17 September 2007

A busy week

It will be a busy week this one. I'm off to my volunteer job today and tomorrow with, no doubt, a million things happening there. Tomorrow we host the Minister for Communities at morning tea when he visits our Centre. I am making tea and scones with homemade strawberry jam and local jersey cream. I hope that helps with future funding submissions. ; )

I'll be posting a few things at the post office while I'm out, including my napkins. Prepare for incoming, Deb. Would the lady who asked me about soap a long time ago please email again. I've lost your address. Thanks.

The photo above was taken yesterday from one of the bedrooms. It shows almost the entire length of our house. H is still painting - he's in my new sewing room now, so he had the vacuum cleaner out because he was sanding the doors down. The doors will be painted today, we are using Smoke Rings - a very light grey colour. That light brownish door just on the left of the green cupboard, is my stockpile cupboard. Those doors will be replaced to match the doors in the new kitchen.

It's H's 67th birthday on Wednesday. I'm taking him to the local tea house for lunch and I've ordered him a new bicycle, with basket. He wants to cycle to the shops to collect the mail each day and needs the basket for that and if he needs to pick up milk or a newspaper. I know he'll be really surprised. I hope he likes it. I will pick it up from the local bicycle shop on my way home from work tomorrow. The man said he'll have it assembled and attach the basket for me. I hope I can fit it in the car for the trip home.

I made tea cake muffins yesterday. They're a lovely light cake topped with cinnamon sugar and here you see one as part of my morning tea yesterday. It can be made as a tea cake or as I have done here, as muffins. It's a quick and simple recipe and well worth the making:

Tea Cake

  • 125 grams butter (¼ lb)
  • 2 eggs
  • tablespoon lemon zest
  • ¾ cup sugar
  • 1½ cups self raising flour OR 1½ cups plain/all purpose flour with 1½ teaspoons of baking powder sifted in
  • ½ cup milk
  • ½ tablespoon cinnamon + 1 tablespoon sugar for the topping
Place all ingredients, except the topping, in a bowl and beat for two minutes. Place in a small round cake tin, or a muffin try, and cook on 180C for about 15 minutes. When you take them from from the oven, brush the tops with melted butter and sprinkle on combined sugar and cinnamon.

Wednesday afternoon, after lunch at the tea house, we're going to the local kitchen showroom to look at new kitchens. Thursday and Friday will be spent on housework and the garden. I think my sister is coming to visit the following week. Hopefully along the way I can do some work on the ebook and of course, I'll be blogging each day. It's another week full of interesting and satisfying things to do. I hope your week is the same.



  1. Dear Rhonda Jean =)
    Here it's still Sunday 16. September, so it was kind of surrealistic (is that a word in English?) to read what you'll be doing tomorrow =)
    Anyway, I sent you a mail just now, so if you haven't received it by tomorrow (your tuesday?)I would be very glad if you would just drop a note at my blog, so that I can give you the details...
    I'm going to bed now, good night =)

  2. Hmmm... for some reason your blog posts are not turning up in my RSS reader any more! The last one I have in there is the post about worms, and I thought you had stopped posting until I checked here today and realised you definately hadn't (which is good to note :)). Just wondering if you changed any RSS settings??

  3. Happy Bday to H! And a good week to you.


  4. Email received, thank you Aaslaug.

    Hi Louise, I'll check the feeder, but I did add a new thing at the bottom of the right cvolumn. You might have to resign up there.

    Hi Wildside!

  5. I've had the same problem Louise, I even tried deleting and re-adding it but still not appearing in google reader? My last post was the worms one too!
    As for today I have my sister visiting from interstate till Thursday, so off to spend time with her, rather than cleaning my house! The housework will still be here on Friday after she has returned home!

  6. I have resubscribed using the link and it seems to have worked! Will let you know if I don't get updates tomorrow :)

  7. I hope H has a very happy birthday.
    Have a great week. Can't wait to see what you will teach me this week.


  8. happy birthday H! i hope all your dreams come true!

    rhonda! the teal cakes sound wonderful and i can't wait to try them..the amount of butter reads 125. 125 what?
    do you suppose these would freeze well?

  9. jayedee, oops! It's 125 grams or ¼ lb of butter. It freezes well but put the topping on when it's defrosted and you're ready to eat it.

  10. Thanks so much for the tea cake recipe. I made it today for a friend's morning tea and the muffins were delicious! Previously I never had success with tea cakes, they would never rise. Making them as muffins is a great idea, and the lemon zest adds a lovely flavour.
    Oh, and a happy belated birthday to H.


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