9 September 2007

Attention swappers!

There are so many ladies in this swap it's driving me nuts. I've already matched up a few partners with emails or postal addresses. If I haven't contacted you yet, would you please send me an email to:

rhondahetzel at gmail dot com

and tell me:
who your swap partner is, and
your email address

Thank you. That saves me trying to find people through their website or blogs.

There have been a further 15 women join the swap yesterday when I told Jewels and her ladies it was still ok to join. These ladies will be assigned their swap partners tomorrow. All ladies who have already been assigned a swap partner, that is unchanged.

Would all these ladies, including the anonymous who did not give her name, email me also with their email address: herbaltonya, mystele, leah, tami, morgan, emme, heartathome, marianna, christi, suzy myers. elizabeth and kathleene.

The napkins we are swapping must be 100% cotton, about 10 inches square (give or take) and should be in the mail no later than October 1. Preferably the napkins should be handmade by you, but if you can't sew, or don't have the time, it's ok to buy them. You should send four napkins, although if you want to send six, please go ahead. It is also ok to include anything else your heart desires. It is ok to send extras, it is ok to not send extras, it is totally up to you.

Thanks gals!


  1. Oh Rhonda, sounds like this is becoming bigger than Ben Hur. Don't let it stress you. Thank you so much for organising this swap. I've already made contact with my swap buddy and we have it all under control...well except for the sewing bit LOL

    cheers Lenny

  2. i agree with lenny! don't let this stress you too much! just bask in how much we all appreciate you and all you do!'btw, my swap partner, tracy, and i have made contact and all is well!

  3. Rhonda Jean, I emailed you last night with my info. In case you didn't get it, here it is again. tamzhome@hotmail.com. Thanks so much, Tami

  4. Rhonda,
    I left a comment on the old post, and I emailed you with my email address.

  5. Hi Rhonda Jean,
    I signed up as Anonymous / delee
    my e-mail address is: delee@usa.com.
    I'll be waiting to see who my swap partner is. Thank you for setting this swap up! Have a great day!

  6. thanks ladies. I'll be matching you all up on Wednesday.

  7. Oh, I meant to say, I'm not stressed about the swap. I'm not one who stresses about much at all. When I get everyone partnered up, it will be all good.

  8. Don't forget about me. I too come from Jewel's blog and I commented on another of your posts about the swap. Please include me. I have always wanted to participate in one.

  9. am I in the swap? I'm a little confused here..

  10. Thank you Rhonda. Having never participated in one of these before, what happens next?

  11. hello åslaug, yes, you're in the swap, love. I'm working at my voluntary job today, I'll get back to this tomorrow. Also, one of the ladies has kindly offered to help me organise it, so one of us will contact everyone in the next day or two.

    Kathlene, send your email address to me at rhondahetzel at gmail dot com and I'll get back to you tomorrow. Thank you.

  12. What a nice idea...bless you for thinking of this. I am sure it will be a wonderful surprise in the mail for all who join you.

    mama to 6
    one homemade and 5 adopted

  13. Hi, I emailed you my info. Thanks for doing this it will be so fun.

  14. thanks christi. Sharon will be helping me with the swap. One of us will contact you soon. : )

  15. Rhonda Jean, I have sent you my e-mail address. Thanks for letting us join y'all, it really sounds like fun.

    Emme from Texas


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