22 June 2010

RIP Bernadette

 In respect for my good friend there will be no post today. 


  1. Oh Rhonda - I am so very sorry. I hope you can find some peace in this world as your dear friend finds peace in another.

  2. Love and Peace to all that knew Bernadette.

  3. Respecting your friend and shared friendship. May you find comfort and joy in memories.

  4. Love and Hugs to all who need them!

  5. My thoughts and prayers are with you and her family. You have lots of wonderful memories of your special friendship together - may they offer you some comfort at this time.

  6. I'm so sorry for your loss. May you always remember the good times.

  7. May she rest peacefully in the arms of the Mother.

    I'm so sorry for your loss. Sending light and warmth your way.

  8. Thinking of you as you remember Bernadette. Blessings.

  9. Sorry for your loss and sorrow. May you be comforted.

  10. I'm very sorry for your lost, my condolences for everybody who knew Bernadette

  11. So sorry about the passing of your friend. Peace and blessings to you.

  12. Thinking of you dear Rhonda.

  13. May you find comfort and peace at this time. So sorry to hear of your loss !!

  14. Oh Rhonda, I'm so sorry for your loss. My thoughts are with you and Bernadette's family. Great big hugs. Deb

  15. So sorry for your loss, may you find peace during this time....

  16. Dear Rhonda,
    I'm sorry for your loss. You honor her by all the lovely things you write. Thank you for sharing her photo with us. She's a beautiful lady!!! Much love, hugs, and prayers, Heather :) :)

  17. So sorry to hear about your friend. Jesus said, "Blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted." God bless,
    Kathy in Illinois

  18. My deepest sympathies to you, Rhonda and to Bernadette's family.

  19. Good friends are hard to find. You will miss her. "It is better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all" William Shakespeare

    My thoughts and prayers are with you at this time.

  20. Oh Rhonda I'm so sorry :( Love to both of your families and friends. I'm glad you could spend the time together that you did. Look after yourselves x

  21. Oh I am so sorry, your dear friend.

    Love Pippa xxx

  22. I had guessed when you did not post. My sympathy to all who are grieving this loss. Even knowing what is happening does not make it significantly easier. Luckily she will live always in the hearts, minds and memories of those who knew or knew of her.
    Grieve deeply, completely and then move forward holding her in love.

  23. wishing peace to you and yours xx

  24. Dear Rhonda. blessings to you and peace for Bernadette.Another lovely angel has entered the realm.

  25. Sorry you have lost such a good friend. You have pleasant memories to remember her by.

  26. My heart breaks for the loss of your dear friend. I bet she was a wonderful lady. Thank you for sharing Bernadette with us.

  27. I am so sorry for your loss. Please remember the good times you had together

  28. I'm so sorry to hear about Bernadette. I have absolutely no doubt that she will continue to be present in your life and your writings and that her spirit will occasionally shine through at Down to Earth as it did while she was alive. Peace and comfort to you and Hanno.

  29. I'm so sorry Rhonda. My condolences to you & her family - y'all will be in my prayers.

  30. I'm sorry and I'll keep all in my prayers.

  31. Sending lots of love your way. Bernadette sounds like a wonderful person. It's terribly hard to lose a friend, you think you can prepare, but you can't really.
    You have lots of lovely memories. Cherish them.

  32. Dear Rhonda ~ I'm also sorry for the loss of your dear friend Bernadette. That is a lovely picture of her.

    Love and hugs ~ FlowerLady

  33. Bernadette smile is lovely. I'm so sorry for your loss.

  34. Love and peace to all who knew and loved this sweet lady -- Donna in CO, USA

  35. Rhonda, I'm so sorry. How blessed you were to find such friendship in each other. Go gently.
    Diana x

  36. So sorry to hear your sad news. Condolences to Bernadette's Family & to you.

    Birmingham Uk

  37. May she be free of pain, and may all her friends and family keep wonderful memories.

  38. Peace be with you.

  39. Although meetings in life can be breif but thoughts never are. May Bernadette,find comfort in her new journey and you can feast on the joys you share.write when you can we all will still be here.
    Plymouth uk

  40. Thinking of you and your family. Sending hugs to you and Bernadettes family.

  41. I'm Sorry, Look back and remember the good times, that's what she would want.

  42. Words cannot express the feelings when a good friend and loved one passes from this world to the next. Never forget the laughter and joy you had together.

  43. I am so sorry Rhonda. You will be much in my thoughts and prayers today. xx

  44. Rhonda my thoughts are with you. Hoping you find peace with this sending healing vibes your way. Cancer is a thief. Love Julia in Mackay

  45. I am praying for you and your friends family. So sorry

  46. I'm so sorry.. my thoughts are with you and her family xx

  47. Our thoughts are with you and all that new Bernadette. May she RIP.

  48. It does not matter that you know what is going to happen, we think we are prepared by the knowledge.

    In my experience we are not, it still comes as a shock.

    In time I hope the fond memories outweigh the loss of a good friend.

    My heart goes out to you.

    aka inquisitive1ady

  49. Rhonda. My thoughts and warm wishes are with you and all who were close to Bernatte right now. I too lost a good friend (to cancer) late last year. It is a difficult journey.
    Tracy (Brisbane)

  50. She was so blessed to have you as such a caring friend. My thoughts and prayers are with you and all who loved Bernadette.

  51. Thinking of you today and all whose lives Bernadette has touched.
    Let things go today and Mourn for your beloved cherished friend.
    Hugs to you ....

  52. Rhonda, I am so very sorry to hear about Bernadette. Saying a little prayer right now that you and her family find great comfort in knowing her, loving her and the many beautiful memories created and shared. Hugs, Heather

  53. I am so sorry to hear of Bernadette's passing ,my sympathy to you and to her family and friends ,I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers .

  54. Sheila, North Wales. UKJune 22, 2010 7:51 am

    You are very much in my thoughts. You will never loose your very dear friend, Rhonda, Bernadette will always remain with you in your heart and memories.
    My sympathies go out to you and Hanno and Bernadette's family.
    With much love
    Sheila x

  55. I've got to be honest, I opened the page and my reaction was "Oh, shit!" I'm so sorry Rhonda. What a shit thing to happen to you and all of Bernadettes loved ones. Apologies for the language, but that's when it seems to rear it's ugly head with me!
    Thoughts and prayers with you

  56. I'm sorry for the loss of your friend.
    Myra in Pittsburgh

  57. I'm so sorry, Rhonda. My heart goes out to you and all who knew and loved her.


  58. Here is a poem that has helped me through some hard times of loss

    Do not stand at my grave and weep
    I am not there. I do not sleep.
    I am a thousand winds that blow.
    I am the diamond glints on snow.
    I am the sunlight on ripened grain.
    I am the gentle autumn rain.
    When you awaken in the morning's hush
    I am the swift uplifting rush
    Of quiet birds in circled flight.
    I am the soft stars that shine at night.
    Do not stand at my grave and cry;
    I am not there. I did not die.

    by Mary E. Frye

    May this help comfort you as it has me.

  59. My prayers and deepest condolences are with you as you mourn the loss of your dear friend.

  60. Dear Rhonda,
    I'm so sorry,for your loss. Sending lots of hugs to you.


  61. You and all who knew and loved Bernadette are in my thoughts at this difficult time.

  62. I'm sorry to hear that. Take the time you need to cry and to grieve, and keep on being you. I will pray for you and Bernadette's family today. Anna xx

  63. I'm so sorry for your loss.

  64. Dear Rhonda
    My thoughts and prayers are with you and Bernadettes family in this sad time.May Gods love and peace be with you.

  65. I am so sorry for your loss.

    My thoughts and prayers are with you...

  66. So sorry to hear of your loss Rhonda. May you always look back and smile and your wonderful friendship.

  67. May Bernadette rest in peace. I'm so sorry for your loss Rhonda.

    Sympathy and condolances to you and your family.


  68. Rhonda
    You and Bernadettes family are in my prayers. May you find comfort in all the good times you shared with her.

  69. My thoughts are with you on this sad day.


  70. You and Bernadette's family are in my thoughts and prayers.
    From Eileen in England.

  71. So sorry for the loss of your friend.

  72. Dear Rhonda sending my love and hugs.

  73. Dear Rhonda
    Thinking of you, I am so sorry. may Benadette rest in peace now. Love lives on forever as Bernadette will now in the hearts and memories of you, her family and all who knew her
    My deepest sympathy

  74. You are in my thoughts during this sad time.

  75. I pray for the joy of rememberance for one so dear that passed through your life. Memories are a blessing.

  76. I'm thinking of you today. Remember the good times, I am sure there were many.


  77. Rhonda so sorry for your loss.

  78. Oh Rhonda... so very sorry for your loss. May you find comfort in your precious memories of Bernadette.
    Tricia from NH

  79. Bernadette, her family & you and your family will be in my prayers. Thank you for letting us know. She was a lovely lady and I know how special she is to you.

  80. My deepest condolences on the loss of your friends. She must have been a really wonderful person.

  81. My condolences to you Rhonda and Hanno, as well as Bernadette's family. May you find love and comfort in your memories of her. Andrea

  82. So sorry to hear that your lovely friend Bernadette has passed away. I hoppe that all the lovely memories you shared with her will be of great comfort to you over the coming months. Sending hugs, Kathy

  83. Oh Rhonda - Today I and many more cry with you. To loose someone you love, the pain in your heart is so heavy but the pain your dear friend has had is all gone now she is at peace with other loved ones. She will be waiting for you at those pearly gates when the time comes as it does for all of us. My condolences to all who knew Beradette.

  84. Another who is very sorry for the loss of your dear friend.

  85. Hi Rhonda,

    Words can not help in a time like this. Mourn your friend. We will be here to be enriched as you were enriched by Bernadette, when you are ready.

  86. Rhonda,
    I am so sorry for the loss of your dear friend. The memories you shared will help you find peace. I am so sorry for the hurt you feel right now. Thank you for showing us a picture of Bernadette.

  87. (((You are in my thoughts during this sad time. Look after yourself.)))

  88. My, her time came so quickly it seems. I am so sorry, hugs to you during this difficult time!! Special friends do not come often in life!!

  89. So sad. Remember the good times.

  90. A very sad time for you and your family and I pray that Rhonda is at peace now ....hugs to you all and you all are in my prayers. Hugss :)

  91. We are thinking of you and the beautiful Bernadette.

  92. You have my sympathies. I'm so sorry for your loss.

  93. My thoughts are with you, Rhonda. I hope this verse brings comfort. When I read this I always feel close to my dad:

    Death is nothing at all
    I have only slipped away into the next room
    Whatever we were to each, that we are still.
    Call me by my old familiar name.
    Speak to me in the easy way which you always used.
    Laugh as we always laughed at the
    little jokes we enjoyed together.
    Play, smile, think of me, pray for me.Let my name be the household word that it always was. Let it be spoken without effort.Life means all that it ever meant.
    It is the same as it ever was; there is absolutely unbroken continuity.
    Why should I be out of your mind because I am out of your sight?
    I am but waiting for you, for an interval, somewhere very near
    just around the corner...
    all is well.
    Nothing is past;nothing is lost.
    One brief moment and all will be as it was before only better, infinitely happier and forever.
    We will all be one together.
    (Carmelite Monastery)

  94. So sorry to hear..praying for friends and family.

  95. I'm so sorry for your loss.

  96. Dear Rhonda
    You have been so caring over the past while for your friend. Loving and helping her. She's now at peace. I hope, as you take the time to remember her life and mourn her passing, that you take extra care of yourself. We all understand if you can't post every day and need time out or if you re-post old tutorials to fill in time. It is a gentle life you lead and we will be gentle in return to you. If you need time, take all you want.
    Love and hugs as we're thinking of you.

  97. Rhonda Jean, I'm so sorry to hear about Bernadette. I am glad you were able to spend so much time with her in the last few months, though that doesn't make things any easier now, I'm sure. Loving thoughts sent your way.

  98. Thinking of you all today.Thank you for sharing a photo. May she now have peace and no pain.

  99. I am so very sorry to read about the passing of your friend Bernadette. How very sad. I am sending you lots of big hugs and good thoughts.

  100. I am so very sorry that your dear friend has passed away. May you be comforted by all of our sincere messages of condolences. Hugs from Alberta, Canada.

  101. I am very sorry to hear that your friend has died. My thoughts and prayers are with you and Bernadette's family.

  102. We are thinking of you Rhonda. Bernadette must be so grateful to have had such support from you. Take all of the time you need! Sending big hugs your way...

    xx Claire & Hayden

  103. I'm so sorry Rhonda, I pray that you will have peace today :o)

  104. Sorry to hear of the sad loss of your good friend Bernadette. I hope you will find comfort in this time of grief through the love that surrounds you, and all your cherished memories.

  105. Much love to you on this day. May you find peace in her passing & remember all that was wonderful.
    May her dear little puppy remind you of her beauty in the time to come.

  106. May you find comfort and joy in the memory and love of your friend Bernadette. Blessings to you and all of Bernadette's friends and family. (((hugs)))

  107. May your heart be comforted

  108. Thinking of you at this hard time. May you have some wonderful memories of special times spent together as friends.
    Lynette (Adelaide)

  109. Rhonda my heart goes out to you as through your blog everyone knows what a dear friend Bernadette was to you, and you to her.

    I hope one day to have a special friendship like the one you had with Bernadette, they are rare in this world.

    My thoughts are with you and her loved ones at this difficult time.

    Take care!!

  110. Rhonda, Sending you sympathy on the sad passing of your dear friend. Thoughts and prayers to you and all her family and friends.


  111. So sorry for your loss. My prayers go out for you and her family.

  112. May you have the peace that passes all understanding, comfort in the the memories that you hold dear, and security in the love that death cannot extinguish.


  113. Peace, love, and blessings to all who knew and are grieving for Bernadette.

    Nebraska, USA

  114. we are all thinking of you and your families today.

  115. I am so deeply sorry Rhonda, remember the memories and hold on to the smiles you shared.


  116. Dear Rhonda,

    You and Bernadette will be in my thoughts and prayers today.

    Take care of yourself.

  117. So very sorry for the loss of your friend, Rhonda. Treasure your memories and hold her in your heart forever.

  118. "And flights of angels sing thee to they rest"

  119. My deepest sympathy to you and all who loved Bernadette. You were a wonderful friend to her. Take care.

  120. My thoughts are with you today. I am a new reader of your site, and have been reading through the older posts. Bernadette has been mentioned alot. I know how close you were. Take care and take time to remember her. God Bless. Sue Jayne in NZ.

  121. There is little one can say, to truly comfort another, when someone they have loved and held close has passed... but do know Rhonda that there are many people today who hold you, Hanno and Bernadette's family in their thoughts and prayers, and I am among them. May the memories of times you have shared be there to comfort you today and in the days to come.

  122. I am so sorry for your loss, Rhonda!
    May God give you peace and comfort during this time!


  123. I knew this post was coming but I was dreading it. My thoughts are with you and Bernadette's family.

  124. Dear Rhonda
    I am so sorry for your loss. It´s small comfort I know, but your dear friend was surrounded by those who loved her and will live on in your memories.
    Thinking of you.

  125. I am so sorry for your loss. try to remember the good times...


  126. Dear Rhonda,
    my thoughts are with you at this difficult time, love and light to you and Bernadette.
    Jean D

  127. My thoughts are with you and also a few tears. Wendy

  128. I am sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. I wish you peace at this time.
    Karen in Soctland

  129. My condolences on your loss, you are in my thoughts.

  130. so sorry to hear this Rhonda, our thoughts are with you all at this difficult time.

  131. Rhonda, I am so sorry to hear of the death of your friend Bernadette. I realise this is a very painful time for you, I hope you can get some comfort from the Bibles promises for the future & its assurances that for the present Bernadette is 'asleep' in death, she's no longer suffering- Eccl 9:5,John 11:11-14. The Bible also promises that those who have died such as your dear friend will have a future here on the earth- as promised in John 5:28,29, Rev 21:3&4, Acts 24:15.
    Kind regards, Helen.

  132. I am sorry for your loss and the loss to her family. I pray you would be comforted during this time of sorrow. I am sure Bernadette so enjoyed the time you spent with her, especially in these last days.

  133. Condolences Rhonda to you, your familiy and Bernadette's family.

  134. I'm so sorry Rhonda, and sending lots of warm thoughts your way.

  135. I'm so sorry for your loss Rhonda

  136. Thinking of you Rhonda and all who was touched by Bernadette's life.

  137. I hope your wonderful memories provide comfort at this sad time.

  138. I am so sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you.


  139. I'm so sorry for your loss Rhonda. Prayers for you and Bernadette's family ((hugs))

    Mary Ellen

  140. I am so sorry for your loss. You will be in my thoughts and prayers Rhonda. ♥

  141. Sweet sweet blessings to you at this time of saddness.

  142. My condolences for your loss, Rhonda Jean.

  143. Hugs to you Miss Rhonda. I wish I knew Bernadette- she seems like a beautiful soul, and what an amazing smile she has!
    Praying for you and for her family.
    The Girl in the Pink Dress

  144. I am very sorry for your loss, Rhonda. Just remember that your friendship goes on forever; and your friend now is at peace.

  145. Condolences & blessings to all Bernadette's family and friends. Am sure your lives have been enriched by her & you cherish the memories.

  146. Debbie, Ontario, CanadaJune 23, 2010 1:40 am

    Peace, love, hugs and quiet coming your way. So sorry for the loss of your friend.

  147. Deepest Sympathy on the loss of your friend.


  148. Rhonda you are in my thoughts and prayers at this very sad time.

  149. I have no words to express how sorry I am for your loss. May time be a blessing for you and bring you peace and joy with memories of Bernadette.


  150. I am so sorry to hear that Rhonda. I could tell in the little you wrote of her that she was very dear to you.

    My thoughts are with you!

  151. Rhonda, my prayers are with you.

  152. So sorry about your dear friend. Treasure those sweet memories.

    Blessings from Ohio/USA...Kim<><

  153. Bernadette will live on in the hearts and mind of family and friends. My condolences to every one.

  154. Tears of sorrow flow freely for you at such a sad time in your life. A dear friend is so hard to find and even harder to lose. May God's love be a comfort to you and each and every person that new Bernadette.

  155. Blessings to you and all that knew Bernadette. Peace be with you at this difficult time.

  156. Oh, such sad news I am so sorry to hear. Blessed Be Bernadette. Blessings to you too Rhonda. May the love you shared comfort you today.

  157. There is nothing quite so comforting on earth as the love of a good friend......the memories you shared are now treasures.


  158. My prayers are with you and Bernadette's family.

  159. I'm so sorry for your loss. May you always remember the good times. Hugs!

  160. I'm so sorry that you lost your good friend. My thoughts are with you.

  161. So very sorry for your loss Rhonda Jean...
    I hope that you find peace and comfort in the memories that you and Bernadette shared.
    You are in my thoughts and prayers today!

  162. My sincere sympathies to you and to Bernadette's family and other friends. She surely has received a loving welcome to her heavenly home from our heavenly Father. Blessings, Mary

  163. I am sorry for your loss. No matter how may moments you may have had to 'prepare', you never truly will. I hope that you find peace in your memories and in those who loved Bernadette.

  164. Thinking of you and Bernadette's family Rhonda. My husband lost his brother yesterday. Sad days.


  165. Sorry for your loss. May you be comforted by your many memories.

  166. May she rest in peace and may you and all her family and loved ones keep in mind that she lives on in their hearts and memories and will never be truly gone because of that. Sorry for your loss. Bee

  167. I am so sorry -- will pray for you and her family. What a smile she has!

  168. Maybe I'm a little to late, but I want you to know that you and all your loved ones are in my thoughts and prayers.

  169. I have only just read this sad news. I am very sorry for the loss of your dear friend. (((hugs)))---Krystal(from nova scotia)

  170. Thoughts and prayers are with you and yours. Treasure your memories...

    Damaris xox

  171. I'm so sorry Rhonda. Thinking of you all very much.

  172. I'm so sorry for the loss of your dear friend, Bernadette.

    Sending you a gentle hug.

    Bless Bernadette and her dear friend Rhonda.

    With Sympathy, Janet

  173. my heartfelt sympathy, Rhonda. My nana died on the day that you posted this. I have some comfort knowing that such kind souls are wafting about, looking out for us.


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