such a lovely mention.

    Funny, when I read the amount of rainfall that you've received, I automatically translated it to the snowfall that it *would* be here, except that it got really mild and a significant amount of our snow was RAINED away. Phooey.

  11. Good Grief! 15 inches of rain will cure any drought! Maybe I should send you a life jacket? We have had a bit of rain this week, but unseasonably warm here. Thank you for all of your writing this week. I always look forward to your news. Happy Week End. ~ Kari

  12. Hi Rhonda,
    I love Fridays.because I know you will have some interesting and fun links for me to explore.I especially enjoyed reading 'Domestic lives'. I so identify with this story- Im dreading when my boys leave home, Im going to miss them so much. Hopefully I will have them around for a few more years yet.

    We are nearby to you and Im over the rain.

    Mimi@ Vanilla Rose

  13. Hi Rhonda
    Did I mention that you make fridays funner :) Love this new feature!

    Trinidad & Tobago

  14. thanks for the peppers and eggs links! Such simple food yet so good! Seems like I like the simple foods the best.

    And I've been using the Artisan Bread in 5 minutes a Day and I'm loving it! Easiest bread I've ever made and my husband loves it. Need to go make some now so i can have some peppers and eggs sandwiches...he will love it.

  15. Thanks for the links!

    Can't wait to check out the Wabi Sabi one. Wabi Sabi ways are so inspiring to me.

    Keep up the lists...I always enjoy seeing what you have found to read. :)

    Be well...

  16. Loved your weekend reading. Very motivating to lead a simple life. Thanks a lot for sharing. God Bless!!

  17. g'day
    am new to your site, after watching the ACA interview on monday night at red rooster while the boys ate their dinner
    this is a great site, something I have been searching for, for awhile now & your links to other peoples' simple living are great too. am keen to try some of the homemades once i get some ingredients. have made a dishcloth from your site, was quite easy & rather enjoyable.
    thanx your blogs are an inspiration for me
    take care & stay dry

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