12 April 2010

You, me and the kitchen sink

Today's kitchen is all the way over on the other side of the world.  We have Rachael's kitchen in Scotland.

My name's Rachael, I'm 22 and I live in Scotland with my husband and 4 month old daughter. I have recently started a blog at happydoings.blogspot.com

Here's my kitchen. It's very small but I really like it. The last flat we lived in had an open plan kitchen/lounge so it's nice to have a separate room to cook in. You can see my ginger beer fermenting on the counter there. Today I'm going to dilute it and bottle it- thanks for the instructions! There's also some chicken stock bubbling away on the stove. It smells so good :)

On the windowsill we have rosemary, basil, mixed salad, rocket, beetroot, courgettes, spring onions and radishes which we just set up last weekend. It was beautiful and sunny and we though we we headed for spring but then we got a surprise fall of snow (hence the glare!). Hopefully our little seeds cope ok and we can plant them outdoors in May. We have such a short season for growing anything up here!

I couldn't really take a second photo of the kitchen, as there's not much to it, so I thought I'd take a photo of Kaelyn asleep on my back. This is our living room/dining area.

Thanks for looking at my photos!



  1. Lovely! and we spell our names the same, that doesn't happen much for me, as an American. Its amazing how similar kitchens are, across the world!

  2. Hi Rachel
    Looks like a cosy kitchen and with all the things you have on the go.Good on you for trying new things.Your babe is too sweet.Look like angels when they sleep don't they.Off to see your blog.

  3. What a lovely kitchen! It may be small but it has a feeling of warmth and happy things going on. And your daughter is darling!

  4. What a wonderful kitchen and home you have, thanks for sharing!

  5. It may be small, but it's very homey and tidy. Looks like you put it to lots of good use. Your little one looks so sweet.

  6. Rachael, Thank you for inviting us into your kitchen. It is lovely. It's interesting how our kitchens hold so much of our lives and later our fondest memories. It seems to be a common thread between all of us no matter where we live. Thanks again, JudieJ

  7. I love your kitchen, the colors are perfect! Bright, cheery and cozy at the same time.

  8. Hi Rachel, you have such a nice cozy kitchen, and boy are you organized!! My kitchen always seems to have "stuff" in there.

    A nice broad window sill to grow herbs is the best. Hope you get to plant outdoors soon.


  9. What lovely photos, Rachael :) Thank you for sharing a bit about your life in Scotland.

  10. Love your kitchen herb garden, your kitchen is wonderfully cosy and just right. Your baby is so adorable, so content sleeping on your back. Warm wishes to you and your family.


  11. Hi, Rachel. I like your kitchen - very nice! I love the pic of the sweet baby on your back and you're so lovely! Thanks for sharing.

  12. Seeing your kitchen made me feel happy. Seeing you with your sleeping daughter made me feel love.

    Have a great coming week.


  13. Hi Rachael, great photos! Besides your sweet pub I especially like the big stock pot on your stove.

  14. Lovely kitchen,neat and organized!

  15. What a lovely kitchen and precious baby girl. For someone so young, you are off to a great start - cooking, ginger beer, vegetable garden. Good for you!
    Connie (US)

  16. Adore your home and the pic of you and your baby, how sweet. I love smaller places to live. I find them very welcoming and yours looks quite warm and welcoming! Lyn

  17. Rachael - your lovely little kitchen is proof that bigger isn't always better :)

  18. What a nice kitchen, it must be a joy to work in there. The more kitchens all over the world I see here, the more I ask myself why everywhere in the world the kitchen sink is beneath a window - except in Germany where you have to stare at the wall while doing the dishes!

  19. Mmmmm, chicken stock and sleeping babes - nothing better!

  20. Thanks so much for sharing your lovely, homey kitchen - it certainly looks cosy and inviting. Thanks also for sharing the lovely photo of your little lass!
    Tracy (Brisbane)

  21. What a good cook and Mum you are. The short growing seasons are frustrating but worth the bit you can do.

  22. A kitchen sink with all the important features, especially the appreciative and loving touch of a woman who enjoys her home and family.Very nice.

  23. What a gorgeous kitchen! Congrats on your beautiful little baby. I hope your plants do well, we had a crazy week of weather in the 90's, now back down to the 60's- so strange!

  24. love your kitchen Rachael, and yum to the chicken on the stove! Bet it was good!

  25. Such a lovely kitchen. Thanks for sharing. And thanks so much for sharing that sweet, sweet photo of you & your darlin' babe. My 'babies' are now 22 & 19 & I miss those days.

    Nice, too, to meet someone from Scotland...my ancestry is Scottish on my father's side (then they came to America & got mixed up w/the Cherokee! lol) I would LOVE to trace my line back to Scotland & take a trip to the "Homeland."

    I'm looking forward to checking out your blog.

    Blessings from Ohio/USA...Kim<><

  26. What a lovely kitchen and a darling baby! Thanks for sharing your photos!


  27. What a lovely kitchen and apartment! Lovely little baby on your back. I think it is fabulous at your young age that you are starting off so very focused on what is important. You have a huge headstart on most of us! Many of us only found after quite a length of time what changes we needed to make in our lives to be a peace. Good for you and blessings!

  28. Thank you for the pictures of your kitchen. Although it's small, it looks very comfortable and well organized.

  29. Your kitchen may be small, but it's so charming. I love your cabinetry...the colors are just my taste. And thanks for sharing about the ginger beer...I'm going to have to give that a try.


  30. Your kitchen may be small on space, but it's certainly not lacking on charm! I think it's just beautiful. And thank you for sharing about the ginger beer. I've been reading about the benefits of fermented foods and will have to give this recipe a try.


  31. Thanks for sharing your kitchen with us. It looks so homely, and you look so content with your beautiful baby. I love reading Rhonda's blog and it's lovely to see a kitchen from the UK. I live in Wales, off now to look at your blog.

  32. What a nice kitchen,hope your plants do well they seem to have a perfect spot, went and looked at your blog and loved it,I will be doing a couple of your recepies and going to guide a young friend to your blog as you have similar tastes...jusr delightful. Carole

  33. Hey Rachael what a nice kitchen. Love the idea of the homemade ginger beer too maybe will try and give it a go.

    Cheers to you off to your blog now!

  34. Very beautiful and serene, Rachael!


  35. Such a pretty kitchen! And what a lovely daughter you have. I'm happy to hear that you are focused on living simply... what an advantage you have starting out so young! : ) Melissa


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