22 September 2007

Emails and the napkin swap

I've been very busy all week and haven't had a chance to reply to the many emails that have come in. I love getting emails, and love hearing from people who read my blog. Please don't think I'm ignoring you, I intend replying to as many as I can as soon as I finish my main post today. Thanks to all for your patience.

And just a gentle reminder - there is just over a week until the napkins need to be posted to swap partners. The deadline is Monday October 1. There were so many ladies who joined this swap it overwhelmed me trying to match them all up. Luckily for me, Sharon stepped in and asked if I needed help. Did I! I think we have everyone sorted and I think we accommodated everyone, even the late comers. So thank you to Sharon for all your work behind the scenes. If you join the next swap, I'm going against my mad method of blindly stabbing names on a pad with a pencil to choose my swap partner. I hope you'll be my partner so I can send a little gift of thanks.


  1. Hello Rhonda,

    I am supposed to swap with Marianna but have no address or email for her. Can you help?


  2. hi morgan. yes, I can help, but I'm at work at the moment so I'll fix this up when I go home. : )

  3. Hi Rhonda- I have just sent off e-mails to each of the partners-Marianna and Morgan- I just knew I had forgotten someone!! Sharon

  4. I don't want to be a pest but I still don't have any idea how to contact my swap partner - Suzy Meyers. Do you have an adress or e-mail?


  5. Rhonda Suzy meyers is one address I don't have down correctly-could you have it in one of your e-mails? I sent it off but it was returned so I am hoping you have it. Sharon


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