27 July 2007

Chocolate birthday cake

Just one last post today to show you the birthday cake I made for Kerry, they'll have a slice each for dessert tonight. It's a sour cherry chocolate cake, no butter it's made with olive oil so it should be moist. It's a chocolate ganache on top and 650 grams of cherries in the middle.

Thank you all for for visiting today, and other days, and thanks as well for all your generous comments. I do appreciate them and love having contact with everyone who reads here.

As per Lisa's request, here is the recipe for the cake.

Chocolate Celebration Cake
2½ cups plain flour (all purpose)
pinch salt
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda (bicarb)
¾ cup unsweetened cocoa
1½ cups sugar
1 cup olive oil
1 cup hot coffee
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
½ cup milk
Sift together all dry ingredients in a mixing bowl. Add oil, coffee and milk, mix at medium speed for 2 minutes. Add eggs and vanilla, beat for anther 2 minutes. The batter will be thin. Pour into a greased cake tin and bake at 175C (320F) for about 40 minutes, or until a toothpick comes out clean.

Cherry Filling
Empty a jar of sour cherries into a saucepan and add a tablespoon of cornflour. Heat up while stirring, until the juice is clear and thick. Allow to cool.

Chocolate Ganache
Equal amounts of dark chocolate with cream. Break the chocolate up and heat in the microwave, on medium, for 3 minutes. Then stir the chocolate through the hot cream until it's all combined. Cool, then place in the fridge for about 15 minutes until it's starting to set but is still pliable.


  1. Kerry is a lucky man to have a family like yours ( and might I add what fine looking boys they are)and a mum who makes a birthday wonderful. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Kerry

  2. mmmm...delicious. The cake reminds me of my grandmother who was Austrian and made the most yummiest cakes :)

  3. Hi Rhonda
    How lovely to be able to see a picture of you! Thank you for all your wonderful bloggings and musings and thoughts and generosity with your ideas.

    I loved the photo of your family all together. YOu all look wonderful and what handsome boys (including K!)

    And Happy Birthday to K.

    Re the coolroom - what I good idea. I have been musing with the idea of getting hold of a dead freezer to try and get my potato harvests to last a little longer. BUt I worry that it might be too moist in there, and that perhaps I would have to wrap them with lots of newspaper.....? I will give it some more thought.

    Best wishes and thanks as always
    the duck herder!

  4. YUM!!! That looks great. Would you be willing to share the recipe with us all?

  5. and Happy Birthday Kerry...you are lucky to have such a great mum!

  6. OHHH, that cake looks so delicious! Chocolate and fruit are two of my favorite things!! Thank you for sharing the recipe and photo.

    Enjoy your weekend!

  7. Thank you for sharing your recipe Rhonda, I will be making this for my Dad for fathers day. I know he will love it!

  8. That looks yummy! I just found your site and I am already in love!

  9. I made a mistake in typing this recipe, both in two amounts and putting bicarb as a descriptor of baking powder. What is there now is correct. Sorry everyone. If you printed the recipe out before, you'll need to check and adjust it.

  10. Thanks everyone. I hope you enjoy the cake if you get around to cooking it. It's good to see you again, duck herder and welcome to kamrin. Thanks for visiting. : )

  11. The ganache on the cake looks quite dull. Is it possible you may have seized the chocolate? It should be very glossy and it should stay that way even when set.


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