29 June 2010

This is where I work

From an allotment in London to a small apartment in Sydney, today we see where Samantha works. I can't tell you how how much I love it when I find that young women, like Samantha, enjoy my blog and relate to what I write about.

Samantha writes"

"I am a 25 year old who lives in a small apartment in Sydney, Australia. I share my 2 bedroom flat with my husband and our cat. I have set our spare bedroom up as a sewing studio, and in it I create all sorts of crafty wonders! I enjoying making patchwork quilts, clothes, and childrens toys. Just recently, I have begun working with fabric from clothes purchased at thrift stores (often much cheaper than buying the fabric new in fabric stores, and better quality). 
I love country-style living and yearn for the day when I will have a real backyard. Currently I make-do with a small balcony, and tiny plot of land three stories below it. I have managed to grow herbs, lettuce, capsicums and snow peas in pots on my balcony, and get a real 'kick' out of growing my own food. I have been raising seedlings on my balcony ready to plant in a tiny plot of dirt I have dug in the apartment garden down stairs. I love to record all my quilting, crafting, and gardening adventures: http://hand-quilter.blogspot.com"
Well done, Samantha.


  1. Samantha you are amazing, you should be so proud of yourself,many people would look at the space and say when I get a bigger place I will do this and that,but you have done it!Thank you for sharing it is just great. Carole

  2. What a fantastic and productive looking craft room you have there, Samanthea. And a productive balcony, too! I look forward to having a peek at your Blog.
    Tracy (Brisbane)

  3. Isn't it amazing what can be done with small spaces? Good job!!!

  4. I am in awe of your organising abilities Samantha. I would like to try quilting but had feared I didn't have the space.

    Rhonda, your blog is perhaps more relevant to my age group (I'm 24) than any other. We have come of age in momentous times and we now have a lot to learn. I have learnt a lot from your blog and you have articulated the dissatisfaction I and many of my friends have had with society's expectations for our lifestyles. You're keeping it real, as us young'uns would say!

  5. I went to Samantha's blog and was Very Inspired!!! What talent!! It does my heart good to learn that young people are taking up the banner of independent living and slowing down etc. I love this and the differet series you have had Rhonda! Sarah

  6. Thank you so much for including me in your "This is where I work" series! I have put up a link to your blog on mine, so that my blog followers can find you and also share in your amazing blog! Thanks again Rhonda! Sam xox

  7. Samantha, you have packed a lot of "goodness" into one small space. Imagine what you will be able to do when you get your dream home in the country! Love your craft area!

  8. Well done Samantha, you have a great space for crafting. Gosh you put me to shame, I've got a whole room for sewing and I still can't get organised.
    I really like your blog, lots of lovely things to look at.

    How wonderful it is to find people in their early 20's wanting to slow down and escape from consumerism.

  9. Love your series choices, first kitchens and now work spaces. Also, made the orange cake today and it was so yummy! Thanks for sharing the recipe.

  10. Just wonderful and yes it is uplifting to know a simpler life is enjoyed by all age groups.

    Love your blog too, Sam...you are very clever....do you know there is a Quilt Along in progress at the Down to Earth forum as well as all the other goodies?


  11. Well done Samantha. You have worked with what you can and made a real go of it!

  12. Thanks so much for sharing Samantha! Well done on making use of your space. And I may have a bigger house.. I don't have my own craftroom! haha.. Thanks again for letting us look into your world.


  13. Samantha you have done a wonderful job. At your age many are not thinking of self sufficiency in the way you have. To be creative and living a life enjoyable is truly wonderful. Thanks for sharing your work space.


  14. I love her work place :) :) :) I have turned my bedroom, the living room and the kitchen table into craft spaces. My dad is really sweet about it all. He likes to "complain"..but secretly he loves seeing all the crafty things I make laying around the house :) :) Thanks for sharing this!!! Love and hugs from Oregon, Heather :)

  15. Hi there Rhonda, I have misplaced my bread recipe from your website, I looked today and couldnt find it on your site..am I not looking properly?
    Suzanne, Enchanted Moments

  16. She sounds like a really sweet young lady. It is so wonderful that the apartment house has a little space where they can garden. That is so cool!

    When I was young and we lived in Brooklyn, there was a little space in the side/back where there was a great tree growing. When we had family over, everybody used to gather under the only green we could find....the tree.


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