22 July 2007

Swap buddies

H and I just did the draw for the dishcloth swap. The swap buddies are:
  • Michelle and Jenny
  • Susan and Lenny
  • Briget and Rhonda (kimmysmum)
  • Polly and Jewels
  • Busywoman and Chris
  • Kirsty and Elizabeth
  • Kim and Dot
  • Grandma Carla and RhondaJean
  • Sue and RhondaJean
  • Robin and Maggie
You should have your dishcloths in the mail no later than August 17, that gives us all four weeks. I'm not sure what is the best way to give and receive the postal addresses. Maybe everyone should email their email address to my yahoo address (in my profile) and I can pass them on. If anyone has a better way to do this, let me know.

kay ladies, start your knitting. : )


  1. Rhonda, can you please take a look at your address here. I've tried 3 times and keep receiving the message that's not a valid address. (Yes, I did substitute the "at" and the "dot"! LOL)

  2. maggie, it's rhonda_hetzel@yahoo.com.au Try that : )

  3. Thanks Rhonda! I hadn't noticed the "au" on the next line! How silly!!

  4. Thanks for organising this Rhonda.

  5. Hi Rhonda! Just wanted to say thanks for the frugal subversives award! Thought I should post my comment here as I wasn't sure you would check back on the other posting since it's been a day or so. Glad you are enjoying reading my posts and that you think it's creating awareness! I thoroughly enjoy your blog!

    By the way, this week I am teaching a bit on Australia and the countries surrounding it, any specific items you think I should include? This can be answered by any of you who live in those regions as I'd love any input!

  6. Thanks Rhonda.
    I am so pleased my dishcloth is going to Tassie, my sister is moving to Devonport in a few weeks :)

  7. Well, it appears my computer is playing tricks on me today - I don't know how I missed this message my first 3 or 4 times through (smile), but I now have the information I emailed you about Rhonda!! Thanks!
    Grandma Carla in Idaho

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  9. Hello Rhonda-Firstly, I love your blog! Deb mentioned on her Homespun Living Blog (September 2007) the dischcloth swap. She posted a photo of two finished dishcloths: "Purled Ladder Cloth" and "Baby Fern Stitch". Would you be willing to share the patterns with me? I found links for them on the dishcloth boutique website, but the links are not working. Thank you. Lori

    1. Thanks Lori. I don't have those patterns and have never knitted them. The only one of Deb's patterns I have knitted i the waffle weave. Sorry.


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