1 April 2010

You, me and the kitchen sink

This kitchen is both sad and a place that brings back beautiful memories.  This is Cadi's kitchen in Virginia USA.   Cadi, I send you much love during your sadness.  It sounds like you and Brent shared many happy hours in your kitchen.  I hope you continue to find peace there.

Cadi writes:
"This is "my kitchen sink."

We rent a small, old bungalow-style house in Richmond, Virginia in the U.S.A where I'm a teacher. Just a bit over a month ago my love, Brent, passed away suddenly. I have many memories of us cooking dinner together in this lil' kitchen, of being silly, drinking wine while cooking, him teasing me about my lumpy mashed potatoes, me teasing him about being a messy cook...

For a long time I didn't step into the kitchen. Friends brought us food. And I seriously took dirty dishes to a friends house to wash them in her dishwasher. Crazy, huh? I just couldn't motivate myself to do much at all. Then one Saturday morning I realized just how nice it was to stand at the sink & wash the dishes, just how Brent and I used to. And it brought beautiful memories and a sense of peace.

We have a plain & simple kinda life. The second picture shows our dining area, just off the kitchen. Green is my favorite color. We usually have fresh flowers - even if it's just something tiny. The dresser holds linen & art supplies my children (two boys, 11 & 13) use. The toys in the basket are from their early childhood & are now mostly used when guests with wee lil' ones visit us.

My blog is at www.maehegirl.blogspot.com  "

Please don't forget to comment. Cadi needs our love and support now.  Thank you friends.


  1. Beautiful memories of your kitchen. I wish you peace during this hard time. Thank you for reminding me of the important things in life, my thoughts are with you.

  2. Oh Cadi. I am sincerely sorry to hear of your loss - for both yourself and your children. I am glad that you will be able to derive comforting and happy memories from your pretty kitchen and home. I will be looking at your Blog and thinking of you across the miles.
    Tracy (Brisbane, Australia)

  3. Thank you for sharing your memories with us all. The kitchen is the heart of the home for sure. And my heart does got out to you.

    It was interesting to know you are from Richmond. I live close to you Just outside of Louisa!

  4. What a treasured place for you. My thoughts are with you too <3

  5. dearest Cadi
    Thank you for sharing. Sending you peace, courage, strength and Love. truly beautiful memories in your Kitchen!.Love Lives on forever. thinking of You
    lors Australia

  6. It's a lovely and simple kitchen and I hope being in it brings about peace and healing and hope for the future...

  7. I love the color of your kitchen. I am so sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing with us.

  8. oh goodness, I just found this so sad to read. I follow your blog, but hadn't read it for a couple of months - too busy, how horrible and a rotten excuse.
    I had no idea.
    I am so so so sorry.
    I'm glad you're able to have happy memories.

  9. Peace be on you, friend. Thanks for sharing your home and your heart with us.

  10. It's a lovely little kitchen with the plant on the window sill! I'm glad you returned to your memory filled kitchen and found peace.

    Your dining room looks big enough to dance in! Love that kind of space, though I tend to fill spaces like that with crafty things ... LOL


  11. Thank you, Rhonda.

    Your e-mail woke up this tired, pregnant woman! :-)

    These days my dining-room is filled with moving boxes as I'm in the process of purchasing a house. It was nice to see my dining room BEFORE.

    Bright blessings to you.


  12. Cadi, your kitchen is lovely. I sent up a prayer for you and your boys.

  13. I'm glad you find some comfort now in doing the mundane things. Grief is a journey most of us have walked, but it is unique for everyone since we are individuals. The days ahead will be challenging, but I hope you find hope and peace with your children. Will be sending thoughts and prayers your way!
    Stickhorse Cowgirl V

  14. My prayers are with you and your sons. I can feel your pain and hope that your peace and joy will return as you and your boys build more memories in your kitchen. Blessings, Carolyn

  15. So sorry for your loss. Thank you for posting your kitchen. I went over to your blog and read a little about you, your family and Brent. Wonderful pictures.

  16. Blessings to you & your family Cadi at this very sad time. You are brave to share this with us and we are enriched by your sharing. I love your neat & simple kitchen & dining room & find it inspiring. Bask in your beautiful memories in your kitchen.
    Sending peaceful wishes to you from West Australia,

  17. Thank you for sharing your heart and home with us Cadi. I pray for you peace and comfort and hope for the future. Keep on going, one step at a time. Blessings, Jo.

  18. Cadi, I wish you strength and peace during this hard time. My thoughts are with you and your boys.

  19. It takes time to grieve. I am sorry to hear you have so recently experienced this yourself, and I am hoping that you will more and more feel comfortable in your kitchen, and that your memories will heal and not hurt. It was generous of you to share this,Cadi, truly. I have art supplies near my table too.

  20. My heart goes out to you. I was able to imagine all that you shared of your beautiful memories. Thank you for sharing such a personal part of your life with us. I'm not far from you...I live in east Tennessee. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.


  21. I'm truly very sorry for your loss; this post brought the tears to my eyes. I wish you strength and much love in this hard time. You will be in my thoughts.

  22. I am so sorry for your loss. I know that the happy memories will eventually stop causing pain and will be a comfort to you.
    Sending you cyber hugs

  23. Thank you for sharing your kitchen and your story, Cadi. I read your blog for a bit...my prayers are with you. What a roller coster ride you are on right now....best of luck with the house hunting, and i hope that the rest of your pregnacy goes smoothly.

    Lovely knitting, by the way. And those chickens are just adorable!


  24. Cadi, I am so sorry to read of Brent's passing. I'm sure this beautiful kitchen will bring you healing with the many happy times you both shared there.

  25. Dear Cadi. Loved your kitchen but was very saddened to read of your loss. The same thing happened to my daughter late last year so I know a little bit of what you are feeling. My prayers are with you.

    Karen (Queensland, Australia)

  26. It is the memories that make a home and all the good things that happened in it. Each time you do the dishes you remember your loved one and the fun you had together. Cherish every memory.
    Green in my favourite colour too

  27. Dear Cadi, I like your kitchen very much and I like your precious memories. Hugs across the miles.

  28. Dear Cadi, I love the sense of order and calm that radiates from your kitchen. There is so much love and nuture bound up in the act of preparing and eating food that it can only be healing for you in the long term.
    As someone who not so long ago has stood where you are standing now, I know that anything or any place that gives you a sense of peace and allows you to bathe in the warmth of happy memories is a bonus on this difficult journey you are now travelling.
    I hope your lovely kitchen continues to give you that peace.

  29. Dearest Cadi,
    Thanks so much for sharing your kitchen, and your beautiful memories.
    I can't say it will get easier(missing your mate), but it will get different, in time.Hoping for healing for you and your boys.

  30. Dearest Cadi,
    What a lovely kitchen you have & also beautiful memories.
    Sending love to you and your boys

    Kim (UK)

  31. Cadi, thanks for sharing your kitchen and a little of your life with us. My heart goes out to you and I'm so very sorry for your loss.

  32. Thank you for sharing your kitchen with us and speaking of your loss. It's always hard to hear that but we all are giving you our prayers and sending love your way.

  33. Dear Cadi,

    If you would like a new friend, I'm just down I-64. You can e-mail me at frugalmom1@yahoo.com


  34. I am so sorry for your loss and for your dear children , as well as your unborn child, I hope your pregnancy will continue to be a good one and that the birth goes well . Your kitchen is truly lovely and I am so glad you have returned to using it and all the best in your new home. I will be following your blog to see how you are making out . Peace be with you .

  35. Sounds like you have made a REAL home to have all of those lovely memories. Peace be with you.

  36. Cadi, My prayers go out to you and your boys for strength and peace.
    I love your kitchen and the dining room looks like a peaceful place. Thank you for sharing your kitchen and memories.

  37. How very sorry I am, Cadi.
    Blessings to you and your sons.

  38. I like your kitchen very much...and am so sorry for your loss.

    I hope you will send in a photo of your new kitchen when you move into your home.

  39. Your kitchen is so big, bright and comfy looking. I'm glad that you're able to enjoy the memories. Your husband was a blessed man....so dearly loved by all of you.

  40. Dear Cadi
    Praying for you and your children at this difficult time. Thank you for sharing your kitchen and your memories with us.
    God bless you all.

  41. I LOVE your kitchen, Cadi!!! It's so funny to find a photo of your little space somewhere else out in the blogosphere.

  42. Cadi!! Nice to see your kitchen so soon after I was asking! It's so simple and light and green ;) Lets hope your new place, wherever it may be, brings happiness and peace too. xx Lottie

  43. What beautiful memories are held in your heart. I'm sorry for your loss. Your kitchen is simply beautiful.

  44. Dear Cadi, thank you for sharing your photos and your life. You are one strong lady. My thoughts are with you and your boys. Good luck with the house move. {((Hugs))} Deb

  45. Hi, Cadi~ I'm in RVA, too. I'm sorry you're going through such sorrow. I'm sending prayers up to Heaven for you and your boys. How odd that you're so close geographically, and I'm reaching out to you via a blog in Australia! God bless and keep you.

  46. I wish you peace in your days of loss. Inadequate words for heartfelt wishes of comfort. Thank you for bravely sharing pictures of your kitchen and your memories.

  47. I am so sorry for your loss. You are in my prayers.

    Your kitchen is very cozy and warm.

  48. I am so sorry for your loss. May time help your pain and bring only the best memories. Love does last forever, you know. It is a lovely kitchen.

  49. I'm so sorry for your loss. I am sending good thoughts your way during your time of grieving. Your kitchen looks so simple and peaceful. I live in Virginia Beach, Virginia and have family in and near Richmond.

  50. I'm so very sorry for your loss, Cadi. I pray that time and the wonderful memories you have will bring healing and hope to your heart soon. I love the color green and your peaceful, lovely kitchen...



  51. Cadi, hugs to you. It's so hard to lose the special loved ones in our lives. My heart goes out to you for your great loss.

    I absolutely love the style of your kitchen and home. I'm trying to live more simply in my own life. I find it to be a long process, but will get there and it makes me happier to have less stuff. Your pictures are inspiring, and so are you.

    Every time you step into your kitchen, remember your Brent is right there beside you. For I truly believe that although the body may cease, the spirit lives on. God bless you.

  52. I'm sitting here with tears in my eyes. I know how hard it is to love someone and how difficult it is for the person/s left behind.

    God bless you Cadi, may time ease your pain.

  53. Your kitchen reminds me of the houses I lived in while I was at VCU. I miss those houses but love having a big kitchen again because I always made a mess trying to do things on 3-4 feet of counter space.

  54. Sweet memories... embrace them all! So sorry for your loss. Your post makes me realize that we all need take the time to make those memories in our own personal kitchens and lives!

  55. Lovely memories. Thank you for making me realize it is better to have beautiful memories, even with the saddness of loss, than to not have them at all. Love and blessings to you and your children.

  56. Cadi – such a beautiful, relaxing, green kitchen. Your home radiates peacefulness. I hope your happy kitchen memories always bring you comfort.

  57. OH, I am so very sorry. I am so happy that you are easing back into the kitchen and the memories you have there.
    I hope it brings you peace and comfort in the coming months.


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