29 April 2017

Weekend reading

Tricia has been here a few days now and we've been having a really lovely time. We're driving over to the next town today to look at fabric for her new quilt. She's making one for her granddaughter, Alana. We're hoping to get up to see Sarndra, Alex and Eve on Monday which is another public holiday.  I don't remember having so many public holidays when I was working but I'm told things haven't changed. 🙄

If you've sent me an email recently, I haven't forgotten you. I'll get on to them next week.

Thanks for your visits during the week. I'll try to remember to take a few photos over the weekend and come back with a post next week. I haven't had much time for online reading but this is what I've gathered so far.  I'll see you soon. ❤️

This is a link to the American public broadcasting system's program page. You can watch the programs free of charge. However, depending on what country you're in, some will work and some won't, and some are full programs and series, others are just highlights.  There are many good movies, TV series and documentaries there, including one I will watch called Your money, your life.  I'm guessing it's similar to the book Your money or your life.


  1. Thanks for the links Rhonda. I'm really looking forward to the clip Homesteading and Self Sufficiency.
    It would be lovely having your sister stay with you and I'm sure Alana's new quilt will be beautiful. Choosing fabric and deciding on colours I'm guessing wouldn't be easy.
    I'm also amazed at the amount of holidays we've had lately. The kids also then had yesterday off due to parent/teacher interviews. It may be a longer term however they've had such short weeks so far.
    Enjoy fabric shopping today and your long weekend.

  2. I hope you have a lovely weekend, Rhonda. It will be fun looking for fabrics with Tricia. I haven't been able to get a copy of "Your Money or You Life" at any of the libraries here so I am looking forward to watching documentary you've put link up for. Thanks for the list! Meg:)

  3. That must be so nice to have Tricia visiting once again, Rhonda. I hope you all have a relaxing weekend. It will be busy on the roads up your way this weekend. No, I can't remember so many holidays when I was working either. LOL!

  4. Hi Rhonda,
    Thank you for the links, enjoy the long weekend :)


  5. It definitely feels like there are more public holidays than work days! hope you are having a lovely time with your family x

  6. Hope you have a lovely weekend Rhonda. Thank you for the links. PBS is a treasure trove of wonderful documentaries.

  7. Rhonda, you or some of your readers might enjoy this podcast. It is an interview with Vicki Robin (co-author of Your Money or Your Life) with The Mad Fientist. I've listened to it a few times now. It was wonderful to hear more about Vicki, her beliefs, her life, how the book came into being, etc.


  8. enjoy your time with Tricia & the family, no need to write here til things settle back down, as much as we love reading what you get up to, am sure most can wait
    have a lovely time with your sister
    thanx for sharing
    selina from kilkivan qld

  9. Thank you for the weekend reading links. I'm loving the homesteading video.

  10. I am so glad you are enjoying your time with your sister. Family is very precious.

  11. I wanted to mention dear Rhonda that I so enjoyed the YouTube of Homesteading and watched all 6... I went back to view a second time as she had so many hints and tips and they have deleted it.. Can you imagine? And it was wonderful... So thankful that I saw them once anyway.. Thank you.. xoox

  12. I want to give a shout out to a wonderful PBS program called Nature - beautiful animals and scenery, interesting topics, and a large back catalog of programs to explore. Beth in MN


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