14 May 2015

Down to Earth hardcover available soon on Amazon

I'm very pleased to let you know that my Down to Earth hardcover book will be available soon from Amazon. The books are currently on their way from Australia to the US but you can put in an order now and they'll bill you when book is posted. It won't be too long. Click here to go to the Amazon page.

It's been a long time coming. I know many of you were hoping to buy a copy so now is your chance. I'm very proud of this book and proud too that after three years, it's still selling well in the book stores.  My next and final hard cover book, The Simple Home, will be published in March next year. Then I'm retiring (really retiring) to live the good life and I think I'll continue to blog.



  1. That's great Rhonda! Can't wait to read it.

  2. I ordered mine through Fishpond .....a pricey ship to Michigan....but worth every penny. Glad its on this side of the pond so others can enjoy it as well.!!

  3. I've treasured my copy--my husband thought I was crazy to want a book that had to be shipped from Australia, but he humors me. :) Hope your new book will be available through Amazon as well. Do you have any more e-books in the works? And I do hope you will continue to blog--I love popping over here to read when I'm taking a little break. You've inspired me so much over the years, I can't even begin to list all the ways.

    1. No more ebooks, Helena. I was going to write some but they turned into a bigger book - The Simple Home.

    2. Hi, Rhonda! Do you know if your second hardcover would be available for preorders before it is released? Thanks!

  4. Congratulations, Rhonda! I can't wait for the next book.

  5. Congrats Rhonda, so pleased to hear you won't be totally retiring :D Jan x

  6. I too had one shipped to the UK from Fishpond when there was an offer on the delivery costs - I just couldn't wait, and I love it! Congratulations, and I'll be looking forward to the next book too. I pop in to read your blog most days xx

  7. The World Environment Day Festival will be hosted at the University of the Sunshine Coast on Sunday 7th June. When I recently heard about at the Sustainability Research Centre, I thought it would be a great venue for you and your book. :D

    Do you think you will be attending? Here's the link to their site: http://wed.org.au

    1. I didn't get an invitation to that, Sharon. On that day I'll be working on the last bits of the new book.

  8. Looking forward to the new book. Selfishly, I'm sorry you won't be writing any more, but so happy that continuing to blog IS in the future :) Hoping you will enjoy "retirement" :)

  9. Cant wait for the new book. My copy of DTE sits on the coffee table and is looked at and 'used' often. I consider it my 'Bible'.

    1. Wow, thanks Eb. I'm always a bit surprised when I get comments like yours. I think you'll like the new book, it's much more practical with many recipes for bread, cheese, lunches etc There are themes each month too, so it's like a month-by-month look at simple life.

  10. Wonderful news as I would just love a copy. Congratulations on the new book!

    1. You're in there Deb. You and the waffle weave dish cloth. :- )

  11. AHHHHHHHHH!!! So excited!! I cannot wait to get my hands on a copy here in New Jersey!!

  12. Congratulations Rhonda. The book cover is beautiful. Deb

  13. A long time coming is right - finally!

  14. Happy news!! Your new book sounds wonderful, too. I think a month-by-month format sounds really great.

  15. I'm looking out for your next book Rhonda! Never regretted to buy your first one. Blessure you all!

    Love from Holland

  16. My copy either sits next to my bed or on the table next to my chair in the lounge - pretty sure it gets referred to every day - either by the family, visitors or myself. It is funny to see visitors sneaking a look at it when they don't think we are looking.

  17. I wish I could buy your books here in the UK Rhonda

    1. They might send to the UK. Let me know how you go if you order through Amazon. xx

  18. For some reason this didn't come through. I harvested it from the email notification.

    Anastasija has left a new comment on your post "Down to Earth hardcover available soon on Amazon":

    Hi, Rhonda! Do you know if your second hardcover would be available for preorders before it is released? Thanks!

    1. I haven't heard anything about the new book orders yet, Anastasija. When I do I'll let everyone know.

  19. I am another one who ordered your first book and had to shipped to the US...cost more to ship it than the book did...but still more than worth the cost. Like others this book has never been put away and sits on my desk, seat of my couch, and sometimes in the bathroom (for morning reading:>) Your book is where I go to for encouragement, information that I used to go to gramma and mom for, and just plain inspiration when I feel it is all too much to keep up with the housework when my back is saying to just crawl back in bed!

    I have your second book downloaded on kindle. I will probably order your next hardcover from Aussieland again too. Is this the one that will have a lot of your recipes in it?

    1. I can't tell you how happy it makes me knowing I've helped in some small way. Yes, this is the one with recipes. I have three food chapters: Real Food, Simple Home Bakes and Home Dairy and all three have recipes. The food isn't fancy, it's just honest home cooking that will fill you up and I hope keep you healthy.

    2. Rhonda, I am so looking forward to your next book. Your style of cooking is just what I want to learn to do. I want to be able to cook without the constraints of a "recipe". To know what kinds of food I like to eat, keep them stocked, and know how to prepare them in different ways so as to not get bored, but to just cook them without having to have a recipe sitting in front of me every time. It is the way my gram cooked , my mom too. But somehow I managed to not learn that style and have always felt I had to have a recipe. I am thinking that it has more to do with confidence and knowing what you like to eat more than anything. But your style o cooking is just what I want to grow into. Again, thanks so much for sharing your wisdom and being so generous.

  20. Are your books going to be available on www.amazon.co.uk - as well as the American Amazon site? I would be interested if I can get one from our British site - but regret it would be too much hassle/expense to get it from elsewhere.

    1. At the moment it's just the US site but I'm hoping that will change by the time to new book is out in March next year.


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