8 December 2017

Weekend reading

School holidays start today in my state of Queensland. The kids have a long summer break and go back to school late January. Jamie is very excited about the holidays and we've organised a project to work on together. We'll be creating a video. He loves You Tube and has a couple of shows there he's allowed to watch so it's inspired him to try his hand at video making.  The video will just be shared within the family but it should give him a taste of how complicated it can be. At the moment he thinks it will be really easy and most of us know that it is those things that look easy that are usually the toughest to master. My job as grandma on this project will be to guide him through it so he comes out the other end with an understanding of the process and the enthusiasm to develop his skills further.

The hot weather started here yesterday with 33C at noon. We've had a very mild summer so far. How are you going in your town? I hope you've got your Christmas gifts and plans organised because it's almost that time when we can all sit back and relax.

I hope you have a great weekend.  I'll see you again on Monday. xx

Twisties and TV Hits: artist pays homage to the Australian milk bar
John Clarke's Tinkering
Meet some of Australia's beautiful birds
20 best Christmas recipes: part 1
To cure affluenza, we have to be satisfied with the stuff we already own
10 creative ways to wrap gifts 
9 embroidery sampler patterns
Six steps to creating an organised linen cupboard


  1. Hi! I just found your blog with a link through Hard Up Hester. It's hard to imagine that you're having summer in December while we're expecting the first snowfall here this weekend in Massachusetts, USA. I've bookmarked your blog, and plan to return :)

  2. Good Morning Rhonda, thanks for the weekend reads I do enjoy them. I hope you have a lovely weekend x

  3. What a great project to do with Jamie, Rhonda. I have no idea how to do that myself and should look into educating myself about it. It is going to be 30C here again today. Hot enough for my liking though it won't be as muggy as where you live thankfully. Thanks for the weekend reading. I will check it out after I have attacked the weeds in the garden that have grown after the recent rain :-)

    1. Hi Chel, I have no idea either but it's a good reason to teach myself. :- )

  4. Love your weekend reading links, Rhonda. The sampler patterns are gorgeous and I can't wait to make one (or two)! We are on holidays by the beach at the moment, hot but the sea breeze is lovely when it comes in of an afternoon. Stay cool! Meg)

  5. The video making sounds like fun project and memories made for a lifetime. Enjoy!

    We are expecting snow in the morning and heading into really cold weather for the next few weeks. The tree is up and all the gifts are wrapped so it is time to sit back and enjoy the season.

  6. A great collection of links as always! It has been mild here too, which is a lovely change. Good luck with the video.

  7. I watched a documentary on Netflix about the "throw away fashion" culture. It was heartbreaking to see the conditions the women and children who make those garments work in and how little they are paid. I made my step daughter watch it in the hope it would curb her "wear once and biff" tendencies. Thanks for all the weekend reading links Rhonda, I do enjoy checking them all out. Cheers Lyndie

  8. Hello Rhonda,
    Thank you so much for including the John Clarke site in the weekend reading list. I didn't know of it. He was one of N.Z's absolute treasures. Such a brilliant man and gone too soon.
    I have been following your blog for a few years and really enjoy it. You have a lot to offer and have done much to encourage others in living a wholesome life.
    Best wishes to you and your family.
    Lynda M
    Christchurch, N.Z.

  9. The weather patterns certainly seem different now. Here in Christchurch we have had days of very high temperatures, around late 20s and 30 and no rain in sight. The garden is crunchy dry. it's 28 degs inside at 9.45 p m. No wind.
    I'm glad you are having a reprieve with milder than usual summer so far.

    Lynda M (again)

  10. In a few weeks, when we reflect on 2017 and look forward to 2018, I hope you take time to reflect what a true blessing your blog has been to us for years. I like the practical tips and love the well thought out, kind advice you provide for each of us living our lives according to our unique standards. GaiL in Va, USA

  11. Hello Rhonda, thank you for the picture of your sewing table, it made me want to tidy mine! I enjoyed the Australia in 1958 movie.

  12. Your photo includes a seeing machine which makes me want to explore your blog more. I hope all goes well with the video.


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