16 April 2010

You, me and the kitchen sink

We are in Gail's kitchen today.  Gail lives in a Queenslander, which is a house up on stilts, surrounded by a veranda, usually on all sides.  They're wonderful old, distinctive houses that were built to suit living in the tropics.

Gail writes:
"This is my kitchen, it's an 100 year old Queenslander that my hubby and l brought 10 years ago. We have spent the last 10 years doing it up, we have nearly finished. Most of the work we did ourselves or had someone help hubby to do it, it took a while as hubby has to work full time. 

In the kitchen we replaced everything including the floor boards, we replaced the cupboards with drawers, which are more convenient, l collect tea pots, cups and saucers, milk jugs, anything with country animals on it, l love spending time here. Thankyou for coming to visit."   

Please don't forget to comment. A comment is like payment for the time taken to post, and in this case in sending in the photos.  Many of us were enthusiastic about this series, so make sure all the photos get a good number of comments.  I don't want any of the people sending in photos to regret joining in.  Thank you friends.


  1. What a lovely collection you have there!

    And i agree, drawers are much more practical. Well done, your kitchen looks lovely! Thanks for sharing.

  2. A house on stilts - I would like to see the outside of this. Nice kitchen...i like drawers too. :)

  3. What a lovely home. I see your water storage tank.

  4. What a wonderful kitchen!!

  5. Cows!! Nice kitchen. You and hubby did a great job. Thank you for sending in. I know we all enjoy these posts so much!!

  6. I love that the kitchen window over the sink is so large. My Great Aunt had a house on stilts in Brisbane so I can picture just the way it looks. Very nice indeed. Cheers ~

  7. i'm pretty envious of that sink, huge windows and plenty of draining space!

  8. what a great kitchen, I think the utensil hanger is such a good idea,looks like a kitchen to enjoy time in.Carole

  9. I like the drawer idea, does seem much more useful than the cupboards.

  10. Fabulous kitchen! I love your collections! I wish we would have put in drawers when we redid our kitchen.

  11. Love all of your Stainless steel... love the range hood and also the utensil holder.
    Thank you for sharing your kitchen with us!

  12. I really like that little bar with hooks that runs across the wall above the counter. What a nifty idea to hang things!

  13. Such a homey kitchen! Very warm and inviting.

  14. Hi Gail , your kitchen is very cheerful and happy I would'nt mind being locked away in there .What fun I could have! Lovely

  15. I love the yellow walls and all the little knick knacks! Gorgeous.

  16. So lovely to see all your treasures displayed on the shelves and walls :)

  17. What a cheerful,happy kitchen!! Lovely!!

  18. I really like the color on your walls. Thanks for sharing

  19. sue-proudgrandmaApril 16, 2010 8:51 am

    I love your kitchen , I could see myself setting down for a cup of tea/coffe and having a nice chat Ha! only you are a long way from Oklahoma ! Have a wonderful day .
    Sue at Oklahoma Rural Living

  20. You have a lovely cheerful kitchen!

    Yellow is always a wonderful color in the kitchen. I have it too, and I collect tea pots, cups and saucers!

    Thanks for sharing!

  21. Hi Gail....it's just wonderful..no wonder you love to be in there. :)


  22. What a cute kitchen! I would love to be there a lot too! It's so cheerful!!!

  23. Your kitchen looks for homey! I love Queenslanders, so would love to see an outside pic one day:)

  24. What a nice, cheerful kitchen.

    I will miss the kitchen photos. I can't quite say why, but it was such an appealing feature.

  25. Love the kitchen!! The roosters are adorable!!

  26. Isn't it nice to live in a house with so much history? You can wonder about everyone who has lived there before you. I love your little bar for utensils too, great idea.

  27. What a fun kitchen! Thanks for sharing it with us; it is great to see how others decorate and what they have to deal with in terms of storage, cleaning, light, and other conditions.

  28. What a lovely kitchen. I hadn't seen a long rod with hooks for utensils put up in just that way before, and it looks very practical. And there is a very cozy feeling there with the warm color.

  29. I love that your kitchen feels so warm and cheerful combining the greens and yellows while at the same time having the modern appliances...a great balance of old and new.


  30. What a cool place, your hearth is your home , I can see it is full of love and light Cheers Marie

  31. Ooo - all things bovine! I love it! So homey and inviting.

  32. What a happy kitchen. I love the size of the drawers under your cook top... beautiful kitchen!

  33. Lovely homely kitchen. Thanks for letting us take a peek.

  34. You have done a great job of redoing your kitchen. I'm always eager to see how families adapt kitchen design in older homes. Wow ... you's is 100 years old. Quite lovely indeed. Thanks for sharing.

  35. I absolutely love your kitchen. I, too, collect tea pots. Isn't it fun. Having a veranda around your home must be grand with so much outdoor living area. Having a cup of tea out there with so much beauty of nature is cool.
    Thanks for sharing. . . .


  36. Your kitchen looks great Gail, all those cows and sunflowers, very cute.
    My Nana had a Queenslander and I've lived in a few, they are the best houses for our climate.
    You've done a great job with your renos.
    Cheers Lisa

  37. I like your kitchen Gail. I often see your name somewhere near mine here in Rhonda's comments, so it's like seeing a friend's kitchen.

  38. What a lovely kitchen! Looks like a great place for a cup of tea with a friend! Thanks for sharing!

  39. A house on stilts? I'd love to see the outside! (ditto to erin)

  40. Your kitchen just makes me happy! Thanks for sharing.

    Blessings from Ohio/USA...Kim<><


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