27 May 2015

Whole orange muffins

A good muffin recipe is as indispensable as a good scone recipe. It's something you'll use again and again, everyone loves it and it's quick and easy to make.  It's orange season here and I've got a lot of sweet organic oranges that are crying out to be used in some way other than being eaten fresh. So I made up a version of the whole orange cake recipe and made some whole orange muffins. They're delicious and have that genuine orange taste without any artificial flavours.

Whole Orange Muffins
1 washed orange, cut into quarters
juice and grated rind from 1 orange
1 large egg or 2 bantam eggs
½ cup melted butter

½ cup sugar

2 cups SR flour
1 teaspoon baking powder (helps boost the rise of the dense muffin batter)

  1. Place the orange, orange juice and rind in a food processor and process until the orange is completely mashed.
  2. Add the egg, butter and sugar and blitz again for 1 minute.
  3. Take the processor off the stand and pour the mixture into a bowl containing the sifted flour and baking powder.
  4. It's crucial at the point to not over-mix the batter. Gently mix the flour in until it is just combined, then stop.
  5. Add the batter to a prepared muffin tin.
  6. Cook on 180C until they smell cooked and look golden brown.
These are delicious when they're warm from the oven but can be still enjoyed for a few days if reheated in the microwave. They're just the thing for morning tea on the verandah and travel very well as school or work snacks. I hope you enjoy them.



  1. Hi Rhonda what temp. will have them for morning tea Cheers Affussa

  2. They sound delicious, I will be saving this recipe and making them soon. Thank you Rhonda.

  3. This recipe sounds great! Is there an oven temperature and cooking time? Thank you!

  4. These look good, I love orange in a cake. The house I'm moving too has quite a lot of fruit trees, among them some orange.....I've been picking up the fallen ones on my morning walks, just to keep the yard tidy and the house looking lived in and cared for.......I don't think I've ever tasted such juicy delicious oranges. And they're old trees, the owner's grandfather planted them when this part of M'bah was orchards, market gardens and cattle paddocks. I'm looking forward to picking them regularly and making jam and cakes.

  5. Yum- and perfect for the freezer! Thanks Rhonda!

  6. Haven't made muffin for ages. I was thinking of making pear scones....Coffee is on

  7. They sound yummy. I love making muffins, so quick and easy.

  8. This should work with lemons and limes too and I'll give it a go as I'm a bit over run with them at the moment!

  9. Ooh, thanks for the recipe, my mouth is watering already! :) I am in a ladies group and we often take turns bringing 'treats' I am always glad of a new recipe to wow my friends! (silly I know)

  10. Wish I could grow oranges (or lemons or limes) in Colorado! These do sound delicious!

  11. Yum, thankyou, additive free yummy school snacks are just what we need!

  12. Hi Rhonda look forward to making this please can you let us know how long it needs to bake for

  13. Hi Rhonda, As it happens --today I made your whole orange cake --AGAIN-- and it was ,as ever, DELICIOUS. It's now one of my favourite cakes. Thanks once agian for the recipe!

  14. What a lovely recipe and so easy. this will be a keeper.
    Blessings Gail

  15. I will definitely be trying this recipe, Rhonda - thanks so much; they look delicious!

  16. Great Flavour in this Whole Orange Cake Recipe.

  17. Your whole orange cake is a regular on my menu so will bookmark these muffins for later :) Jan x

  18. Love anything with orange in it.. Will have to give these a try... Thanks, my friend. xo


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