8 June 2010

Radio National interview

A few weeks ago Radio National contacted me and asked if I would be interviewed for their program Life Matters.  I've listened to Life Matters for years so it didn't take me long to say "yes".  To tell you the truth I was a bit nervous so I remained low key and when the day of the interview arrived, I got myself a cup of tea and settled into my workroom, alone.  I had nothing to worry about.  The staff at the ABC are always so professional and friendly, and talking to Richard Aedy was like talking to a friend.  It was a very pleasant experience.  

If you would like to listen to the interview, there is an audio file on the Radio National website:  http://www.abc.net.au/rn/lifematters/stories/2010/2917437.htm


  1. Lovely to hear you! I was so thrilled to hear that there may be a book on the way also. I've got my fingers and toes crossed!

  2. I love your site. You are teaching us so much. It was great to hear your voice on the radio show. Thanks so much for being you.

  3. What a wonderful interview! I'm sure a lot more people will be moved to live more simply after listening.

    Great to hear your voice too! :)

    Do you really get up at 4am?? Wow!

  4. Wonderful interview, and congratulations!

  5. Hi Rhonda,
    Great interview! Hearing your voice makes you a "real" person and not just a face with a blog(I hope you understand what I mean)....now when I read your posts I hear you speaking, neat!

  6. Listened to your interview over here in the UK! Look forward to hearing about the book plans. You may need a reprint very quickly!

  7. So nice to put a voice with the photos we see on your blog. You didn't sound nervous at all! :)

  8. Hello Rhonda, Your words always speak to me in your posts, and now I've had the chance to actually hear your voice from half way around the world! I enjoyed the interview and love your blog.

  9. Ahhh Ms Hetzel... Yer the first celebrity I ever knowed in person!!... you do us proud!... Radio National is generally a bit high brow for me.... but not anymore!... ha!... xo Ms Fee

  10. Thank you for such a wonderful site. Delighted there may be a book on the way. I have been laid off the past several jobs i've had and learned to pay off debt and economize. Your blog is certainly helping and always interested to see what is new daily. Thank heavens there is someone willing to pass on so much information. You're a gift, thanks so much.

  11. Thank you everyone!

    Ms Fifi, happy birthday for yesterday. I'll see you soon. xx

  12. Isn´t modern technology great? Am sitting here in Sweden just before going to bed, listening to that fine interview. Your voice sounded just as I always imagined it Rhonda. Many thanks for all the words of wisdom.
    Ramona K

  13. So lovely to hear your voice after reading your words for so long! Wonderful interview Rhonda. :-)

  14. I heard you too Rhonda,what a lovely surprise. I listen to Life Matters every day and also feel like Richard is a friend.

    Gold Coast

  15. I love the thought that living a simple and honest life is so rewarding and popular in these times.
    Thank you for being a trailblazer.

  16. Hi Rhonda, love your work!!!!! Hope your having fun and taking time out for yourself in teh mean time. I have noticed that your articles don't appear in the Burkes Backyard Magazine as of late. Have I missed something? Margaret

  17. Rhonda, its so lovely to finally hear your voice!
    That was a great interview and I hope now that more people will be aware that we are all out here, trying live a simpler, happier and meaningful life.

    Good to hear that the book is still on its way.

  18. Once again, lovely to hear your voice. It was a great interview and I hope it brings lots more people to your blog so they can share in your inspiration for a simple, down to earth life. Goodonya!

    Cheers - Joolz

  19. I loved the blog layout you did when you had the green color at the sides. It was very warm and inviting (the one before you changed it and it was blue). It was nice and roomy and the color just made me want to come back again. Sharon

  20. Great interview Rhonda.
    It was lovely to hear your voice but you don't sound one bit like the Rhonda in my head when I read your posts!

    cheers Kate

  21. It was great to listen to the interview and to hear your voice, you really do sound down to earth (no pun intended!) and someone that I would love to chat to over the back fence :)

    Looking forward to many more hours of happy reading and many, many, many more hours of happy producing. Wouldn't have done it without ya!!

  22. Hi Rhonda, I have been following and being inspired by your blog for about a year now, and it was great to put a voice to the face through the interview. I have just read a very inspiring book called 'Radical Homemakers' by Shannon Hayes (its a US book) which gives an historical background to the "homemaker" role as well as showing examples of folk who are rejecting consumerism in favour of a homebased life, self reliance and community work. You might like it too!

  23. What a great interview, Rhonda. You have so much to share and it is fun to see how you got started. Nice voice as well.

  24. I very much enjoyed listening to your interview today.

  25. Sheila, North Wales. UKJune 08, 2010 8:33 pm

    Hi Rhonda!!
    Like a lot of the comments made, I too was delighted to hear your interview and to hear your voice, its amazing with todays technology, I can listen to you from the other side of the world!!
    Anyway look forward to buying myself a copy of your book when it is printed (thats if I can buy it over here in the UK)
    :-) :-)

  26. So lovely to hear your voice and the good news of future book maybe. Thanks for all you share here, you do fill a most needed spot!
    Blessings, Elizabeth

  27. Thanks for sharing this, Rhonda! So lovely to hear your voice after reading your blog faithfully for so many months.

  28. I heard the interview and was most excited. My wife and I have started a sustainabilising process in our suburban Sydney home and we are always looking for kindred spirits! We'll be up your way too in early July. Perhaps we can meet up for a chat. :-) Please look at our LiveLocal website: http://randwick.livelocal.org.au/experiment/101/making-our-home-sustainable

  29. Oh Wonderful to put a voice to the face! Congratulations on your pending book, you can bet I will buy one!

    Felt sorry for Richard the interviewer, he seemed to miss the point that you had reclaimed your life, not that "simple living" had over taken it!

    Keep on blogging and writing! I'll keep on reading and learning!

    Blessings from the middle of the U.S.

  30. Loved the interview Rhonda! So glad to connect a voice with you, you have a lovely Aussie accent!! I read your blog daily and enjoy trying to also do things for ourselves. Keep writing, you do a fantastic job with your blog!! Thanks again, Luella from WV, USA.

  31. Lovely interview and lovely to hear your voice!

    I enjoy your blog so much, it is fun to find like minded people around the world!

  32. I thoroughly enjoyed listening to your interview, Rhonda. I listed to it twice - lol. :-)
    I bet it attracts more followers to your inspirational Blog.
    Tracy (Brisbane)

  33. Hi Rhonda,
    It was lovely to listen to your interview on the radio. Thanks for sharing all your knowledge.

  34. I heard this interview Rhonda, on Wednesday I think? I'm a Life Matters 'fan' on Facebook so I got notification the day before that you were going to be on the next program. I thought that it was a repeat of your older interview with them though, is that the case?

  35. Deborah, the previous interview was for the Future Tense program. This was done live last Monday.

  36. I am listening to your interview now, it's so very nice to hear your voice! Your blog has been so helpful to me so thank you. Keep up the great work.


  37. I had to giggle a little when the other day my mother-in-law knocked on my door and told me all about this wonderful interview she heard on the radio - she thought I'd like to listen to it and had a little piece of paper, presumably with the website written down.
    I looked up and said, "was the lady's name Rhonda Hetzel?"
    She was very surprised but I explained how I've been reading your blog for a year and a half now, and that I was planning to send -her- the link :)

  38. Hi Rhonda
    I look forward to reading your blog every day so don't know how I missed this one. So I have only just listened to your Radio National Interview. It was lovely to hear your voice. And how exciting that you have an American Agent and that there may now be a book on the way.
    I love your blog. Thank you for the time you take to write it all down so that we can share in your very interesting life.
    I retired last year and although I only have a balcony as my garden I am picking lettuce, silverbeet, tomatoes and a variety of herbs each day.
    Very best wishes. Jean


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