26 September 2007

Goodbye friend

We lost a guiding light yesterday. After much thought, Jewels has decided to make her wonderful journal, Eyes of Wonder, private again. No public access.

While I completely understand her decision to protect herself and her family from the evil lurking on the internet, I regret losing her wisdom very much. Jewels taught us all, with grace and understanding, how to be a wife and mother. She did what all effective teachers do, she taught by example. Looking at her photos was like roaming through her house and garden. We all grew to know the family by name, we shared their joys and their sorrows, as well as the day-to-day activities of their everyday lives.

I can’t let this day pass by without a small comment on the love Jewels shared with people all round the world who didn’t know her, but felt they did. That was a nice thing to see and be a small part of. Jewels is a one off. So if you read this, Jewels, know that your words have inspired me, and I’m sure many others, to try to be better people, to hold our families close and to see the beautiful and joy in ordinary family life.


  1. I'm just so glad that you and Jenny are still blogging Rhonda. I'd really miss visiting you two. I can understand that it must take a large chunk of time each day though.

    cheers Lenny

  2. I can understand about publically posting pictures of children as I myself will not do this.

  3. I came to your blog through Eyes of Wonder a couple weeks ago. I'm VERY sad to see Jewels go, but I'm so glad to have been introduced to you & your blog. Ive read through some of your archives and have been so encouraged. You really have a gift for explaining things in a straightfoward, easy to follow way. I want to try making my own soap sometime soon. I also enjoyed your pictures of loofah - I didn't know anything of their origin before. Thank You.

  4. I heartily agree with everything you said Rhonda. Jewels is a very special person with so much to give I count myself as blessed to have been given so much.

  5. She will be missed. I was sad to read yesterday that she will go private again, but I completely understand as well.

  6. I found Jewells' blog via your site Rhonda, and I have thoroughly enjoyed her blog. However, I also found myself wondering how she was coping with the fact that their are a group of not so nice people who have not the same set of values in life that she and all her readers share, and I worried about this when we had the pleasure of sharing all the photos of her family's daily life. So I totally understand why she has made the decision to stop blogging, and also for the family reasons. Many thanks to Jewells for sharing with us her family's life and values with us.
    Rhonda I really enjoy your blog, we are of the same age group and share many of the same interests and methods. Many thanks to you for passing this knowledge onto your readers.
    Cheers, Chookasmum

  7. Rhonda Jean, I too found your blog thru Jewels' and I am thankful for this.I will miss Jewels greatly, she was a calm and quiet corner in my busy, busy day. I am in the age group with you and Chookasmum. You have given me much to think about recently with your thoughts of making life more simple and fulfilling as we race towards retirement. Thank you, Emme

  8. Rhonda-it is sad but also understandable that she choose to go private with her blog. I, like so many others, will miss her gentle thoughts at the end of each day. Hope you will continue blogging-we share and learn so much here at your blog. You are a great teacher! Sharon

  9. I too shall miss Jewels' wonderful blog and the beautiful photos of her family and home. What a pleasure it has been to have her share a part of her life with so many in such a generous and genuine manner.

  10. I 'met' Jewels through your blog Rhonda and I totally agree that Jewel's writing were something to look forward to and enjoy.

    Even tho I was a relatively new reader I thoroughly 'lost' myself in her blog each day


  11. I also stumbled upon Jewels through your blog and shall miss her gentle thoughts and reflections on life. I can also understand her putting her family first.

  12. Rhonda Jean, I will miss Jewels too, *so much*. Some of the things she wrote were so inspiring that I copied them down to my private uplifting quotes notebook. I'm so sorry she decided to quit, but I understand. On the up side, the effect reading her blog had on my life remains with me, and she will never be forgotten. And, through her blog I also got to know your blog, and Jenny's, which I enjoy reading very much.

  13. Dearest Rhonda Jean, and all, thank-you for your very kind and loving words. If only the internet could be a safer place than it is. The dear ones I've met through the blog are some of the sweetest people I've ever known, truly, in life overall. I can't tell you how hard it's been for me, to make the change. You are so very, dear and such a blessing to so many Rhonda Jean. How thankful I too am for your precious friendship--I have been from the start, and do sincerely hope that our friendship will carry on and continue to grow, for always. Thank you for lovingly acknowledging the change with this sweet post on your blog--it was so kind of you.
    xo tearfully, Jewels

  14. I too found your blog though Jewels blog. I loved reading her blog and miss it already.


  15. Yes, Jewels will really be missed!!

  16. I too will miss Jewels very much. It was through her that I found your blog which I have been reading for about 3 weeks now. I am really appreciating the helpful advice and practical money saving tips that you write about Rhonda Jean. I am not one to comment often but do check in most days.

  17. I miss Jewels blog terribly but I do understand. I am very leary of putting my children's pictures on the internet. I learned much from her in the short time since I found her blog. I also found you thru her which has also been a blessing.


  18. I found your blog through Jewels and am already missing her blog terribly...it really was a place to get lost in and to be inspired. I can understand why people stop bloging, its just as though you lose a dear dear friendship. I guess the internet is a funny old place. Thank you for carrying on and inspiring other women with your blog.

    Shelley P
    from over the pond

  19. Hi-I will slso miss Jewels' blog as my girls and I never missed a day of going to her wonderful site. Thank goodness we were introduced to your site by Jewels. Blessings, Rose

  20. I am just entering the blog world and am thankful for these words of caution.
    I have been greatly enjoying Eyes of Wonder - love that name! - and will miss it greatly!

    I will be checking back to your site regularly. Thanks!

    Becky K.

  21. Oh how sad next to your blog I read Jewel's for inspiration as well. Gosh I am sad but we have to do in this life what we must.
    I hope that all in her world keep safe and conitnue on their path.

  22. Very sad, though It looks like jewels came back in 2011, but not since. Loved her blog too!


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