24 June 2010

This is where I work

This post is another in the series, This is Where I Work.  Today's workspace comes to us from Mel who lives in Canada.  Mel is also one of the moderators on the Down to Earth forum, so it's lovely for me to get to know her a little better.

Mel writes:
"Life for me here in Canada is never dull. One husband + two kids + 3 dogs = chaos. While I don't work outside the home, I work very hard inside of it and decided that I needed my own space. So, when we purchased our home last summer and started renovating it, this was at the top of my list. I couldn't be more pleased with how it turned out. The table is so large and gives me lots of room to work. The wall above it is a bulletin board that we covered in fabric and framed in. I am always tearing recipes and such out of magazines and now have somewhere to put them. The shelves to the left of the table hold a lot of different supplies. It is nice to have everything within reach.

While it started out as my 'creative space', it has turned into more of a 'work space" for me. I never realized just how much time I spend here working on various things - menu planning, budgeting, scrapbooking and card making just to name a few. I have spent many hours sitting here this spring pouring over seed catalogs and planning our first garden. In fact, it was here that I decided I wasn't too old to learn how to knit. I find this space to be very inspiring and it is my favorite part of the house."
Thanks Mel!


  1. I love this series. :)

    Mel, I am very inspired by your space with all of the things you need to do your work kept handy - thank you for sharing!

  2. Hi mel, What a terrific space you have created for yourself, so fresh and new, I would love to come back to it in 12 months and see it, bet your board would be full and your desk covered with your goodies.How wonderful for you to have "your special place".Carole

  3. Those bulletin boards are a great idea (can never have enough of those). They look really good covered in fabric.

  4. Mel, your workspace is great! At the end of your note you said it was in that space that you decided that you might not be too old to learn how to knit... Last night, I was sitting in my work space and decided that I wasn't too old to learn to knit either--and then I read you note today. It made me chuckle at how alike we all are--you in Canada and me in Texas! Thanks for sharing. :o)

  5. Anonymous in Texas,
    Good for you for deciding to learn to knit!! Good luck!! It really is a small world and I am always amazed at how much we all have in common.

  6. I have been dreaming of a space like this for a long time! I love it! A big open table to work at, lots of storage, and a corner to call your own...maybe someday I can swing that :)

  7. Rhonda, thanks for doing these series. It's great to see how others live and work. Mel, great work space, so neat and uncluttered. Myra in Pittsburgh

  8. I also decided I wasn't too old to learn to knit and what a great decision! I love it. Love that workspace, Mel. Nothing like a big empty table to be able to spread all your things out and get creative!

  9. Woo hoo Mel! How nice to see your space it's really cleverly organised. Give me a shout if you need help with knitting.

  10. great space Mel and so neat and tidy.

  11. Hi Mel - thanks for sharing your wonderful work space. I love hearing from others who "work inside the home" - it's encouraging on so many levels. Good for you re learning to knit. I'm right alongside you, also learning to knit. :-)
    Canada is a wonderful country (home of my relatives - how I wish I lived there, too).
    Tracy (Brisbane)
    PS: Great series, Rhonda.

  12. Mel, love your new space and thanks for sharing. I too am creating my own space and got my grown sons to carry a desk to a bright snug corner. I'm very excited to use it and was amazed how similiar we sound. I love cardmaking, cooking, gardening and often sit each week pondering the seed packets to work out what to plant this week. You are all soooo inspiring! Have recently knitted my old mum fingerless mittens. They turned out real well and she wears them :) Norma, Australia

  13. Hi Mel, I love your work space....these areas are such a neccessity...I have one too but it has over the years turned into a storage place for things that won't fit anywhere else. For me it's my social outlet too as like so many women I work fulltime and don't look to go out really, but do love spending time working on projects. It's on my list to reorganise eventually. I do have a desk and like you love to create cards http://simplyhavingfunwithstamps5.blogspot.com/ I have also just recently wanted to revisit knitting, since becoming a Nanna for the first time and purchased this gorgeous book http://www.fishpond.com.au/product_info.php?id=9780823099030 from a new little store 'Jellywares' in Cobar, NSW, Australia which I think you might enjoy visiting electronically as well http://jellywares.blogspot.com/.
    Rhonda I found your website too through Jodie's Jellyware blogs and am so looking forward to trying your tuna bake. Thanks for the inspiration and sharing your ideas.

  14. Myra,
    I thought I should tidy it up before I took the pictures. Five minutes before it was covered with seed catalogs.
    If I need knitting help, I will know who to call. Thanks.

  15. That's brilliant, Mel..everything at your fingertips which must save loads of time. Well done, Gal!

    coffeee.Sue @ DTE

  16. Looks great Mel, nice an organized. I love the covered boards, changes the whole room and makes for a quick redo/update

  17. I love this workspace and feel inspired to work on creating my own. I clearly need a little order in my life!

  18. Hi Mel, from Ontario here, where we are getting some of your rain! Wonderful workspace. Having it open means it needs to stay neat........right? I really like your large work space on the table, I can just vision it full of creative things. Thanks for sharing.


  19. Mel,
    What a lovely space. That is just the kind of space I have been thinking about, just now it's my kitchen table and a cupboard that do the work.

    Hope you don't mind I "borrowed" the pictures to add to my project section of my home planner for inspiration :)


  20. I love the workspace. The curtains are really my style. And this is very similar to how I'm planning my workspace. Now I can get some ideas.
    The Girl in the Pink Dress

  21. Great work space, I wish it was mine.
    Thanks for showing us.


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