12 September 2007

Not so simple

I am having the most incredibly busy week. Monday and Tuesday were spent at my wonderful job at the Neighbourhood Centre. I have been trying to reorganise a lot of things there since I took over as co-ordinator and consequently, when I'm there, I never have enough hours in the day to get through all I want to do. This week was particularly busy as we had a burglar alarm installed and I had to write procedures on how to arm and disarm the alarm (I set it off accidentally yesterday and nearly deafened everyone in the building LOL), show them how it was done and also write a procedure for our committee members who are the ones who will respond if the alarm goes off. The procedure spells out how to respond safely. Luckily I had another volunteer there with me yesterday, so Bernadette and I showed everyone the ins and outs of the alarm system. We also dealt with a few people coming in for food relief, interviewed a new volunteer, answered the phone too many times, talked to people who came in, cleaned up and tried to organise the place for the volunteers who will be there for the rest of the week.

I usually only work there Monday and Tuesday but today, Bernadette, H and I will go back to change furniture around in our two meeting rooms. Now the alarm is in it changes how we use our rooms at night. We sometimes have local groups using the meeting rooms at night and we have to change them to suit the alarm. Hopefully we'll be finished doing that at lunchtime and I can come home and sort out the swap partners.

When I came home yesterday H was in the kitchen talking to a builder. I told you all that our dishwasher hose sprung a leak recently, well, we had the insurance assessor in on Monday, he said we have to have the floor replaced and to get a quote from a kitchen builder for the damaged cupboards. As it turns out, the entire floor has to be replaced - it's a floating wood floor and they can't match what is down now, so the whole floor will be done. That is the floors in the entire house, except the bedrooms, which are carpeted. The kitchen man said that replacing the kick boards under the cupboards and a few cupboards will mean the entire kitchen will be taken out. The kitchen cupboards have to be removed anyway for the floor to be laid and when the bench tops come out, they will crack, they will also break the tiles behind the benches, as they're all glued together. So .... we will need the entire kitchen replaced too - all cupboards, new tiling, plumbers and electricians in to turn off and reconnect the services. I am still trying to digest this information. At the very least it will mean no kitchen, no walking around the house and workmen here for at least three days. =:- O It also means I have to work out what sort of kitchen I want. Will I have the same or go with something new? I'll have to go to the showroom and see what's available now. Replacing the kitchen is something I didn't think I'd do so I have no idea what I should be looking for. It looks like a few hours on research there.

There are quite a few small things happening too. It's H's birthday next week, the boys and I want to buy him a pushbike, so Shane and I have been looking around for that. We're expecting visitors soon - my sister and Kerry with his Canadian friend. We still have quite a bit of the vegetable garden left to plant up - that's important and can't be put off. I'm trying to work a few hours everyday on the ebook, but haven't done anything for the past week. So all of that is happening as well as our normal chores that must be done every day. It's been a stretch to get it all in. I wish I lived in an Amish community where I knew everyone would come and help. Now wouldn't that be a good thing? : )

But as my mum would say, at least I have plenty to do and I know I'm alive. I always enjoy writing my blog, it helps me sort through what has to be done and organises each day before I face it. And besides, I wouldn't be dead for quids. (That's an old Australian saying, sorry if you don't understand it.)

So for the time being, this simple life isn't so simple but I'm sure it will return to gentle ambling again soon. Life is full of the unexpected, it's often what makes us look at our lives in a different way, so I'll just go with the flow and see where I end up. Whatever will be, will be. Wish me luck.


  1. a new kitchen ~ what a hassle with so many choices!!

    Have you finished changing your room around, organising your guests rooms?? I plan to do more decluttering today as I need my guest room ready by Nov 7th!

  2. It will be interesting to see the results of your research - if you are able to find local, sustainable materials (have you thought of bamboo floors?, and if the insurance company will be willing to pay for them. Good luck.
    My hearts desire in a new kitchen would be an Aga. Maybe this is an opportunity for you to become more like the CWA ladies!
    Makes you wonder if perhaps the old lino floors with their wax and polish, and free standing kitchen furniture would be more resilient choices if one burst hose can cause so much waste!

  3. Hi Rhonda Jean,
    We had to gut our kitchen a few years back and build a new one. It is like having a baby. Lots of pain but once it is over it is wonderful.LOL I now have my dream kitchen.

  4. ali, no, we haven't finished that yet. H is painting the new sewing room before I move in so that's holding things up a bit.

    marg, I would give my favourite hen for an Aga. I'm thinking of going for free standing cabinets. I'll see what I find.

    elizabeth, we put this new kitchen in when we moved in. It was a lovely kitchen to work in. Hopefully the new one will be a bit better.

  5. Hi Rhonda. you have my sympathy. We finished building a new house at Easter and all the decision making is overwhelming. As you say...its not just the floor and the cupboard/kickboard its the tiles and the taps/the benchtop/drawer inserts and the trims...the list seems to go on. The brightside is that you will have a beautiful new kitchen in the end...don't let them rush you into making choices until you are sure what you want :) Enjoy your research. There is some beautiful "stuff" out there.:) Linda

  6. I really enjoyed reading this Rhonda. I miss the community centre I worked at when I lived in Melbourne and the one that I volunteered at (Cranbourne Community House and Merinda Park Learning and Community Centre) And actually I also miss the Managers there Jan and Margaret. They were important role models for me. Karen


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