20 April 2017

Toast for breakfast, lunch and tea

“When the girl returned, some hours later, she carried a tray, with a cup of fragrant tea steaming on it; and a plate piled up with very hot buttered toast, cut thick, very brown on both sides, with the butter running through the holes in great golden drops, like honey from the honeycomb. The smell of that buttered toast simply talked to Toad, and with no uncertain voice; talked of warm kitchens, of breakfasts on bright frosty mornings, of cosy parlour firesides on winter evenings, when one's ramble was over and slippered feet were propped on the fender, of the purring of contented cats, and the twitter of sleepy canaries.”  - Kenneth Grahame, The Wind in the Willows


A few years ago I read about toast cafes popping up in a few places. I'm not sure if they're still there but back then it was supposedly a new way of having a "cool" breakfast and then carrying on that toasty goodness through the day.  I thought it was bizarre, especially when I read that a slice of that new "cool" toast, with various toppings, cost around $10. I understood the longing for toast but for me, toast was a self-made domestic refreshment, a comfort food. But then I realised that being out in the world is often the time when we need comforting and if toast can calm you down and strengthen you while you're out earning a quid, then so be it. Toast to the rescue.

Toast soldiers
A favourite breakfast here - black tea, toast soldiers and boiled eggs.

However, I do think toast is part of home. It's a crutch on those mornings when you don't feel like getting up, it's a go-to when you've had a bad day and don't feel like cooking, it's one of those foods that makes you think life is not so bad after all, it's a reminder of our mums, a tender buttery hug.  

Toasted cheese sandwich
A favourite toasted sandwich - tomato, homemade cheese, avocado and chilli sauce.

Following is a list of my favourite toast snacks. Most of them are very old fashioned. I make no apologies for that even though some may think I should update my palate. (I've been told that in an email.) You could quite easily enjoy any of these for breakfast, lunch or tea, or even a late night supper.  There are no recipes, they are what they are and they should be made to the taste of the person who will eat the toast. The specifics will vary: butter or margarine, light or dark brown, white or wholemeal, but either way, they're always satisfying and delicious.
  • Cinnamon toast
  • Toasted cheese sandwich
  • Tea and toast
  • Poached egg on toast
  • Toast soldiers for dunking into soft boiled eggs
  • Egg, bacon, tomato with toast on the side
  • Avocado, tomato, cheese and chilli jam on toast
  • Baked beans on toast
What are your favourite toastie treats? I'm sure you have one or two. I'm hoping to discover a new favourite to add to my list.



  1. When my son and daughter in law recently visited from the UK they bought me two packs of tea cakes . Toasted tea cakes bliss, a memory of childhood x

  2. Laughed out loud at the palate comment. Love me some toast :) plain and simple

    1. Me too, there's nothing like a good laugh early in the morning. xx

  3. Put thinly sliced, or grated cheese on top of beans on toast and pop it under the grill go melt it.

    Spread old fashioned dripping (saved from the roast) and sprinkle with a little salt

  4. Yum! Toast is so comforting. You have reminded me of one that my mother used to make for lunch when tomatoes were plentiful, tomatoes stewed in butter with heaps of salt and pepper on toast. I have actually got the baked beans heating up to have on my toast for breakfast as it is a cold grey morning here, lol.

  5. Cinnamon sugar toast is my favorite! Of course any kind of jam or jelly tastes yummy. I have even put applesauce on my toast when no jam or jelly was in the fridge! Thank you for the information you share with all of us. I have been reading your blog for several years. Have been learning so much from you. My husband and I are retired and are debt free. It feels so good!

  6. Cinnamon toast and hot chocolate on rainy days as an after school snack. Mom sitting next to me and listening to my day.
    Thanks for the memory. SJ in Vancouver BC

  7. Just found your blog and I love it!
    I will enjoy reading your previous posts, thank you so much.
    Pam in TX.

  8. I like Welsh Rarebit on toast. I add kidney beans to mine (Mt. Clemens Rarebit) for added protein and to make it stretch further. It was always a favorite of my children when they were growing up, little did they know I made it when the cupboards were bare and the bread was stale. As for the sophisticated palate business, old-fashioned food has served the world well, who has time for gourmet silliness?


  9. Good morning Rhoda, love toast, I love the smell of it toasting and of course the taste. I work in a hospital and the patients don't get toast with breakfast as by the time the breakfast trays get to the patients the toast is cold and hard. Enter our team at rehab. We have a small kitchen where patients go to make themselves a cup of tea and simple meal prep, to make sure they are safe in the kitchen. All the patients opt to make toast as they really miss not having it with breakfast and the whole department smells wonderful when they are making the toast, it makes everyone hungry. My fav way of eating toast is with Vegemite, smashed avo and a perfect egg! That's what I have for breakfast on the weekend, I look forward to it all week. Have a lovely day.

    1. My friend back in Australia had a lung transplant and I was surprised to read they didn't have a toaster in their patient kitchen (and she was in the hospital for ages) so I donated the money to the social worker to buy one. Toast is where it's at!

  10. I used to have Vegemite toast every morning for brekkie. I could have had it breakfast, lunch and dinner. Loved toast. I served up a mince dish last night with thick sliced toast with butter underneath and a slice on the side for the sauce. Everyone loved it.

    I've seen those dessert toasted sandwiches on kitchen shows such as apple pie toasted sandwiches. Just don't know about those ones, looks a bit much for me.

    Sliced banana on toast is good.

    I hadn't heard of toast cafes before. Just did a google search and discovered a few. I also love early morning walks and smelling toast from people's homes. Love that smell.

  11. Oh the 'update your palate' comment made me laugh out loud - and nearly spray my morning coffee in the process! We love peanut butter in this house or homemade hummus and tuna. Ha, still laughing...

    Ayesha xox

  12. Toast and marmite, or toast with marmalade. Warm toast when the butter and the marmite or marmalade mix together and ooze down through the toast, yum.

  13. Toasted cheese and baked bean sandwich, toasted cheese and vegemite sandwich. They are two lunch favourites for us.

    Honestly the best toast is toast with leftover spaghetti sauce (or rissoles, or sausages...) and a boiled egg on top. Heavenly.

  14. I often take a couple of slices of fruit bread to work to today for lunch. That smell always has other staff wishing they had it for lunch too. Its my comfort food.

  15. Oh, the best toast I've EVER had was the toast our maternity hospital brings you after you've just given birth! I can't remember if I even got to shower first but I think not. Cheap white bread and marge but, my goodness, after a 12 hour labour, I wolved it down and nearly cried with gratitude.
    Karen (Scotland)

  16. Never heard of toast cafes either. I like cheese and tomato on my toasties I have for lunch ...on sourdough of course as that is the only bread I eat now since I learned how to make it from our very patient mentor on the Down to Earth forum. The smell of toast is just so wonderful especially on a cold morning.

  17. Hi Rhonda.. Loved your post about toast! grin And the bit of updating your palate really was funny! But back to the fave toast meals.. We love what we call Creamed Peas on Toast and a toasted sprout breakfast sandwich spread with aioli, fresh sprouts, sliced tomato and perhaps sliced avocado if we have it... I also like the toast soldiers and soft boiled eggs.. Makes me feel fancy.. xo

    1. I was wondering if someone was going to say creamed peas on toast, one of my favorites. I just served it to my 2 year old grandson for the first time and he ate every bite!

  18. Creamed eggs over toast--yummy and affordable when the budget is tight.

  19. It has to be ham, cheese and pineapple toasted sandwiches for me! Summer or Winter, they always give me joy.

  20. I love grilled vegemite and grated cheddar cheese on toast or homemade tomato relish and cheese, grilled until bubbling. Add a mug of veggie soup and thats a great meal! I like my toast to go cold before buttering and I don't like my eggs on top, but to the side. I love gooey boiled eggs!

    1. Joolz, you're my toast twin. When I take my toast from the toaster, I stand it on the bread board like a tent so it can cool down faster. When it's cold, I butter it. I watched a Scandinavian cooking show recently and they said the right amount of butter on bread is when you can leave teeth marks in the butter. That's how I have my buttered toast and when I team that with hot baked beans or an egg (always on the side), the cold toast and butter with the hot food, sends me to heaven. xx :- )

    2. Rhonda and Joolz,
      I was laughing reading this. I wave my toast around in the air to cool it down quickly. I get very strange looks but I don't like it hot!
      Sarah x

  21. Toast dripping with honey is a firm favourite around here.

  22. White home made bread toasted with butter and a thick orange marmalade is my favourite, but only just. I will eat toast with most of the usual toppings and fillings already listed. I love the "tender, buttery hug" mentioned in your post. It sums up the very essence of good buttered toast.

  23. Hi, Rhonda~
    I have never understood why some people feel the need to tell others how to live. I say eat what ever you like!

    I love peanut butter and banana on toast.

    Take care, Darlene

  24. .Peanut butter and banana
    .Peanut butter (MUST be crunch) and Nutella!

  25. Loved your very cosy post today Rhonda as I enjoy my first cup of tea over here in the cold Perth Hills.Home to sunny Queensland next week. We like drained tinned sardines on toast a couple of times a week. However I've learned that the better brands such as John West in Springwater are the nicest.Have a nice day x

  26. I love toast.... egg on toast is one of my favourite things! With a slice of Colby cheese under the very soft either fried or poached egg.

    The other thing I love on toast is butter, Vegemite & then Avocado... yummy!!!


  27. Toast? Any way is good. YUM.

  28. Sourdough with olive oil, mozzarella cheese, tomato and fresh basil toasted in the oven. For breakfast I love toast with mashed avocado, tomato and sliced hard boiled egg with salt. However, my good old stand-by since my childhood is peanut butter and honey. Plain and simple. Yum! - Beth

  29. Isn't toast wonderful. Lot of people here in United States will have toast with there beef steak.
    I've had tomato and grill cheese. But haven't tried the avacodo.
    Coffee is on

  30. I love this post, Rhonda. Toast is the king of comfort/emergency meals for me, whether it be for breakfast, lunch, dinner or something in between.

    For decades my father ate his first meal of the day at about 4:00pm. It was always the same: black tea and 2 slices of thick toast drizzled with olive oil and topped with either sugar and cinnamon or dried oregano, depending on whether he felt like sweet or savoury. I would sometimes join him for an after school snack. I still turn to these two when I'm at a loss for a quick, satisfying meal - and they always hit the spot.


  31. Hi! The first four were standards in our home when I was growing up.

  32. Missmolly (Pauline)April 20, 2017 10:23 am

    Mind reader! We had a late lunch yesterday, and come dinner time, neither of us were THAT hungry. Toast and vegemite to the rescue.

  33. What a sweet post! And comforting. I love buttery toast, poached egg on toast and buttery toast soldiers to dunk in hot chocolate.

  34. Oh yes. Toast. Nothing like it with a cup of tea, but having an English mum I do mine with milk for sure. An egg, so bacon; or anything on the list you made; superb, all of them! Real comfort food.

  35. Goodness, toast is soul food for us isn't it? I love a slice of dense rye toast with hummous then a hard-boiled egg and some chopped tomato or sprouted lentils...also with a dash a tabasco sauce ;)

  36. Hello Rhonda, This is off-topic, but I want to thank you for your baked custard recipe. My mother has been unwell lately and not wanting to eat anything, but I made your baked custard and she ate it all up (not all at once!). Thank you.

    1. I'm really pleased your mum ate the custard. It's a light but nutritious meal. I hope mum is on the road to recovery. xx

  37. Toast wuth avocado, salt & pepper or homemade jaboticaba jam. Yum!!
    Jan from Richmond Vall

  38. A favorite in our home is toast with peanut butter and honey. It's so yummy with hot coffee or tea on cold mornings. Bacon, egg, and cheese on toast is also a favorite.

  39. fig & ginger jam on toast for supper; i also enjoy runny fried eggs on toast for brekkie every morning.
    loved your toast post & enjoyed the garden post, just caught up; am trying to get things to grow but only had one broccoli out of 5 & no other seeds have germinated yet, think it is still too warm here yet.
    thanx for sharing
    selina from kilkivan qld

  40. I had toast with poached eggs this morning. I love peanut butter, honey and banana on toast. This was a favourite after school snack that has carried over from childhood. Mmmm might go and make this for lunch.

  41. We usually eat dinner in the evening but when we have Sunday Lunch neither of us want much in the evening so marmalade on toast it is! Butter and marmalade spread whilst the the toast is hot, straight from the toaster, of course.

  42. What about Eggy Toast. A savoury version of french toast and a favourite in our house. Scramble up a couple of eggs, salt and pepper; dip the bread into the egg mixture for a few seconds and pop in a hot pan; then pop some grated tasty or parmesan on top. When the bottom has had a minute to cook through, flip it over (cheese and all) and create a cheesy, eggy delight!

  43. The quote at the beginning reminds of another lovely children's book series by Kate Di Camillo, the Mercy Watson series about a pet pig who loves hot buttered toast. The first book is called Mercy Watson To The Rescue and it's a great first chapter book for children in case you're looking for recommendations one day :) My seven year old loves them.

  44. Rhonda that last toastie looks so delicious I wanted to grab it through the screen. What homemade cheese did you use for this sandwich. When I was working years ago I loved getting for lunch toasted ham cheese and pineapple and toasted chicken cheese and asparagus...... both so yummy and of course there's the old ham cheese and tomato. Regards Kathy A Brisbane

  45. Peanut butter and honey on thick sliced fresh hot toast and a cuppa

  46. Toast in all its glory is a thing of wondrous contentment. If my family were short on funds until next pay day we had french toast for dinner. My mum made bread and butter pudding often, My Husband and I would have a late night supper of tea and toast. I used to try and eat new age food but I have found that it is too expensive and I really like what I grew up with, so please do not feel you have to change at all .

  47. I love hot buttered toast it is the quintessential comfort food. For a real treat I adore toasted olive bread with mashed avocado mixed with a drizzle of olive oil and some black olive tapenade - it sounds a bit pretentious but it is delicious and very comforting.

  48. Funny you should mention toast. I'm doing some temp work in the city and catching a train to work. Rather than a rushed early breakfast I keep a loaf of sliced sourdough in the freezer at work. I get there early and have a leisurely cup of tea and toast. I've brought in a jar of homemade lime and gin marmalade to have on it. Lunch is quite often toasted sandwiches - cheese and semi dried tomato is very yummy and sometimes I'll add some turkey breast or other meat. Live avocado on toast too.

  49. When the groceries were running low as a child my mother would open a can of peas and make creamed peas and served them over toast. I had not thought of that in years until reading this post. Of coarse another option would have been creamed chip beef on toast. We never went to bed hungry.

  50. Ah...the comfort of tea & toast - the ultimate comfort food! It's like a visit back home and a return to my childhood. It's how I begin my day - every day. Some days call for a boost of tea & toast in the evening after a tiresome or rough day. I'll share my sister's favorite: warm toast with a smear of peanut butter topped with crisp bacon. As for me, buttered toast, plain and simple. Thanks for this posting - I loved it!

  51. Rhonda I agree that toast is a comfort food. But at $10.00 I'll make mine at home as well.

    I love peanut butter toast. Hot toast with plenty of peanut butter spread all the way to the edge.


  52. I could not live without toast. Such a simple food item but so delicious. My favourites would be whole grain toast with butter and honey or butter and marmalade.

    And toast is a healer. When I was having terrible nausea from treatments a friend told me to eat toast (white bread this time) with a lot of butter on it. I thought this could not possibly work but it really did. Calmed the nausea almost immediately.
    My entire family loves beans on toast which has often made the evening meal a treat for all of us as it involves so little work. Just add a bowl of veggie soup or a salad and we are all happy.

    My dog Douglas also loves toast but it has to be very toasted and dry as he loves the crunch.


    1. nice to hear from you M, hope you are keeping well xx

  53. I do think most of us were brought up on tea and toast!

    I do still occasionally enjoy toast, but since my husband was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes we have reduced our carbohydrate/sugar consumption and now eat a lower carb bread. This has helped in keeping his blood sugars in good control.

    We still enjoy a slice toasted with a lightly boiled egg ... Yum!
    Eggs are so nutritious.

    All the best Jan

  54. Sadly, I have to watch my carb intake so toast is not so much on the menu here. I used to make a lovely whole wheat bread that had black strap molasses in it. Loved it sliced thick, toasted, with butter. YUM! (i am drooling thinking of it)

    How about french toast added to your list? Bread dipped in an egg/milk/nutmeg or cinnamon "wash" and cooked in butter (like a grilled cheese) Yum!

  55. Such a wonderful post about one of the simple joys of life...just lovely.
    I'm trying to think of a good argument for updating one's palate...how silly. Tried and true works for me. :)


  56. All the toast talk has brought back memories of an old boyfriend. He came from a big family so thry had all been encouraged to eat toast to fill up their hungry corners. We used to get back late from the pub with the family, girlfriends, boyfriends and other hangers on and eat toadt. Can't imagine how many loaves of bread, packs of butter, and jars of things to spread. I wonder now how often his poor mother ended up shopping before breakfast as there was no bread left!

  57. My favourite is still the Australian black spread and butter. At present I am only allowed to eat gluten free bread or spelt sourdough. Fortunately for me our local bakery makes this sourdough once a week. My only problem is that the entire family gobbles it and I might get one slice a week. I looked into making it myself and it works out cheaper to buy it in this case.

    Toast and Marmalade for Tea.

  58. When my mother tired of having making homebaking when we hit the teenage years we were encouraged to come home from school and have toast for our afternoon tea

  59. Funny you chose this to write about...today was a toast sandwich day here for breakfast (turkey bacon, fried egg, sliced tomato, and mayo of course). Yummy!! We love the uncured turkey bacon Costco carries.
    Elizabeth in WA

  60. About 13 years ago we realized that gluten and I are not friends ... I miss toast.

    I do have it occasionally but good gluten free bread costs about $6 or more per loaf.

    Yes I should just make my own but even gluten free toast can sometimes hurt so I just enjoy it when I feel that a bit of a splurge is acceptable.

  61. "Update your palate"? Too funny. I'm not even sure what that means, most of the food you've described over the years sounds delicious!

    My kids like cheese toast (Muenster is their favorite) or cinnamon toast for breakfast, and my daughter's favorite grilled cheese sandwich is cheddar with Branston pickle in it. I love avocado toast (very simple--make toast, top with mashed avocado and a little salt) any time of day, but I rarely have such a surfeit of avocados that I make it for myself.
    I also like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich made with buttered toast (my college roommate introduced me to that combination--to this day, I think of late-night snack-and-study sessions when I eat it :) ).

  62. Toast! I love it! With butter, jam, peanut butter, cheese or.... l had a slice of toast (just because) and then started reading your post, Rhonda, comfort food for sure. Shirley near Seattle USA

  63. Just wanted to say how much I enjoyed reading your toasty-post. A toast cafe - how funny! The best part of toast is the fact that you can enjoy it while wearing your pjs :)

  64. * smoked trout, mayonnaise and tarragon
    * cream cheese, thinly sliced juicy nectarine (or banana) and sugar/cinnamon
    * rissole, cheese and caramelised onion toastie

    Toast is the greatest meal ever!

  65. Oh Rhonda, I snorted with laughter as I read you should update your tastes! Goodness, people think strange things about other people at times don't they?

    I too love toast. Toast and honey, toast with peanut butter and honey, toasted sandwiches. My toasted sandwich list look much like yours. Xx

  66. Whilst I love a nice poached egg or avocado, fish paste or fresh sliced tomato on my toast. A perennial favourite is simply salt and white pepper sprinkled over a generous scrape of butter. Love this as a snack or with soup!

    1. "salt and white pepper sprinkled over a generous scrape of butter" I love that. Thank you.

    2. we used to have salt and pepper sandwiches when I was little yum

  67. Toast is delicious. One of my favourites is sliced tomato, butter, salt and pepper. And of course toast with home made jam. Also can't go past vegemite!

  68. No matter where I am Vegemite on toast makes me stop pause and remember fond memories of my childhood. My mum makes the best Vegemite toast :)... mine just doesn't taste the same?

    Another favourite is green tomato pickles and cheese.

  69. I love your take on food and life. Don't change a thing. Your palate is your palate, and I for one think it's delightful. Your blog posts and lovely ideas are a balm for me in this crazy world centered on acquiring, and what is out there and what can be bought , used and traded in for the next thing. I love your palate! thank you for writing, I have made you my home page. :) Cyndie from Maryland USA

  70. Rhonda, think you hit a jackpot of sorts. I don't believe I have read so many positive comments anywhere before. So toast it is. However, whenever and as soon as practicable, lol.

  71. I missed this post earlier. My favorite toasty thing is toast slathered with peanut butter, topped with sliced bananas, and sprinkled with cinnamon. Yum!

  72. I'm late to the party because we were at our house at the lake and unplugged from the internet. Our favorite toast is at the lake house in the middle of the night when we wake up hungry in the wee hours. We don't eat in the night at home but over at the lake it is our goal to rest and sleep so around 4 AM we often get up and turn on low lights and toast away. Then it is back to bed to sleep late. That toast is as good as it gets!

  73. It seems as though toast is the ultimate carrier to stretch Meagher leftovers into a meal or latenight snack. Got a cup of leftover bolognaise or curried chicken in the fridge, simple heat and serve on topmof hot toast with lashings of butter. Eggs of any kind on toast is a must and I am quite partial to adding squished banana slices to hot buttered toast with a sprinkling of sugar.

  74. My favourite toast "recipes" would be toasted with cream cheese and lemon butter or sour cherry jam and home made Sizzler cheese toast.

  75. I'm living in Hamburg, Germany at the moment and for all the beautiful bread they have here it's not a thing to have toast! Vegemite on piping hot toast with a lashing of butter underneath, home made sesame seed butter with sliced banana or crunchy peanut butter toast are my go to breakfasts...and don't get me started on the hilarious battle of the toaster dial between my husband and me...he likes a cremation and I like mine lightly golden...so many turns of the heat dial up and down!

  76. Toast with condensed milk spread on it and banana slices. yum

  77. Catching up on my reading so I'm late but will add my two cents worth - bacon lettuce and tomato on toast - our favorite summer toast sandwich.

  78. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading all peoples' ways with toast here in the comments! I have two recent favorites to add: peanut butter toast with dill pickle on top. A friend introduced me to that one and it was just too weird I had to try it. It's GREAT (although my family is divided in their opinions). Also, toast with a grainy brown mustard, apple slices, and melted cheddar on top. I'll eat that for breakfast or lunch or anytime.

    1. I just had to comment ... You're the first person I've ever known to also like the combination of peanut butter and dill pickles. I grew up eating that combination. Casey

  79. oh!! And another toast from my childhood that we all love: stack tomato slice, sharp cheese, and onion on bread and toast. Keep the onion on top so it gets browned and fragrant. Just lovely.

  80. I love croque monsieurs, two slices of bread with ham and cheese between it or croque Hawaii: ham, cheese and a slice of pineapple. Another favorite is banana and brown Sugar.


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