28 April 2010

A queen's ransom

Thankfully, things are slowly starting to get back to normal after about six months of chaos, shopping, reorganisation, relocation and, at times, barely contained nervousness over moving our Neighbourhood Centre and Flexischool to a new and permanent location.  Finally we have a real home; it's the first time ever in our 17 year history that we have a building to call our own.  We'll never have to move again because we can't afford the rent or because the neighbours don't approve of our clients coming and going.  But now the move is complete, all the furniture, equipment, odds and ends purchased and installed. New services have started, old ones expanded,  and with the opening last Friday a wonderful confirmation of our community's support, I can relax and just get on with my job.  Phew!

Lunch on the verandah after the opening.

Now I can come home again and centre myself here.  There have been many days in the past few months when I have bought bread rather than make it, left the floor unswept because I was too tired to do it, or sat to knit and gone straight to sleep in my big old floppy armchair.  It goes to show that I am not the perfect angel many think I am and just like many of you I am overwhelmed by my life at times.  It happens to everyone and we all cope in our own way until things return to normal.  And that is where I am.  I'm looking forward right now to a gentle slow day when I catch my breath and start putting things to rights.

Hanno is taking a group of seniors out in the bus today.  They're going on a boat cruise along the Pumicestone Passage, back to the Tavern on shore for lunch and then home in the bus.  Price $5, it's subsidised by our Neighbourhood Centre and a partner.  It's a lovely day out for everyone, that gives our seniors a memorable day with friends but keeps them on budget.

So that leaves me home alone.

Summer in a bowl - my home made peach jam.  I still have three litres of it (shhhh).

I have some tasks I enjoy doing this morning - potting tomato seedlings into larger pots, building up the worm farm, and moving pot plants around for the winter conditions soon to be upon us.  Of course, I'll make the bed and sweep, but no bread making today as I'll be here by myself, so I'll make a tea cake for morning teas.  There is a load of washing that needs to be done and later in the morning I'll sweep and tidy the front verandah.  It will be sunny out there then so I can rearrange my pot plants for the winter sun.  

Some of the chooks wandering in the backyard.

To tell you the truth  I could do almost anything here at home today and I'd love it.  Just knowing that I have that big job behind me and many sunny winter days ahead, fills me with the kind of pleasure they often talk about in advertising but always fail to deliver.  Being here, pottering around, freshening things, gardening, cooking, baking and keeping my home in a way that suits Hanno and I are the small things that keep me going with love in my heart.  Nothing else gives me the kind of joy I feel when working in my home.  Oh, I love doing all manner of things and I get pleasure from many of them, but homekeeping - that warm and comfy feeling of knowing I'm fluffing up our nest and that in this space we call home, we can close the gate and be alone, together, that, my friends, is worth a queen's ransom.

I wish you a day full of peace and joy too, and I hope that like me, you'll find some time for knitting or whatever it is that you relax with.



  1. I don't expect you to reply but I did want to shar with you the same sentiments. I wish I did not have to work because I love caring for our home and my flower breads. In the summer, when I am off for 2 months, my car never moves because I rarely go out. I relish the time I can have at home so I know exactly how you feel.

  2. Congratulations on finishing the move. Enjoy your much deserved day of homemaking and relaxing!

  3. Congrats on finding a place of your own - yeah for roots growing deep into your community!

  4. Hi Rhonda,

    Good to hear all went well with the centre opening. I hope you have a lovely relaxing day...


  5. Rhonda, I love all your posts but I must say this is one of my favorite. It shows your life and personality and I really can identify with the relief you are feeling right now. So bless you and your day to relax.

  6. In my minds eye I can hear a huge sigh of contentment as you sit down with a cuppa on the back veranda. Your planned activities for the day looks busy yet you make it sound so relaxing. Unlike me at present,I've been up all night with a toothache, so I'll be busy looking for a dentist today.

  7. Have a lovely day RJ :)

    ps. I'm staying with my grandma at the moment and I'm picking up all sorts of wonderful homemaking tips; setting up for breakfast tea the night before; adding soda water to omlettes to make them fluffy; leaving the corn beef in the pot of water over night.

    Normal days, but happy days.

  8. Glad it is all over for you and you can relax and get back so normality. Knitting is what I do to relax also :0)
    Have a great 'me' day

  9. Rhonda..i really needed to read from you this morning..thank you for sharing your simple, wonderful and generous way..sweet day :)
    oh and congratulations with establishing a home so many will benefit from..bravo

  10. Hi Rhonda, its great to have you back, i'm really enjoying your posts at the moment. Todays was lovely and really heart warming. I'm in the middle of packing to move house on the weekend, we're moving to country town in the Yarra Valley wine region, and i cannot wait! I long for the years when i can spend my days like you do, but until then i will be content here, knowing that i've made a step towards a more simple life. V.

  11. Great to hear the opening went so well, was thinking of you on the day, and now you get to take a breath and enjoy this beautiful time of the year at home and in your garden. And I'm so loving knitting, thank you for sharing that gift and for fitting it in while you were so busy! Sonya

  12. I can so relate to your post today as I've been looking forward to some normality back in my life too.

    Glad you opening went well.

    Have a wonderful peaceful day today.

  13. Congratulations, all your hard work has paid dividens you helped create a legacey in the community.We are proud to know you!
    Enjoy your normal day, its so much better and more relished after a hectic time.Take care of you.Blessings Linda

  14. I can totally feel your peace Rhonda. Thanks for Sharing it with us.

  15. I can almost feel that sun a shining while you are fluffing your nest!!! Oh dear girl you have surely earned this time. It is such a reward to get to have a little alone time with our loved one!! I could pop me some toast and enjoy some of those peach preserves!! They look yummy!! I love that your blog inspires me to be a better me!!! Hugzzz!!!

  16. Well done and enjoy the quiet. It is such a pleasure to sit and enjoy your space at your own pace. I hope that everyone emjoys their day on the passage. I have had the pleasure of driving from Logan City to Caloundra twice this week and will do so again tomorrow. It looks like the "crew" been blssed with a lovely day.

  17. Wishing you a happy home day, Rhonda. Like Fiesta, I wish I didn't work so much and could have more free days home. I keep a clean, tidy house but most of my house time is confined to the weekend and I find I am not as enthusiastic for craft projects, gardening etc then. One day maybe...

    Cheers - Joolz

  18. Congratulations on the finish of a big job. Eventually the tiredness
    will be part of those fuzzy images of a job well done. Might not want
    to do it again but o so happy that you did. I wrote on my facebook wall
    last night "another lovely day closes down". That's how I feel after
    accomplishing things in my home. Hope you have a lovely day too. Cherrie

  19. Your blog is a haven for many as is your home for you. Congratulations on both.

  20. How wonderful that you can finally get down to business at the centre and get yourself into some sort of rhythm there.
    And it is a wonderful day when you can be home and just love it in everything you do.
    Wishing us all many days liks this!

  21. Congrats on getting your centre all settled into its new home. I think you are blessed to have each other. It sounds as though it brings so much to your life, and Im sure the lives of all those that pass through are richer for the work you put in.

    I hope the sun is lovely and warm as you tend garden and that you get some time to sit and listen to the birds and enjoy that cake for morning tea!

    Nic xxx

  22. Good morning Rhonda, do enjoy your precious day.

  23. Hi Rhonda,

    Great post - I get my energy at home too.
    Whats with the skimpy girl ad for singles and love? Does not seem to fit in with your blog. Really suprised to see it and not sure if you are aware its there.
    Blessings Juanita.

  24. Great blog, love reading your posts and visit most days.

  25. Dear Rhonda,
    Finally time to rest ! what an achievement. Enjoy your day. I read Juanita's comment about the single girl ads that come up on your blog. I am a daily reader and I have never came across them.


  26. Wonderful news of the centre now having their own building. Lots more flexibility for you all and a welcoming permanent place for the community to attend.

    Happy pottering around the home - such pleasure for the soul...

  27. Hope you are having a lovely day. Cheers, Deb

  28. CONGRATS on getting through such a huge project. :)

    I love that you mentioned you were buying bread etc, it tells me that you are wise enough to focus on the task at hand and let a few things go so that you don't end up collapsing in a heap - in this frantic world I think that this type of thinking is something that we are all having to learn.

  29. Enjoy your day Rhonda - I'm so looking forward to the day when I too can breathe a big sigh & just "enjoy" whatever I'm doing. We're well into the packing now ready for the big move - 37 days to go - it will be a big adjustment for both of us, but we will make it as we want and simplifying, slowing down, smelling the roses, etc., is all part of the plan.

  30. Have fun Rhonda.

    Blessings Gail

  31. Hi Rhonda

    Congrats with the move and thanks for your posts. When I have that Bridget Jones feeling....I go and read your posts and feel calm again. Now I have aquired some calmness to face the day..and my biochemistry test and all 3 children at home, meeting with the principal etc etc. all today.

    Thanks for your lovely posts.

  32. Beautiful sentiments, Rhonda. I particularly enjoy hearing about the Community Centre (as a social worker by background). What wonderful and worthwhile work. Enjoy your time of homemaking and enjoy that peach jam!
    Tracy (Brisbane)

  33. I'm fairly new to your blog. I've been browsing through some of the articles you'v written. It took me awhile to figure out that you're writing from Australia :) I have not been there, but I've always wanted to visit. I live in Oregon on the West Coast of the USA. I must say that I thoroughly enjoy reading your blog posts, your stories and your tips. I'm glad that the move went well. What's the best way to sign up for news when you post something new? I hope you are having a lovely weekend :) Sincerely, a new fan from Oregon :)


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