31 January 2012

Babies and books

I've been wanting to share some really special photos with you and today I have a good reason for it - apart from the fact that they're just so darn cute. Shane and Sarndra had some professional photos taken recently - a day in their life, and they said I could share them with you. This first photo of Alexander is part of that series, taken by photographer Hsu-Yin. I think you'll agree with me that they're charming and beautiful and from one who knows my family well, they have captured their truth. I invite you to look through the entire album on Hsu-Yin's blog.

This little red donkey that Alex has above is a Steiff animal I bought for Shane when he was a baby in Germany.

This photo of our little cutie pie Alex was taken by Sarndra to show an outfit that Aunty Benita sent from England. Alex is almost seven months now and he has seven teeth. :- )

And here is the gorgeous Jamie, all dressed up on Christmas morning on his way to visit Santa at the Neighbourhood Centre.
Jamie again discovering our floor for the first time on Christmas Eve. No doubt this is territory he will walk for many years to come.

I had a lot of inquires yesterday about sending a signed copy of my book to all corners of the world. Thank you for your interest in it. Hanno spent quite a bit of time looking around as different options and gave me the rates when I came home last night. It's not good news - the book weighs over 1 kg (2.2lbs)  and the international postage is quite expensive, especially when you consider it is on top of the book price of $35.

New Zealand - $30.50
Asia-Pacific - $37.00
USA - Canada - Middle East - $43.25
The rest of the world - this takes in UK,  Europe and South Africa - $53.25

But there is some good news. If you go to the Fishpond au site, you'll find their postal rates. They're reasonable because they send out so many books and are much more attractive than the prices at our local PO. I am guessing that most of the online stores would have similar rates, but you'd have to check if you wanted to use a different store.

Of course, if you still want to go ahead with your international order, let me know and we'll add your name to our list, but I'm assuming that everyone of you will order online. One of the readers suggested I sign a name plate and I would be happy to do that. I'm sorry, I forget who mentioned it. If you buy a book online or in a book shop and you'd like me to write an inscription, just send me a letter with a stamped self-addressed, return envelope and I'll make up some name plates, inscribe one to you and send it back. Then you can paste it into your book. Our postal address is: Rhonda Hetzel, PO Box 249, Landsborough, 4550, Queensland, Australia.

So I'm keeping all the orders we got from Australian readers and over the next day, I'll be contacting all of you with our bank details.  I'm assuming all international orders are cancelled unless you contact me to tell me otherwise.

Please accept this as a response to your email - there are over a hundred emails just from yesterday and it would take me too long to reply personally to all of you. And if you did send an email, thank you so much for so many words of kindness. It was a real treat for me to read them all. I am very thankful I am part of this wonderfully supportive online community. I well and truly feel the love. Thank you.



  1. Hi Rhonda,
    Just wanted to let you know that I have pre-ordered your book from Booktopia. I live in New Hampshire, USA. In case anyone wants to know....the price of the book is $33.95 & the shipping is $27.50 for a total of $61.45.
    I can't wait to receive it in the mail. I'm sure I will be dropping everything so I can sit down and enjoy it while having a cup of tea.

    By the way, your grandbabies are absolutely ADORABLE!

    Pat in NH

  2. Hello! I checked out the shipping to the USA and it was an "eye opener" to say the least. As much as I want the book RIGHT NOW(LOL),I am going to wait as I think your book will be such a whopping success that an American publisher will pick it up soon! It is going to be hard to wait,but I really feel strongly that your book is going to be a great success! Congratulations again for all your hard work! Darlene

  3. For New Zealand readers - fishpond.co.nz has the book stocked for $NZ50 with free shipping. As $AU35 = $NZ45 this is cheaper than buying from the Australian site and paying the $10 postage. I am hoping Whitcoulls in NZ will stock it soon as I received some vouchers for Xmas. Looking forward to reading it!

  4. Thanks for the info, Rhonda - I just ordered from Fishpond. Thanks for the tip on the shipping!

    Your little grandsonss are precious! I just love those little toothless grins!

  5. Lovely pics! The boys are such cuties.

    Great idea for signed bookplates!

  6. Gosh Rhonda I nearly fainted when i saw the postal rates to Europe from your local P.O. Much better via Fishpond so I will order that way.
    Can´t wait to read it.

    Your grandchildren är so beautiful. Being a grandparent is truly such a
    joy isn´t it?

  7. well, you can't half tell you are a proud grandma!! what cuties - I love especially the one of Alex sitting on the lounge - he looks like a real little man!!

  8. Hi Rhonda,

    Oh those babies melted my heart! Too gorgeous for words!

    My plan is to buy the book (one for daughter too) from where I can find you signing...I'll be looking out for your itinerary, it's so exciting for you...you deserve all the success that I know will follow, so many people want this great way of life.

    Vicki xx

  9. The Grands are growing so fast! ADORABLE lil men they are!

  10. Thank you for sharing those gorgeous shots. An ordinary day has been captured so beautifully and naturally.

  11. The photo's of the little ones are just gorgeous.

    Nicky Singh

  12. Oh dear.. what high costs for shipping! Uncredible.. But never the less.. I want your book! ;o) So I will try to buy it at one of the online stores. Thank you so much for sharing this. I will try to send you the writen envelope as you mentioned.

    And wow.. what great pictures! And WOW! Seven!?! My little one (ten and a half months now) is having just four of them.. ;o)

    Also a heartfelt thanks to Hanno for figuring out the shipping!

    Love from Holland

  13. Hi Rhonda, me again. If I may write a Dutch comment?

    * Ik heb het boek via Fishpond besteld en betaalde inclusief verzendkosten € 44,04 *

    I ordered the book at Fishpond and had to pay € 44,04 (incl. shippingcosts).


  14. Such adorable grandies you have Rhonda :)
    Just a thought with signed copies of your book, have you thought of doing a book plate (a small decorative lable with your signature and words of wisdom or something else written on it that can be pasted into the book) and sending it overseas to those who wish to have your signature in their book? An author from Tasmania offered his readers bookplates for a series of childrens books he wrote. They were quite fancy and only cost normal letter postage.
    Sami Jae.

  15. Your two little grandsons are beautiful! It is a pleasure to share snapshots of their young lives. Thank you.

    Best of luck with distributing your book. I am looking forward to the day it is published in the UK.

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