3 April 2010

A project while I'm patiently waiting

The work of a simple homekeeper can sometimes be complicated.  I keep changing things, particularly my work spaces.  I love change and look for ways to change so that my work stays interesting and is done efficiently.  I am currently in the middle of cleaning up and rearranging my work room.  This room used to be Hanno's office and even now he tenaciously holds on to a tiny portion of it - a cupboard and a drawer.  I'm sure that cupboard would serve me well as a space to hold my fabrics and wool, but that is a change for a future time and unlike the old Rhonda who was terribly impatient, now I'm like a statue - just quietly watching and waiting for THE time.  I cannot divulge my plan here because Hanno reads the blog every day, but change is coming, I feel it in my bones.  ;- )

Yesterday I organised the desk space, moving my laptop over to its Winter position and the sewing machine to the left of it.  I like looking out the window during summer but now the light has changed I prefer to look into the corner.  As usual, my notebooks and notes are to my right.  It's strange how you can live with things for years and not notice them.  I've used one of the kids old mouse pads for donkey's years.  We bought our first computer in 1988 when the kids would have been 8 and 7 so I am sure this Mickey Mouse pad is from those very early days.  When I saw it yesterday I knew I couldn't live with it another day, so a quick project later, I now have a quite nice floral mouse pad.  It took me all of five minutes from start to finish and I will be able to replace the floral when I'm sick of it.

All I did was to draw the shape of the mouse pad, with pencil, directly onto the fabric, then cut it out. I sprayed each side with craft adhesive - do this outside as it's very sticky and smells a lot, then press the fabric carefully onto the pad It takes a little while for it to dry but when it does, it's ready to use.
I needed a little place to keep all the little things that commonly come with sewing - tape measures, bias binder makers, pins, cottons, embroidery threads, pin cushions etc. so I found a little shelf unit Hanno made for me many years ago.  It was outside in the shed but I bought it inside, gave it a good scrubbing with my liquid soap and a stiff brush and it came back to its beautiful, simple self.  I think it looks really sweet and it holds all those things that I need nearby but not on my desk.  I'm really happy with it.
Today's task is to finish up in here, which I'll do after I finish writing this blog. I have a number of baskets, containers and shelves on which to place my various stashes; the fabrics need to be tidied up by refolding and replacing them on their shelves. I also want to move the overlocker/serger so I don't hit my shins on it and rearrange what is under the desk. I hope to get it all done this morning so I can sew this afternoon. What are you doing today/tomorrow? 


  1. Hi Rhonda, I wanted to delurk to say that I am so glad that you are back to posting. I know it has been a couple weeks (maybe days) since you started up again, but I wanted to you know that you have made a big impact on my thinking. I now walk around my home and property thinking how useful things are, could be, and should be. Thank you!!

    Nicole in Texas

  2. It looks very nice. I like the way you remade the mouse pad as well. I love to make things over. Thanks for explaining how you did it.

    Blessings to you!


  3. I follow your blog occasionally and though you are so far away, you and I seem to do things quite alike at times. I, too, am struggling with my craft room (in the making).My family commented just this week about how many more times I was going to change things around. I will be working in the room when it's finished, so I want it to meet my needs in every possible way when it's done.I, too, have so many irons in the fire, my room gets pushed aside quite often. I enjoy reading about your life in such a faraway land.

  4. Such a clever mousepad! Now you've got me wondering what I can spruce up around here.


  5. I love your work room I need to desperately to reorganized mine but it is such an overwhelming project that I just shut the door.
    Now that I have seen yours I am inspired. Thank you. And I love the mousepad what a clever idea. You are the best. Thank you so much for your blog.

  6. The mouse pad looks great. I agree, change is good. Here in Canada, it is early spring and the weather is gorgeous where I am. We are making some major changes to our backyard and working outside every minute that we can.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  7. You look very organised in you work room Rhonda. You have inspired me to tidy mine up.
    I am presently in the process of pleating up some fabric on my smocking pleater for my neighbour who is going to smock her granddaughter a dress.I had better get back to it.


  8. Lovely! Great idea to recover the mouse pad.

  9. Rhonda,
    I would also like to add that I'm glad you're posting again. I really enjoy your blog because it challenges and motivates me. I'm definitely doing the mousepad project. Thanks!

  10. Hello Rhonda, listen. About that green lamp. Did you buy/borrow it from a prop company? I have never seen one before except in movies, and a lot of movies use the exact one!
    Living on a boat I don't get to do a lot of gardening so I enjoy reading about yours but it isn't often I get a chance to comment.:-)

  11. You are very inspiring, Rhonda, and I am so happy that you are back to blogging...It does seem to me that it must be a lot of work to keep blogging day after day as you so often do, up to year after year. But I'm sure your many followers do appreciate the way you model the way to live a simple but oh-so-satisfying life.

  12. Hi Nicole, thanks! You're at the beginning of some big changes, I think.

    Stafford Ray, that lamp is about 20 years old now. Hanno bought it for me as a gift. They're called Bank Lamps but I'm not sure where he found this one.

  13. Nice to see you back & hope you had a restful break for a while. I love the changes to the blog header! Poor Hano! I'm sure he knows his things won't be moved to the chook coop! Spring time here and we have th garden tilled. It's been a while I need to get back in the forums! Thanks for the inspiration

  14. I love to change things around! Your space looks nice.

    I did shopping for groceries today and so errands. I made a skirt, and an pelisse for my younger daughters Easter dress. We also went to a Good Friday service at church. Our weather has been beautiful, warmer than normal, so we are enjoying it.

  15. Hi Rhonda, what a treat to find your posr lurking in my Google Reader. We opened the shop for a few hours this morning then treated ourselves to lunch in a neighbouring cafe. It has been grey and rainy all afternoon so we've sleeping and reading. Mum is taking all of us our for dinner == a combined Easter egg! I cannot think when I last had two meals out in one day!
    Tomorrow The Gardener and I plan to spread fertiliser, mulch and compost. It will be excellent if theis light rain continues overnight and then lifts in the morning. Then I plan a lazy afternoon of knitting and catching up on some taped TV.

  16. What a pleasing little project - so simple and yet so effective. It is always nice to have instant and tangible results with one's daily tasks.
    I have an overflowing craft room which is in urgent need of sorting. It was never properly sorted following our move to our current home nine months ago. This is perhaps a project I should tackle these school holidays, as our older children (8 and 11) could possibly help entertain the younger ones (2 yrs and also an 8 mth old) whilst I sort dangerous little objects. :-)
    Thanks for the inspiration.
    Tracy (Brisbane)
    PS: You asked what everyone was up to today. I took our eleven year old daughter to our weekly crochet and knitting class this morning. She is a keen learner and this is something we very much look forward to doing together.

  17. Hee hee!!

    I've been trying to persuade hubby to sort out his hobby room for years (which is also our guest bedroom) but he's been resistant - he cannot find anything and he stomps around like a bear with a sore head but he won't do anything about it. I've said nothing for the last six months. Just waited patiently.

    Where is he today?

    Organising his hobby room because he can't find anything...

  18. Ooh, Rhonda, your work space is looking lovely, I love those blue shelves, and your mouse mat project is inspiring! This week I've fallen into a bit of a trap of feeling sorry for myself (we're having a season of rather tight budgeting while I change jobs), so I think a small home made project just for me is on the cards to remind me why I'm doing it.

    Thanks for reminding me the little things make all the difference


  19. Very nice, change is good sometimes, to re-energize ourselves. I love your newly mouse pad. What a great idea.

    Glad to have you back.


  20. For your readers asaking about the lamp...I have found one at a yard sale, and a banker friend gave me one with a broken glass(he had planned to trash it, but I rescued it)I notice them more in business type offices, usually banks. It surely must be something only they can order from a special supplier.(My opinion)

  21. I was so excited the other day when you said you'd start posting again. I really enjoy your posts and always seem to get some ideas about how to do stuff. After reading your post about potatoes, I finally decided that I *would* put potatoes in that last veggie bed that needed to be planted. (I'd be wavering for a few weeks now and crunch time was on me.) Lets see... I freecycled for canning supplies after reading your posts and got a bunch. I decided on using cinderblocks for my raised beds after seeing your pictures. Even been half a world away, you have influence me a great deal! Thank you!

  22. Hi Rhonda
    My workroom also needs some work! I need to move things around for the summer, so that I can once again open windows. The room is my office (I work at home) and also my sewing space and it is quite crowded with things that I plan "to do something with someday!":) I think some of these things will never get done, so it is time to send some of my treasures to the Salvation Army.

    Maybe we should do a thing like the kitchen, where we show pictures of our workroom/office?

  23. Rhonda...so interesting reading how you are preparing for winter and I can't wait for the spring sun to show up! And as goes with the arrival of spring...change is in the air(or in the house) here too. Like you, I also itch every now and then, sometimes to the great despair of my husband, especially when it comes to a big shrub that I want to move somewhere else. I still have to tap some of your patience though, because I plant a tree this morning and this afternoon I want to pick the fruit! but I'll get there.
    What a sunny corner you have in your bureau and your mpouse pad looks now hip and cool...he he...goes to show what originality can do!
    thanks for an always present bout of inspiration1
    Ronelle xx

  24. Nice work! I love the mouse pad.

    When I go grocery shopping today I'm going to be picking up some potting soil, and then planting my vegetable seeds with my children! Should be fun.

  25. Sounds like you're having a nice day. It makes me want to rearrange my sewing area. I need to declutter quite a bit.

    Blessings Gail

  26. I've just decided to rearrange my desk after reading your post, Rhonda.
    Blessings to you and Hanno at this time of year.
    Take care.


  27. It looks like a lovely place! The blue shelf that Hanno made for you is so sweet, and looks like it works perfectly for your 'new' area!

  28. I love your work space Rhonda ... your blog inspires me to do the things I procastinate on so thank you.

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