27 June 2010

This is where I work

Today we travel all the way to London UK to visit Dee on her allotment.  This is Dee's workspace, I'll let her explain.

Dee writes:
"Hello My Name is Dee and I'm from London UK I have an allotment that I work on almost daily, basically its a piece of land I rent from my local council to grow fruit and vegetables. My plot measures approximately 1/16 of an acre.

Living in a flat with no garden this is my only means of growing my own for my family and I'm so grateful for this opportunity as land here in London as you can imagine is scarce with waiting lists for council plots between 10 to 20 years. I was lucky, or as some might say, "not so lucky" to get my plot 4 years ago after nobody was prepared to take it on. It had been lying derelict for ten years and was covered in bramble, ivy and plum tree seedlings. I still have around a third to clear with the remainder in full production. Its been hard work at times but well worth it and yes I would do it all again. I cant explain the joy and satisfaction I get from feeding my family with fresh produce that I've nurtured from seed."
You can visit Dee's blog here.  <--  I fixed the link.


  1. I love the idea of community gardens. They give an otherwise gardenless person a wonderful opportunity to grow and nurture. I wish I had gotten organised and put my name down on a looong list here a long time ago.

    This garden looks like its been a lot of hard work and worth every precious moment.

  2. Very nice, but your link doesn't work. :(

  3. Congratulations on your hard work, Dee and welcome to the UK Rhonda :-) hope the weather holds up for all of us for the next few weeks! Jo

  4. I don't seem to be able to follow the link you posted for Dee's blog.

    It looks like a great little plot, and as you know Rhonda, a lot can be grown on a little soil.

  5. You have done a great job of clearing it out. I bet you appreciate it even more after all that hard work.

  6. I'm involved in a few community gardens round the place and its a great idea to link people and land - the Transition Town groups are doing that too. I wonder what the take up would be here in Australia?

  7. Dee I think the English allotment system is a great model of utilisation of land. Good on you for turning a difficult area into a productive garden!

  8. Hi Dee,

    I love your allotment and blog. I lived in London for a while so I can appreciate the joy you must get out of your garden and growing your own produce for the family. well done, great job.


  9. Hi Dee

    That's such a blessing. My sister has just started her veggie garden in Tonbridge Wells.

  10. Thanks for sharing your world with us, Dee. I do like looking at the Blog links people provide here, too. I am shocked at the lengthy waiting lists for community garden plots over your way. You obviously derive a lot of enjoyment from yours. :-)
    Tracy (Brisbane)

  11. Your plot looks very productive. I think more and more cities are doing such plot allotments and isn't that a wonderful thing? I know of a few in the city and the Local health Unit will donate seeds for those is low income. I'm not sure they know how blessed they are? It is hard work but well worth it. Thank-you for sharing your work place.


  12. I too have an allotment in the UK, and like yours it was overgrown- we had brambles, grass and the dreaded bindweed along with old wardrobe doors and various other junk. I can identify with the enormous satisfaction which is felt when it is cleared and you start to eat the fruits of your labour - we dug and ate our first of this season's potatoes yesterday.

  13. Thank you Rhonda for featuring my plot here and for all the lovely comments
    Have a nice day


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